
Mad, Full Body Transformation, 4vs1 and Return.

Panic spread through the entirety of Zhcted's army. The enemy Emperor was standing right in the middle of their army and no one dared to take a step.

His killing intent scared some soldiers to death, some were daring enough to take baby steps, trying to get closer to him.

In response, Oemitsu spread his arms and a strong shock wave spread through the battlefield.

His Conqueror's Haki spread throughout the battlefield knocking everyone in it's way, some were strong enough to barely stand it.

Sasha and the Vanadis were completely unaffected, Sasha tried reaching to grab the Durandal, however, she was met with a hand that gripped her arm tightly, when she looked at the one who was stopping her from grabbing it, she saw Oemitsu.

He released her arm and she immediately backed off, after all, he just ran through at least 5 kilometres in a second.

"My dear Machi, you worked so hard for me... and yet this is how you were rewarded. I was weak... Forgive me."

Oemitsu touched Machi's cold cheeks, before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

'Forgive me... but I can't live without you. I cannot let you rest, I refuse to live without you by my side. I hope that you can forgive my selfishness.'

As soon as he thought of this, he took a Devil Piece and inserted it inside Machi's chest. He could clearly see that she didn't regret dying for him... but he couldn't live without her.

As soon as he inserted the Devil Piece, Machi's body started to warm up. Smiling slightly, he kissed her in the forehead and carried her unconscious body like a princess.

He took a step forward and immediately appeared next to his family. The Vanadis couldn't even see him... they immediately turned around and gripped their weapons tightly.

Unlike what they expected, Oemitsu didn't attack them, he turned to Pakunoda and delivered her Machi's unconscious body.

"Take her away from here. Go back to the palace and let Machi rest, she deserves it."

However, Pakunoda shook her head.

"I am not leaving you here!"

She contested and tried to say something, but Shizuku stopped placed her hand on Pakunoda's shoulder.

"Don't. I spoke to Vergo once, you should never stay close to Oemitsu when he is enraged. When he rampages... he can't distinguish enemy from ally."

Surprised by the slight emotion on Shizuku's voice, she decided to obey his orders. So she picked up Machi and retreated with Shizuku.

The 4 Vanadis changed their target to Oemitsu, killing the Emperor of Brittannia means the destruction of the entire Empire, so Eleonora lifted her sword, Arifar, and pointed it at Oemitsu.

"Are you really that enraged? You certainly don't look like it."

Eleonora said with a cheeky tone. While Oemitsu was enraged, he was smiling like he was the happiest man alive... if you ignore the dark and heavy atmosphere around him, you might think that he is happy about the current situation.

"I am smiling, because I couldn't be any more madder. You dared burning the city that I spent years building, you dared killing my Machi, my lover... that is why, the Vanadis, the King of Zhcted, and the soldiers... you can already be considered dead.

Oemitsu's undying rage was clearly felt with each and every single one of his words. He walked slowly with each step of his echoing throughout the entire alley.

"Don't falter! He just came from another battlefield, he is exhausted. Look at his body, he has injuries and his armor is cracked. It shows that he went through an extensive period of fighting!"

Sasha's words served to raise the moral of the other Vanadis, specially Valentina. Valentina fought Oemitsu once and she lost miserably... in that time he was playing around with her and she still lost. Now he is enraged.... there is no way that she stands a chance.

"Hunter's carnival."

Time stopped. This time the wolf appeared, but he was rather meek if compared with the other times. He appeared in front of Oemitsu, his tail was wagging shyly.

{Heh... you are mad... aren't you?}

His voice was low, he was scared because when Oemitsu is mad, even he can be attacked.

"If you know, why do you question it?"

Oemitsu's cold voice made the wolf tremble a little.

{W-what can I do?}

Since Oemitsu was beyond angry, he decided to be more tame and lie on the ground.

"Full body."

Oemitsu's answer took him by surprise.

{F-full body?! Are you sure that you want-}

When he saw Oemitsu's gaze, he gulped.

{Fine, fine. Gosh, you don't need to be so angry. You even revived her.}

He commented.

