
Character summoning system in the shinobi world(Naruto)

A young man suddenly finds himself in the body of the Uchiha patriarch during the nine tails invasion. Aware of the tragic fate awaiting himself and his clan. Fugaku unwilling to wait for death, suddenly awakens his system. Can he change the fate awaiting his clan or will it be a useless struggle. Find out in the next episode of dragon b—— oops wrong one.. Also some thing might be different from the original show, they may be a few subtle differences and a few major differences. Most things will stay the same or there might be some minor changes from the butterfly effect. I guess it’s right to address this novel as an AU Updates: whenever i feel like it… might not complete

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7 Chs

Home + character summon begins

Fugaku walked home slowly, he made sure all the Uchiha were gone back to their homes being he started moving, he wanted to get used to his body and he was sure he would make a few mistakes that he did not want to make in the presence of this clansmen. He opened his three tomoe sharingan and not mangekyou because there was no use for it.

He started to shun-shin(body flicker) and while using body flicker, he used jutsus from his memories and tried to walk in water, he continued home as he continued using his abilities from his memories which was not hard since he is now Fugaku, what he was doing was just familiarizing himself with the techniques from his memories.

He continued this way and started of thinking of how he would act from now on. The him now has the memories and feeling and characteristics of the original Fugaku and he also has his feelings and thought process from his previous life. It felt like him from his previous life and his Fugaku character had merged. He felt like he had been an Uchiha his whole life, he felt the feelings of love for Mikoto and his two sons. He didn't know how to act with Mikoto, the original Fugaku had not had a decent talk with Mikoto in a long time, the previous Fugaku was so busy with clan work that all his talk about being the strongest died down.

If he was not busy with clan work, then he was busy with training his eldest son. The last time he had stayed with his wife for more than an hour was during the birth of Sasuke, this was one of the things he was going to change after all, Mikoto is now his wife and how could he as a man ignore his wife all day and leave for work, you would be practically asking to get chucked by a hentai protagonist. … ahem ahem…. wrong genre…..

His original wish and feeling of reviving the Uchiha clan was still there and the feeling only grew, since Tyler, now Fugaku is now an Uchiha and most of all, the Patriach. The Original rule for all reincarnates and transmigrators was to make a big change and stand on top of the world they were in. If he did not make a change and was set as cannon fodder only waiting death, the he would be the most useless of them all and he vowed to himself that he would not be. Fugaku sorted out his feelings and went home. In front of his door, he stood outside for a little while and took a deep breathe. Just as he was about to knock, his house door opened, he looked up and saw a beautiful face staring at him. "Welcome back"…


Mikoto ;-;

Fugaku: 0:0

Mikoto: ??

Fugaku: "Yes.. I'm back"

…. … :/: :-: :-0. I see, is everything okay in the village?. Yes everything is fine, the noise has finally died down. I guess we would hear more tomorrow. … … I see, let's go to bed now….. .. yes let's go….

Fugaku washed up and went to bed with his wife, while on the bed he was cursing himself for being so awkward. He had already planned how everything would go, he even made up dialogue on his way, now everything was messed up, they did not even have a proper conversation. Although there was still love, but because of how little they spoke to each other, there was really nothing much to say. Fugaku did not think anymore and decided to head to bed, it had been a long day and he would think tomorrow.

————————The next day————————-

Fugaku had woken up early, he had a lot to do today, he had to use his freebie summons and take care of after effects of the nine tails destruction. He moved quietly to avoid waking up his wife. He began to take care of himself and when he finished he make breakfast which consisted of bacon and sausage with scrambled eggs and bread on the side, he ate his full and left the rest for his family. He then moved to his office after and began his first summon. He remember what the system told him yesterday, his summon strength must not be greater than kage level, all his characters must be custom created, he would be the master of these character he summoned. After his free trials, he had to pay more character points to make sure the characters summoned would listen to him and obey his every word. The amount he had to pay was fixed with 100cp. He stayed in a meditative pose, then began his first summon, he typed the strengths and weakness of the character and typed many other things liked the characters physique, looks and other minor detail.

In front of him was an area filled with white light as a body began to materialize out of thin air. In front of him, there was a man with short spikes black hair and black eyes with pure white skin with scars around his forearms and left eyebrow, he is a muscular man that stood at 6'5 with huge comparable to Alex Louis Armstrong from Full metal Alchemist, not in terms of height but in everything else.

All characters summoned from the system are summoned with their own unique clothing, he was wearing a tight fitted black pant with black red animal fur tied around his waist, he wore black shoes similar to the white shoes from the Dbz world, he wore a black tight fitted long sleeve shirt with red and black armour, shaped like the saiyan armour from dragon ball, the shoulder pads and a part of the stomach right under the middle of his chest was dark red, while the rest was black, he also had huge black metals on his forearms with red fur on each end. For the details on power, the male's power focused on his physical strength and physique. For this character, Fugaku named him Dan, he had read a fanfic about a muscular Uchiha named Dan with the power to stop time, but Fugaku could not implement this as he could it would not longer be a kage level ninja but way higher.

Read the next chapter for details on Power and the other two summons.