
Chronicles of Noir

Noir, a realm entirely separated from the Mortal Realm, Ecrin, is filled with mythical monsters, species, and even Demons. Long ago, there was a war between Noir and Ecrin, with Noir coming out on top. The very first leader of the First Family had taken pity upon the Humans and their world, thus leaving them alone and withdrawing back to Noir. The Humans began to prosper and thrive after the forces of Noir had vanished entirely, but they soon grew greedy and possessive of their money and lands. The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Beastmen began to wage wars with each other out of greed. After many years, the wars still had no clear winner, however, that was when the Humans had come into contact with a rogue Demon from Noir. They befriended this Demon and, in return, it had shown the Humans how to harness the worlds natural energy to create what it called 'abilities.' With these newfound powers, the Humans easily dominated all other races when, suddenly, the Elves retaliated with their own abilities. The Dwarves and Beastmen were soon joining the fray with their own abilities as well, once again turning the war into an absolute stalemate for years to come. One day, the Humans had appointed a new King after the previous King had fallen due to illness, and this man strived for peace with the other races. Eventually, the others saw how pointless it was to continue killing each other and signed a peace treaty that had lasted for thousands of years. Now, the Human continent of Vislax has become restless, and the Eastern part of the continent had erupted into a civil war with each other, forcing many people to migrate to the Capitol, Archven. This story follows a young boy who had lost his parents after migrating to a seaport city named Azmarin. He was adopted by a prestigious Nobleman shortly after, but he soon finds out just how evil the world has become

Raijuo · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Parting Words

William's words faded out from my mind as I focused on his smirking face. That ugly, wretched, son of a bitch! He dares to show his face? Well I'll make him regret it...

With a yell, I drew my daggers and dashed forward toward William. I was on him in an instant and slashed down at his neck, but his body shimmered and disappeared as my dagger cut his throat. "Ahaha! Good try boy, but you'll have to be much faster than that to catch me. Now, I came here to tell you something, not to fight." William moved over to Sylia's shaking form and gently ran the back of his hand down her cheek.

"This beauties father is the one for whom I work for, however, I have decided to go on my own from now on. Her father is a dangerous man, and he is at the level of the Third Houses leader. He's a Vampire with unimaginable power, and he has teamed up with Nalia Vesphyr and her army to destroy the Human Realm of Ecrin, so I recommend that you steer clear of him before it is too late..."

My breathing turned erratic as I yelled "Shut the fuck up you bastard!" It felt like my body was going to explode from the amount of power pouring into it as I yelled out. The air crackled and popped as the ground beneath me shattered under the pressure I was emitting. I felt my mind break as the only thing that entered my mind was a single word.


I turned my now blazing red eyes toward William and began to slowly shamble over to him while mumbling "Kill...Kill...Kill...Kill...Kill...Kill...!!" over and over again until I leapt toward him with a furious roar. My punched produced enough wind pressure to snap trees while my yells and screams were enough to shatter the earth beneath us, but he was able to dodge me regardless.

I was in a furious rage as I thought about nothing more than making this man suffer as he made me. I wanted to kill him so bad that I didn't give a damn about the others seeing me this way. If I could just kill William...

A heavy punch landed on the side of my jaw and I was sent spiraling through the air before sliding against the ground. I rolled onto my feet and hissed out in a voice that wasn't my own. "Feral Demons are always the worst to deal with. You can't talk to them nor will they listen if you try to." Just hearing William's voice pissed me off, and I couldn't take it anymore.

'Mor'Ulthan. Can you kill him...?' A malevolent chuckle resounded in my head as Mor'Ulthan's voice said "Of course I can, dear mortal, but I will need your permission.' I smiled widely and said "Come out, Mor'Ulthan...let's have some fun, shall we?" A wicked aura filled with the sense of death and decay sprouted out from under me and spiraled into the air before dispersing and revealing Mor'Ulthan's grotesque form.

"Ahaha...Ahaha...Ahahahahahahahahaha!!! Finally, I've been dying to eat some flesh! Come, foolish Human, and feel the bite of my claws!" William instinctually took a step back as he stuttered "W-What have you unleashed upon this world you foolish boy!?" I began to laugh with a deformed smile on my face before saying "I should be asking you the same, William Navus. For it was you who had unleashed me upon this world and, in turn, I have released Mor'Ulthan upon the new world, a world without you...!!"

Pain racked my body as the skin on my back began to bulge and my bones began to crack, but I continued to smile and laugh as thoughts of watching William die before my eyes filled me with such glee. Two bony wings sprouted from my back as my hair grew long and shaggy, almost appearing as if I had a head full of crow feathers. I flexed my new wings, well if you could even call them that, before dashing toward William with Mor'Ulthan following close behind.

William opened a portal and ran through, but couldn't escape in time to come out unscathed. I managed to lop off one of his fingers, while Mor'Ulthan got his entire left hand. "Damnit! Mor'Ulthan, can we follow him!?" He shook his head, as he was eating Williams hand, before saying "Nope, sorry little mortal, but I've lost him. He might even be across the Realm by now.

Cursing once more I kicked at the ground, sending chunks of earth flying into the air and crashing into the trees. "Go on, seal yourself back inside of my body, and do something about these wings will you?" Mor'Ulthan smiled as he snorted and disappeared into a cloud of black smoke before reentering my body. Even though he had left, the tattoos didn't disappear along with him, yet another thing I had to figure out.

