
childhood's first love

Auteur: Jasbir
Contemporary Romance
Actuel · 12.6K Affichage
  • 32 Shc
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  • NO.200+

What is childhood's first love

Lisez le roman childhood's first love écrit par l'auteur Jasbir publié sur WebNovel. When he was three years old, he moved to her neighborhood. The first time he visited her house as a guest, she disliked him and said with a milky voice: "Why do you look like a bitch?" When she was si...


When he was three years old, he moved to her neighborhood. The first time he visited her house as a guest, she disliked him and said with a milky voice: "Why do you look like a bitch?" When she was six years old, She is a first-year bully, and he is her little brother. He is forced to run errands to buy snacks, carry her home, cover up when she sleeps, copy homework after school, pass notes for exams... Incarnate as the younger brother of Tianluo, always on call. Who knew that one day, she was suddenly suppressed by him. "Ehhh...?" Su was so stunned, she said:"the courage is fat, believe it or not I'll beat you? !" Ye Yao gnashed his teeth and stared at her: "Why do you think I've been lowly and small all these years?" "How will i know about this" Su Hao said. "oh,you really don't know" he said with a grin. when she was about to say something he sealed her lips with his. Su Hao felt current in her body.

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Ikume_Blessing · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs


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Female and Male lead are well match each other. This is one of my favorite novels so far. I'm hopping they'll update it quicker though. Nevertheless, it's a good story to read


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Very good novel you will love it please choose this novel. You are going to love it. The plot is very good.i hope author update chapter fast


From the start, I had already fallen in love with the synopsis. My first thought was how the author has a way with words. The synopsis was beautifully written that it instantly drew my attention I absolutely did not regret picking this up. When I read it, I feel the subtle emotion conveyed through the writings. It’s subtle but powerful enough to intrude me emotionally. I feel conflicted with all these complex feelings coming at me at the same time.


looking forward for this story.... hoping for its release..... 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞


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