
Chased By Three Alphas

Sold and rejected by her stepfather, Elena makes wise use of her gifts and becomes relevant in the country, but the unexpected begins to creep in after three Alphas show up to chase her back as their Luna. But then, she is now pregnant for the cold and domineering Alpha who her parents sold her to, battling with conflicting choices as love is being shown to her by the three Alphas she is forced to choose one of them or the three of them. Who will Elena choose or who will win her back? It's a twisted and fascinating journey all through.

Mercyy_xx · Fantaisie
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43 Chs


Herrick's POV

Last night was the bomb for me. I had the most pleasant night I had ever had with any woman in the past few years. It was Elena, she made it happen, she went beyond my expectations.

At first, she seemed to be upset but she outdid herself in my chambers yesterday. She was simply all over me and thinking about it, made me want her more.

"You're smiling." 

My thoughts were interrupted by Beta Alexander who had walked in.

"You're here." 

"Yes. I didn't know you were going to be in your lair because I came looking for you and was told you weren't here." 

"Yes, Beta Alexander. I didn't come out as early as usual. I was held back by a private matter." 

"You mean you were held back by that slave." 

I was shocked that he knew about last night. I often wonder how he gets information earlier than I, myself do. 

"You must have heard." 

"I didn't have to hear. It's all written all over you."