
Chronicles of Power

An earth-bound teenage boy experienced the passaged of death in his sleep, one unfair, dark night. Upon his death, the boy made fortunate contact with a Random Omnipotent Being! Sitting upon his throne, the overpowered existence glared at the boy. “Take the pen, pick up the book. Create your desired traits and embrace them.” And from that moment on. That kids life took a turn for the best

Sheedts · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Years Later!


Closer to the middle of the city, a giant, glass skyscraper poked the sky above. On the front of the building, lied a giant, steel plated nameplate-


It was a landmark of one of the richest people in the world, and also, his home.

On the top floor of said building, was a room with absolutely zero windows. All the light that illuminated the room came from artificial bodies, but Hitoshi didn't seem to have a problem with that.

Sitting in the middle of the room, in a meditative position; All he had on were black, baggy training pants his father had got for him, and some black socks. His shirt was nowhere to be found.

His hair had grown much longer and thicker over the past four years. It now reached his nape.

He trembled slightly, a small frown etching across his immature, childish face. In his mind, he was completely engrossed in what he was "seeing."

In his mindscape, his consciousness floated softly with his gaze on a giant, golden glowing piece of paper that dominated most of his soul.







Hitoshi felt a bit of embarrassment begin to well up within him. Rubbing the back of his head, he awkwardly watched as the list continued to expand. 'I-I didn't think that the traits I chose would actually become me... Fuck.'




His eyes widened reading the last one, his jaw hung loosely as his mind reeled at the sheer impact of what his last trait could bring.

'I-I'm... Immortal now too...? Holy shit... If I knew this would actually work, I would've put WAY~ more thing!' He was ecstatic.

After having apparently died once, Hitoshi felt that he would rather avoid that again. So, when he was directed to right down any traits he wanted, he figured, "What the hell~ No harm in entertaining a joke."

That's what he thought then... But now?

'Eternal Evolution got ingrained too... I'm broken, aren't I?' He questioned no one in particular. He studied the list a bit longer and actually felt like he missed out. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and opened them to the real world.

Letting out a small sigh, he looks at this small, childish hands and clenched them. 'Well, I turned four about a week ago. I'll get my quirk at some point.' Standing up, he made his way downstairs through the elevator that was built in the middle of his family home.

As he made his way down to where he knew the library was, he fell into thought. 'I know some stuff about the My Hero Academia universe, but I'm not an expert on it. Plus, there's a chance things have changed due to my reincarnation, so the big bads could differ from the normal universe.'

His frown deepened, opening the door to the library on autopilot, he made his way to the very back where he knew anything related to quirks and their mysteries as well as some literature books that dealt with and prepared kids for their Hero Course.

'My dad can manipulate gravity to an extent, but it's nothing God-Like. My mom... She mentioned something about her being able to tell lies, but that's not much. Chances are, I'll inherit my dad's Gravity quirk and if that's the case I could probably evolve it into something better...'

At that thought, a confident, triumphant smirk split his lips.

"What are you smirking about, Hitoshi?" Her seraphic voice causing the smirk to slip and be replaced by a slightly more genuine one as he turned to where the voice had come from.

A beautiful, dark-skinned woman with long, luscious locs and beautiful honey eyes that match. She wore a black work suit, slim but not too snug on her figure. Hitoshi smiled more genuinely when they made eye contact, he instantly fell into his role as a child and lunged at his mother, arms extended so he could embrace her.

"Good morning!" He says, looking up at her. Ayana Sato, wife to Haisei Sato, gazed kindly at the boy in her embrace.

"Good morning~ I see you're busy at work. So diligent!" She complimented, tightening her embrace for a moment before they separated. Hitoshi let out a childish giggle and rubbed his nose brazenly.

"Hehe, I'm excited for when I get my quirk! So, I'm trying to understand them the best I can!" His goal brought a prideful smile to Ayana's face, leading to her instinctively rubbing her son's head.

"That's great! I'd love to hear all about what you've learned. For now, mommy has to go to work; I've already made breakfast and your lunch, your father and I should be home in time for dinner, so I'll see about picking up something on the way back."

Tapping Hitoshi' nose, she hugged him one more time before making her way back towards the doors.

Hitoshi watched her, "Okay, thank you mom! Love you, be safe and I'll see you later!" Waving as she left, Hitoshi let out a groan of annoyance as he plopped down in a nearby seat.

"Jesus christ..." He mutters to himself. 'I can't wait for this child act to be over with. I'm fond of both my parents but I hate how I have to show it.' Shaking his head, he leaned back in his chair and looked at the book in front of him.

[Quirks & Their Excellence]

He mentally sighed, 'Didn't like reading much in my old life... Definitely didn't expect it'd take me a whole death just to change that. Literary Genius is just too much to ignore.'

Opening the book with a determined face, Hitoshi felt the words and everything within them begin to flow into his mind as he began to read. The contents stuck too, and their meanings naturally unraveled within his brain.

It was like words and knowledge loved him, like he was their parent.

He felt ecstatic, the feeling of productively absorbing knowledge is a high that almost no one has felt before, but for Hitoshi- someone who's avidly learning more things than he had ever done in a single sitting, it was overstimulating.

In just an hour he finished the book, all of its contents still ingrained within his mind. He leaned back, looking at the ceiling as he stretched and yawned.

'Well. That was interesting.'

He stood up; however, he was instantly back on the ground the next moment. His hand over his heart as his eyes went blood shot. "Guh!?" It was a strange, sudden sharp pain that took control of his entire body.

It felt as if his body was falling apart, but just as soon as that feeling came, a refreshing, renewed energy would attack his whole body, erasing the pain only for it to come back stronger.

He lay sprawled on the ground, his consciousness waning with every pulse of pain and refreshment.

'F-Fuck m-me...' He said to himself before his consciousness completely faded, leaving him sprawled out on the floor, unconscious.