
Circuit Breaker

Cyberpunk x Zombie Apocalypse In a world torn apart by apocalypse and overrun by terrifying Necro-bots, Axel Maverick and his cyber-savvy feline companion, Nano Byte, tear through the chaos in a Mustang headed for the lawless town of Little Maw. A regular gig spirals into chaos, leaving Axel with two choices: kill himself or break into the research centre where the Necro-bots were born, a place thought to be impenetrable. Now fortified by the ruling Authority, this facility holds the key to saving or dooming the fractured world. With Nano Byte and his Mustang, Axel gears up for a showdown against the forces threatening to engulf him and his world.

Rhaelur · Romance
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33 Chs

Ryūjin-teki Kyūden, Dragon God's Palace

"Hello...hello...can you hear me? Hello..."

It felt like an eternity, like he'd been at it for days, maybe even a month or years. In reality, it had only been around 10 minutes. He sighed, frustration settling in, and plopped back onto the bed. At least it was comfortable, even better than the medical beds back at Lykos.

Two minutes after taking to the air, they reached their destination:

Ryūjin-teki Kyūden.

'Dragon God's Palace. Man, that's a proud name right there.'

The castle stood proudly in the traditional Japanese style, with its distinctive slanted roofs adding to its majestic appearance. Divided into three sections—the upper palace, the lower palace, and the middle palace—it sprawled across the landscape.

Imagine it like a set of Russian nesting dolls but in the form of squares. The outermost square represents the lower palace, spreading across all four sides with the most significant space. Within this outer square, you have another square, which is the middle palace.

Finally, at the center, there's the actual middle square, representing the upper palace. It might sound a bit confusing, but that's how the layout is designed.

Now, it's crucial to note that these palaces are not contained within a single building. Instead, they are separated, with various buildings, walls, and other structures defining the boundaries of each square.

The upper palace, reserved for the lords and their immediate bloodline, exuded an air of authority and prestige. It was a place where decisions were made and power wielded.

In contrast, the middle palace was a hive of activity, bustling with life. Divided into various sections, it housed servants, magistrates, lords' relatives, guards, maids, cooks, and their families. It was a melting pot of people from different walks of life, all working together to keep the castle running smoothly.

As for the lower palace, it served as the domain of the 14th Street Gang – the most fearsome street ninjas tasked with protecting the castle and its lords. These warriors were rumored to be formidable and unbeatable, known by the name "Ryujins" or Dragons.

Their reputation as an unstoppable force was well-earned. The Ryujins were constantly growing in numbers, recruiting new members each day. The gang took in fresh faces, providing them with rigorous training to transform them into formidable and resilient defenders of the castle.

Kenji skillfully guided the hovercraft to the landing podiums, where a group of servants quickly assembled to attend to their needs. Clad in yukata, the traditional Japanese garments, the servants appeared unassuming at first glance.

Yet, Axel couldn't shake the feeling that beneath their traditional clothing, they were concealing something.

On hindsight, Axel observed that there wasn't much visible cyberware on the servants. However, his instincts told him that appearances could be deceiving, and they might be hiding advanced technology beneath their seemingly traditional attire.

These people, among all those Axel had encountered in his life, felt strangely ordinary. There were no eccentric hair colors, no visible cyberware protruding from their bodies, no unusual skin tones, glowing tattoos, or outlandish clothing.

It felt normal, a feeling he never had.

He liked it.

Kenji stepped forward, leading the way with confidence as the rest of the group followed closely behind. Haruki, his grip tight on his katana, kept to himself, the bloodied blade now hidden from view.

As they made their way through the compound, a strange silence descended around them. No one spoke or even glanced their way. It was as if they were invisible, drifting through the bustling surroundings unnoticed.

'This Kenji guy feels like he's lord's relative.'

Byte sat comfortably in her favorite spot, perched atop his shoulder, observing everything with awe. The feline seemed to revel in the idea of having her own personal transportation.

Why bother walking and tiring out those prosthetic limbs when you had your human slave carrying you around with his un-prosthetic limb made of bones, muscles, and tissues that could tire much faster and easier?

The hallway stretched long and straight, lined with numerous doors on both sides. At the far end stood a grand door, flanked by two guards.

"Welcome back, Master Kenji. Lord Kuro is expecting you in his chambers."

Greeted a young woman in a kimono, bowing respectfully. She appeared older than Axel, but not by much.

"I'll meet with the lord now. Meanwhile, show our guest to his room. Make him comfortable and offer some refreshments," Kenji instructed, glancing at Axel. "And please, keep his cat companion fed."

"Yes, Master Kenji."

The woman replied with a nod. Kenji then proceeded past the guards towards the end of the hallway. The woman turned to Axel with a warm smile.

"Hello, young master. Welcome to the Ryūjin-teki Kyūden. My name is Nene. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you'll follow me, I'll lead you to your room.'

She gave a slight bow, and Axel, unsure of what to do, returned the gesture before trailing behind her.


So, here he was now, in a separate building within the lower palace, where he had everything he could possibly need. The space was divided into various sections—a bathroom, a bedroom, a dining area, a kitchen, and even a servant to attend to his needs.

The room itself was quite impressive. It boasted a large bed, big enough to accommodate six or seven people comfortably. The mattress was made of feathers, so soft and cool that Axel practically melted into it as soon as he laid down. 

Even Byte seemed to be feeling the same vibe. The cyborg cat stretched out, spreading her limbs and laying on her back, resembling an old man pondering his life decisions.

Like he's doing now.

A flicker of hope ignited within Axel as his earpiece crackled to life.

"Axe...hear...Axel, can you hear me?"

The voice on the other end sounded faint, but recognizable. Axel's heart leaped with gratitude as he quickly turned around on the bed, relieved that he could finally get through.

"Hello...hello. I can hear you, Shabby."