3 last wish

An elderly man came up to me, maybe around the age of 70, sculling a bottle of whiskey. He made quite a big first impression, especially as he is drinking in the middle of the war. The next move he took was a shock to not only myself, but my brothers who were surrounding me. " Captain Christy, I am an old man who is frale and dying, please before I perish grant me this one last wish." The man begged as he knew he was being sent to his death on my commands and orders. " Alright, I shall grant you one last wish, do what you please now." I agreed, the man grew a smirk. He looked at my brother's, who had watchful and protective faces on, even though I can protect myself, and groped me. Yes, he groped my breasts, both of them, still his face holding that smirk. And he started moving his hands about, it was a wierd feeling, and a sound escaped my lips. "hmmmm...mmmmm" A MOAN, I FREAKING MOANED, the strongest female in the world moaning from an old man! For a moment my brothers did nothing but blush bright red, even more than myself, and watch. The man finally stopped, he thanked me and walked of. I turned around to see my brothers not making eye contact with me at all, still bright red. " Why didnt you stop him?" I almost yelled at them. Only Caleb, the third oldest aged 26, could answer, "... because it was kinda...hot..." this made me furious. " What kind of excuse is that?! Im your LITTLE SISTER God damn it, Arrrgghhhh!" Before I knew it I was stomping into my tent, forgetting about the wars, which is something I can rarely do.

Later in the day around late noon, the war was about to start, I know I said it never stopped but I mean the bombings or shooting never stop. Now is where we use our proper set up, almost like the Bible times. At least that's what I thought was going to happen.

I hear an explosion and at that moment I realise what's happened, they have started the war early. I run outside my tent and find about half a dozen men lying, either dead or almost dead, a hundred metres or so from the tents. In that group of men, I see the old man that groped me earlier. I run towards them, he notices me, smiles that smirk them breathes his last breath... I somehow feel sympathy for that man, but now he is in heaven, even though up there isn't much more pleasant than here.

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