
Chapter 5

"I can't believe he did that." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, while talking to Jade. I had apologized for it, and she didn't take it lightly. However, she was angrier at Beck for playing with her emotions and using me.

"I can't believe I'm dating him." she said, slamming her locker.

I spotted Beck walking over from the side of my eye. He came over and leaned against the locker.

"Hey, how was improv?" he asked with a smirk on his face. He leaned against the locker, crossing his legs.

Jade stormed off without me, clearly still angry at Beck. This time, he didn't even bother chasing after her.

"You used me." I bluntly stated.

"No, I kissed you in improv because of the conversation." he said.

"Uhuh." I said, walking away. I couldn't believe him.

"Hey! It was a mistake. I'm sorry." he apologized genuinely.

I couldn't stay mad at anyone for long. Besides, this was Beck, one of my friends. I let my emotions get the better of me, and it was my fault I didn't deny it at all.

"I give you one day to prove to me why I should accept your apology." I said, my lips folding upwards.

"Deal." he said, holding out his hand. I shook it. I knew it was hard to please me, so I had high expectations.

I walked away, feeling pleased with myself. I gained the most out of the whole situation, which was enough to make me happy.

I was scrolling through my phone, when I discovered this website, the slap. It was kind of like a social media where I could post different things about myself. I followed all my friends on it was turned back to my homework. I decided to make my first post.

Ava Paige

Doing Homework. Why me... What did I ever do to you math?

Mood: Stressed 😩

After posting on The Slap, I decided to finish the homework.

I was trying to write a song. I tried humming on my own, but it never seemed to work. I decided to strum some random chords. When I was satisfied with the melody, I started to write the lyrics.

"I'd catch a grenade for you." I was really happy with how that sounded. I took my pencil and scribbled that down in my book.

I hoped this would sound good.

I sat at the table, using my fork to pick at my food. My mind wandered to my song. I haven't finished the verse yet.

"Hello? Hello? Earth to Ava." Beck said, waving his hand and snapping his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze.

"What." I asked, unamused.

"Jade broke up with me." he replied.

"I'm supposed to care...?"

"Hey, that's rude."

"I'll bet that you two will get back together in 24 hours." I said, not bothering to look at him.

Secretly, I was cheering on the inside. I was a horrible friend, but no way in hell was I going to make a move on Beck, get together with him or anything.

"Anyways, I'm picking you up at 6." Beck said.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. Was this person mental?

"You said to make it up to you. So I'm bringing you to watch a movie." he said, rolling his eyes.

"But... that would be a date." I protested,"Unless we both promise to only go as friends."

"Sure. Text me your address." Beck said, leaving the table.

"Stalker." I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that!" he half shouted while walking away.

I was eating at a table alone, mostly because I didn't want Jade to murder me if she had a mood swing or something. Besides, everyone probably thought I was a horrible person for kissing Beck back. Ha, Beck back. God, maybe I was a horrible person. Even my sense of humor was bad.

"Everyone may go, except for Ava." Sikowitz told the class.

I slung my bag over my shoulders and walked to Sikowitz.

"Why'd you hold me back?" I asked bluntly.

"I saw that you signed up for the school musical as the lead." he replied.

"Yeah? I don't see a problem with that." I replied, wanting to go to the next period.

"Well, if you want to sign up for the school's musical, you have to do 'The Bird Scene'." Sikowitz said, passing me a script.

"You're performing tomorrow by the way." he said, before running off before I could ask any questions.

I chased after him out the back door, trying to get more information out of him.

"Sikowitz!" I screamed, running after him.

I turned a corner, and he was gone. Well, I guess that was all I was going to get.

I spent the whole afternoon practicing 'The Bird Scene' until 6, when the doorbell rang. I had totally forgotten that Beck was picking me up.

"Coming!" I yelled. I got my bag and shoved all my items in it, before opening the door.

"Hey." Beck greeted, standing outside.

"How do you always manage to look cool?" I complained after seeing what he was wearing. He just wore a plain white t-shirt and jeans, with a brown coat to top it off. All I wore was a hoodie and jeans.

"How do you always manage to look so bad?" he mocked me, making me laugh a bit,"No but seriously, you don't look that bad."

"Okay let's go!" I said, not caring anymore, pulling him to where I assumed was the lift.

"You forgot to lock your door! And the lift is the other way!" he half shouted, digging his heels into the ground, trying to stop me from going to wrong way.

"Oops." I laughed nervously.

Ava Paige

Hanging out with Beck, but it's not a date.

Mood: Happy 😆

"Are you on The Slap?" I heard a voice say from beside me.

"Yep." I said, looking up at Beck. Hey, it wasn't my fault I wasn't as tall as everyone.

"Aww, you're so short." he said, patting my head. I swatted his hand away and glared at him while he laughed.

"You haven't told me where we're going." I said as we walked toward the carpark.

"We're watching a outdoor movie screening." he said, smiling.

No way, I had never been to an outdoor movie screening. I've only heard of them.

"Cool!" I said, jumping up and down, unable to control my excitement.

"Madame," he said in a french accent, opening the car door, gesturing for me to get in.

"It's actually Mademoiselle. Madame is for a married woman." I said, my eyebrows raised.

"Oh just get in." he chuckled.

"I can get in myself, thank you very much." I said,"Do you need me to hold the door open for you?." Before he could respond, I said,"Exactly."

"Well, you're certainly something." he said, getting into his own seat.

"I know." I said, a grin plastered across my face.

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