"You wouldn't understand, Wolfy. Someone actually dared to take the life of my lover, of one of the members of my family. This means that I was weak and overly prideful. Imagine if I didn't had the Devil Piece. Machi would have gone for good."

Oemitsu's powerful rage, made even the dimension that they were in crack a little.

{I understand. Hope you can reflect and improve that.}

The wolf, for the first time, seemed to act like a friend for Oemitsu.

"Thank you, Wolfy."

{Heh. Don't expect me to say it again! It was only for today!}

The wolf then got up and proceeded to completely swallow Oemitsu's body.

{Full Body Transformation: Cerberus.}

Like that, time slowly returned and instead of Oemitsu standing in the same place, it was a werewolf. Oemitsu's human skin was replaced by red skin and black fur.

He now had a thick wolf tail and fur on his chest. His armor melted off and now his chest was out in the open. His hands turned into claws and his left eye turned yellow. Lava was running through his chest like blood... his entire appearance changed to a humanoid wolf, a wolf that came directly from hell.

Each time his feet touched the ground, they would left a lava footprint.

"Tear him apart, Ley Adnos!"

Eleonora screamed and Arifar immediately answered her plea, sending a huge ball of wind in Oemitsu's direction.

Not wanting to be outdone by her rival, Ludmila summoned her weapon, Lavias.

"Cielo Zam Kafa!"

Ice shards flew in Oemitsu's direction. In response, Oemitsu simply lifted his hand. Their attacks were stopped using only one hand, he didn't even use his abilities. This situation screamed pure despair, however, the Vanadis were not willing to give up that easily.

This time, it was Oemitsu who started, he dashed and appeared behind Ludmila. He kicked her in the head sending her face down on to the ground. Sasha immediately stopped him before he could attack her again.


Sasha's Dragonic Tool, followed it's master's orders. It exploded with power and a familiar armor made completely of fire covered Sasha's body.

"Let us end our battle, you inflicted a scar on me that was never healed. This time, I will end up victorious."

Pretty big words for someone who was fighting 4 vs 1.

Still, Oemitsu was completely unfazed by her words, he preferred talking with his power. Sasha dashed at him and tried to cut him with her daggers, in response, Oemitsu dodged every single hit. Sasha made the mistake of overextending her arm and oemitsu grabbed it, taking advantage of this he kneeled her stomach.

His knee broke her armor and Sasha immediately threw up.

"How are you so strong?!"

Sasha asked as her body was falling on the ground... Eleonora, seeing her mentor and best friend on the ground, immediately rushed towards Oemitsu. She brought down her sword, trying to slash him in half.

"Your terror has just began. Hell's anguish."

Oemitsu's hand glowed as lava flowed through it. It seemed that lava was running through his veins. His hand then collided with Eleonora's sword multiple times, with none gaining advantage. Ludmila was giving support to Eleonora from far away, each time Oemitsu's hand came close to Eleonora, she would throw ice projectiles that would stop him from defeating her.

"Annoying. Your pathetic resistance is becoming more and more irritating."

Eleonora laughed at his words and didn't give up. Oemitsu getting tired of this fight, deflected her blade and punched her in the stomach. While his punch left a huge burn mark on her stomach, his other hand went for her head.

Ludmila seeing her friend in danger, dashed at Oemitsu trying to stab him. In response, Oemitsu grabbed Eleonora's neck and used her as a meat shield... Ludmila's spear went through Eleonora's stomach.

"I didn't expect someone of your calibre to use such underhanded methods..."

Ludmila is too prideful, her pride almost costed her friend/rival's life.

However, Oemitsu was completely unaffected by her words, in his eyes only the strong have the right to speak. It doesn't matter what means you use as long as you come out of on top. There is no place for the weak in a battlefield...

"You talk too much... Hell Chains."

Multiple chains erupted from the ground and trapped Ludmila's feet in place. Ludmila's spear was still stuck in Eleonora's abdomen, so Oemitsu pressed Eleonora deeper into Ludmila's spear making her scream in pain. Ludmila couldn't remove her spear from Eleonora or she might just kill her instantly...

