
Children of corruption

Release schedule: 5 chapters per week, from Monday to Friday. As a young lord from a noble family, Ethan was destined for a life of luxury and glory, but unfortunately, fate was cruel, and as soon as he finished his awakening ritual, it turned him into a cripple, condemning him to a life of pain and suffering that would only end with his death. As he burned to death, everything seemed to be finally over for Ethan; however, from the depths of an endless abyss, an primordial being opened his eyes and perhaps out of pity or curiosity, gave Ethan a gift: the system of corruption. Now, with this new power, Ethan will fight to reclaim what is rightfully his, corrupting the world if necessary. What do you need to know before reading this novel? 1: I hate NTR with all my heart, so we won't have that here. But there will be netori (the protagonist stealing wives). 2: This is a smut, harem, and wish-fulfillment novel with a system. Expect sexualized characters and exaggerated, unrealistic proportions. 3: Powerful protagonist, heir to ancestral power, strong-minded, and not a dense Japanese virgin. 4: Domination by Snusnu, enemies becoming lovers, kingdom building, and massive military confrontations. 5: There are lots of interesting humanoid races. 6: explicit violence, explicit sexual content, and possibly traumatic content. Warning: Not all girls will be integrated into the main harem and will keep their relevance to the story. You'll know if a girl is important or not by how much I explore her feelings and history. 

Heavenlycapybara · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

21 – Endless betrayals


Maybe you've noticed that the quality of the chapter editing has dropped a lot, well, I wish I had a great excuse for that, and I do: Basically I got dumped from my house and my life is a mess, so I'm not able to edit the chapters well.

Thankfully I have a lot of stock, so don't worry, I'll be able to maintain the current posting rate.

I promise that after I move into my new place next week, things will get better and I'll revise all the badly edited chapters!


"Clark? What happened? Where's Jhon and Durgan?" Robert asked when he saw a panting man appear in front of him.

He had left the cabin next to Eve as soon as the screams started and was waiting for the rest of the group next to Eve.

"Dead, that Ethan's a bloody monster; he didn't die with the rune of sacrifice, and he's out for revenge." Clark replied with a gasp as he leaned against a tree.

" Shit..." Eve, who was sitting on a log not far away, cursed and stood up. "What about the crystal? Did you get that at least?"

"Yes, it's here with me, but I think we have to go now; it could still be following us." Clark spoke shortly after controlling his breathing and putting a slight smile on his bitter face. He pulled out a golden crystal.

"Good! This is going to make us very rich, hahaha, even more so now that we don't have to share." Robert took the crystal from Clark's hands and examined it carefully before smiling and focusing his gaze on Clark once more, a mysterious feeling emanating from his eyes.

"Mr. Robert, is everything all right?" Clark asked as he walked backwards, his steps slow and cautious.

He had been with Robert for more than five years and knew his leader well. That last sentence and the mysterious look he gave him made it clear to Clark that his leader's intentions were not good.

"Nothing personal, sweetheart." A sexy female voice came from behind Clark's back, and two bloody slashing sounds were heard as Eve cut Clark's Achilles tendons.

"Arghaaaah!" A painful cry rang out, and Clark's body collapsed under its own weight, his gaze desperate as he questioned. "W-why?"

Unfortunately, he never got an answer, and soon after immobilizing him, Robert and Eve left without looking back.

Clark stayed there, lost in the darkness and agonizing on the ground as he tried to drag himself across the damp and treacherous forest floor.

"Oh, so you've been betrayed too?" After long minutes of agonizing, a male voice filled with contempt sounded behind Clark's back, and he froze, his desperate eyes fluttering as he mustered the courage to turn and face Ethan.

"Ethan, please! I really didn't mean to hurt you, I swear. Clark begged after finally gathering enough courage to turn around, but his words were interrupted by Ethan's powerful hand grabbing his jaw and sealing his mouth shut.

"Don't waste your time begging; it won't help you much." Ethan spoke coldly before opening his hand and stepping away from Clark; his lips twisted into an arrogant smile, and he sat down.

"Well, why don't we talk for a while?" Ethan sat down on a log and looked at Clark coldly.

"Please... I didn't mean to." Clark's words were interrupted again, this time by the soles of Ethan's boots hitting him in the face.

"Don't waste time begging... I told you once, and I won't repeat it again." Ethan's once arrogant voice became harsh and hateful as he grabbed Clark by the neck and lifted him into the air as if he were holding a rag doll.