My hair began to revert back to its normal length while the bone wings on my back slowly made their way back into my body. Sylia was passed out a few meters away when Samuel and his men came crashing through the trees in a panic. They must've sensed my presence when I went berserk. "Take! What the hell was that? Are you two okay?" I nodded my head and said "Yeah, just some prick tried to come and pick a fight."

I grabbed Sylia and carried her all the way back to the wagons without saying another word to Samuel, leaving him worried and utterly confused. I opened the wagon door and Arisu turned her head to see who it was, but scrambled up when she saw Sylia unconscious in my arms. "What happened?" My rage was building up as I remembered William's smug smile and filthy expression when he neared Sylia.

Arisu gently put a hand on my shoulder and asked "Take, what happened? You look like you just saw a ghost..." I pulled her into a quick hug as I said "Arisu, take care of everyone until I get back. I won't be gone for long, and I'll be a hell of a lot stronger when I do come back. Take care..." I let her go and walked out of the door before looking up at the sun and watched as it set in the West.

I turned disappeared into the night and ran Northwest in hopes of finding that dungeon that Orzo had told me about. Even though I knew I had a good chance of dying, I also knew that I couldn't die. Not yet. Not while I still have unfinished business. The forest was quiet with almost no insects making noise, but it was still serene and beautiful.

I've always thought of the moon as a beautiful sight. Pair that with a forest and its the best thing in the whole Realm. I continued to run as fast as I could while banishing any last second thoughts from my head. I couldn't afford to be weak. 'Damn, I really could go for a warm bed though...'

A large scaled, lizard like beast jumped out from behind a tree and I drew my daggers before spinning in a deadly arc, piercing its brain in an instant. I sheathed my daggers and continued on without losing my pace. I had my eyes working at full power as I tried to locate the dungeon he mentioned, however, I knew it wouldn't be that clo-

"Hey what the fu-" I slipped and fell down a deep ravine, so deep that I had been falling for a good few minutes and had yet to see the floor below. Suddenly, I banged into the side of the wall and bounced between them as I continued my descent. After around thirty minutes of straight falling, I slammed down onto the floor with a loud bang.

Lifting myself from the rubble around me, I began to curse so violently that I couldn't include it in this passage. "All right, now where the hell am I?" I muttered as I rubbed my sore head and looked around. The cave was pitch black with normal vision, and barely visible with my eyes and full power. "Well shit. Now what do I do...?"

I shrugged my shoulders and began to walk in a random direction and, after running into a wall and smashing my nose into it, I turned and walked into a different direction. This time, however, I slammed into a door! "Aha! I knew this place look a little too suspicious! Now, let's see if I can open it..." I began to feel around the rather small wooden door and found a lever concealed inside of the rocks.

The door creaked open before falling to the ground with a thud. "Well then, that's not a good sign." I stepped through and found myself in a narrow tunnel with a high ceiling that was shrouded in darkness. I was on high alert ever since I stepped through, for it felt like a pair of eyes were watching me, but I couldn't see them. I couldn't see anything.

I continued to walk forward until the tunnel expanded outwards into a room with the same tall ceiling, but it had all kinds of walls standing up around the room. I had two ways to start, left and right, and neither of them looked good. The left side looked like I winded and curved around with many different paths, while the right side was a straight line.

After thinking for a while, I decided to go left. The right side couldn't possibly be the right side. Suddenly, a loud beeping sound filled the room and I found myself back at the entrance to the maze-like room. I blinked a few times, thinking I was going crazy, before stepping back through the left path.

The beeping sounded out again, and I was sent back to the beginning once more. "Ok, now this is going to piss me off more than I thought." I began to think even harder now as I slowly pieced everything together. Stepping through the right side, I braced myself for the beeping, but it never came. I continued on walking down the endless paths and ended up getting lost more times than I could count.

I took deep breaths to stop myself from just breaking through these damn walls, for I had a suspicion that something would happen if I did, and it couldn't have been good. I stepped through a path on my left and I heard the beeping sound before getting transported to the very beginning once more.

I tried to take a deep breath, but the only thing that came out was a furious yell. "You motherfucker! Stop messing with me!!"


In a dimly lit room, a middle-aged man, with long grey hair, sat on an ornate throne as a man with long blond hair entered and knelt down. "My Lord, the boy known as Take Wakizawa is still alive and is traveling with your daughter, Sylia." The grey-haired man leaned over in his chair and said "Oh? Tell me, was he the one who mutilated you? If so, then I no longer need you if you can't even compete with a child..."

William looked up with a fierce light in his eyes as he stood and opened a portal before sticking his hand through. He pulled out a short sword with a black blade, handle, pommel, and guard all with red accents. The man smirked on his throne as William charged forward and ran through a portal before appearing behind him.

The man got up in an instant and swiped his hand down, severing William's arm. He fell to the floor with a pale expression as the man walked over to him and bent down before saying "I'll make sure to treat you family very, very well. Fear not, for I'll make sure Take turns into what you have always wanted him to be. I'll make him into the Demon you've always yearned for!"

Williams head was severed from his shoulders at such a speed that his body hadn't even noticed he was dead, and it continued to function for a short time, with his last thoughts being 'I'm sorry, Emily, Morgan, and my precious William...and I'm sorry, Take. I wish...I wish...that I could have adopted you before I was controlled by these monsters...'