"I am not going to let you kill them!"

Sasha screamed as she got tried getting up, however, Oemitsu simply stomped on her head a few times before he pressed her head on the ground. Then he had to turn his attention to Ludmila, who was trapped and couldn't use her spear.

At this point, Valentina already escaped, so the only one who is uninjured is Ludmila. Oemitsu took his feet off Sasha's head and grabbed Ludmila's head smashing it in the wall.

Her head went through the wall while Oemitsu's hand was still on the other side, Oemitsu ran foward with Ludmila's head on his grasp, destroying most of the wall with her head. When he released her, she could barely move, it is unclear if she was alive or death.

Oemitsu then turned to Sasha and brought his feet down on her head with the intention of smashing her skull. Before he could bring it down, he grabbed an arrow coming for his remaining eye.

"ELEN! Are you alright?"




In a snowy environment, a huge city was on alert. The main reason was the fire that was spreading through its royal castle burning everything on it's way.

In the throne room of this castle a man that was dressed as King was crucified to the wall by kitchen knifes. In front of him was a young woman that barely had any clothing considering that the wind coming from the windows was freezing the room.

"We humans are truly pathetic. This man was an incompetent coward and yet he ruled a nation..."

The young woman was Menchi and her monologue was interrupted by another intruder in the hall.

"Who could have guessed that someone like you is actually capable of using your brain. I thought that you used all of your brain cells in choosing clothes to look like a slut."

The one who interrupted her was a another young woman that unlike her, was dressed for the occasion. Thick robes were covering her body defending her for the low temperatures. This young woman was Ponzu.

"Ah, what did you say to me you little shit? Go and have fun with your little bugs, the adults are working here."

Ponzu didn't take this lightly, she hated being called a child.

"It looks like a hag like you is getting hearing problems. Is this what you call work?"

Ponzu asked as she pointed to the crucified King, clearly mocking Menchi's work.

"Yes, this is how I do things. It is not like you are much better... what did you do to the Princess of this Kingdom? She was once called the most beautiful woman in this island..."

Ponzu lifted her hand and a humanoid creature appeared right next to her. The creature looked like a human completely filled with limps and burns. Eventually a huge centipede-like creature clawed out of her stomach and the creature fell on the ground like it lost life.

"It looks like it still needs some upgrades... I didn't like her looks so I changed her a bit. I wonder if she will get a fiance looking like this."

Ponzu pondered as she looked at the fallen "princess" and wondered what went wrong with her experiments. The bug was suppose to take control of her body and last longer.

"She isn's going anywhere. She is dead..."

Menchi stated the obvious. Their little conversation was interrupted by a another girl. Unlike, the first two woman this one was clearly a girl. She had a childish aura around her and she gripped her robes like she was dying thanks to the temperature.

"When are we leaving?! I am tired of this temperature! I wanna meet my brother!"

This was the 1,000th time they heard this from Neon and their patience was in an all time low.

"For the 1000th time, we will leave when Vergo says that we can leave."

Neon pouted at her answer. She wanted to leave there is nothing interesting to do in this boring wasteland.

"We can leave. Our mission has been accomplished and I am rather concerned about Neon's last prophecy."

A young man said as they all turned to him, all the squabbling between members stopped as soon as he arrived. He was clearly the leader of the group. He is still using sunglasses even when everything around him is freezing...

"About the decision that will tear apart the wolf? It could mean a lot of things... more importantly than that, I got another black crystal from the King's crown. The idiot was using it as an ornament since it was shiny..."

Menchi commented as she refered to the prophecy that Neon had about the wolf that would collapse on it's own weight.

The wolf symbolised their family and the weight probably someone from the family that caused its destruction.

"Good, I managed to get two of those "Fruits" on the King's treasury. I also took all the gold. Let's get out of here and assist Oemitsu... I have a bad feeling."

Vergo said as he smashed a small black rock and a portal opened. Every single member of the group jumped inside the portal leaving behind a ruined castle...

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