"Now... you're going to answer me..." Ethan spoke again, but his voice trailed off and his eyes widened.

He felt his connection to Victoria shudder, his heart filling with rage as his grip on Clark's neck tightened.

"System, what the hell is going on?" Ethan gritted his teeth, his blood burning hot.

[You have been given a new mission!

{Partner in Danger

Description: One of your partners, "Victoria Whitemane," is in danger; do your best to protect her!

Difficulty: D

Reward: 1500 corruption store points]

The moment the screen appeared in front of Ethan's face, his grip on Clark's neck tightened, and a loud snap sounded.

Clark's head lolled to the side, and the choking stopped as his lifeless body collapsed to the floor.

But Ethan didn't even notice; his angry eyes turned towards Stormerga, and his body exploded into speed as he headed towards the city.


"Fuck you!" A shrill female voice exploded, her mouth bloody as she spat out a piece of flesh.

The woman was Victoria, and beside her was a man on his knees, whimpering as he held his hand, now reduced to four fingers. In front of her, a small, distorted-looking man smiled viciously.

"Well, I like the stubborn and wild ones, hahaha! But don't worry, darling, you'll soon see what the great Gobini will become, and then you'll accept me.". Gobini laughed as he turned away from the woman; his gaze soon focused on the only door leading into the room, from which two figures emerged: a female and a male.

"Ah! Robert, Eve, you arrived at just the right moment, hehehe." Gobini paused, his gaze strange, as he seemed to be searching for someone.

"Where are the others? And the crystal?" The man's expression fell, and even a little anger crept into his voice as he thought about the mere thought that these people had failed him.

"The crystal is here; as for the others, they're all dead." Robert took a step forward as he raised his hand, revealing a beautiful golden crystal.

"Great! Awesome! Hahahaha!" Gobini grabbed the crystal, and completely ignoring the fact that all of Robert's companions were dead, his concern instantly disappeared, replaced by a smile of glee.

"Cough... Cough..." Roberto coughed to get Gobini's attention.

"I don't want to interrupt your happiness, Mr. Gobini, but what about our agreement?" He asked, and Eve, standing silently behind him, smiled contemptuously.

"Agreement? What agreement? I don't remember making an agreement with you." Gobini turned around, not even paying attention to Robert's words.

"No agreement? You promised to break the contract and appoint me captain of the Stormerga Guard after you used the formation!" Robert lost his temper and roared, but all he got was Gobini's dirty, contemptuous smile.

"And you believed me? Hahahahahaha! Poor bastard... That contract was made by an awakening of the refinement level. I would never be able to undo something like that, maybe after using the formation, but I highly doubt you'll survive that long, hehehehehe".

"You bastard!" Robert shouted as he grabbed his weapon, but barely managed to take two steps before he fell to his knees, spitting out large gulps of blood, his eyes becoming opaque and slowly losing life as he collapsed to the ground.

"Pity. He was a good toy." Eve glanced briefly at Robert's corpse before returning her gaze to Gobini. "What's next, Dad?"

"'Now... we will become the next rulers of Stormerga; I will reclaim my place as lord of this city; and I will make David feel true despair for having usurped my place!" Gobini opened his arms wide and embraced Eve.

"You've done well, daughter; you have the beauty, strength, and intelligence of your mother; I couldn't be prouder."

In response to Gobini's words, Eve simply hugged him back, her gaze soon falling on a woman with green hair and huge breasts who looked at her in disgust.

"Who's that, Dad?" She narrowed her eyes, displeased with the look on the woman's face.

"Victoria, Stuart's wife—well, actually, my wife now, hehehehe." Stuart laughed as he puffed out his chest with pride.

Unfortunately, father and daughter didn't have long to enjoy the realization of their plans, and soon a panting thug rushed into the room shouting, "Mr. Gobini! Mr. Gobini! We have a problem!"

"What? I hope you have a good reason for interrupting me, because if not, Gobini gritted his teeth, and a little irritation crept into his voice as he spoke.

"Someone is trying to break through our defenses!" The bandit spoke quickly as he kneeled on the ground.

"Who is this crazy bastard? How many of them are there? Are they the City Lord's men?"

"Just one man, Mr. Gobini; I know nothing about him, but he is very powerful!"

"Ah..." Gobini breathed a sigh of relief and, without thinking, looked at his daughter: "Sort it out for Daddy, darling; I'll start the formation right now."

"I won't let you down." Eve said before leaving with the bandit.