

Ryan paused for a moment to rethink his approach, realizing that it wasn't as straightforward as he assumed. It seemed that just sending waves of CE wasn't enough.

Ryan conjured another approach.

He needed to focus his thoughts and willpower on instilling a sense of false fear in those around him. Merely sending out a wave of Chaos Energy without a specific goal or intention might result in random effects but not the desired outcome.

Rather than unleashing a wild surge of chaotic energy, Ryan discerned he needed to exercise greater control and precision over the energies he exuded. He'd have to shape and direct the chaotic currents with just enough finesse, ensuring that they permeated the minds of his targets in a controlled manner.

"Again," Ryan announced, his concentration peaking as he began his second attempt. This time, he didn't just send out a wave of CE; he sent out precise tendrils of current capable of infiltrating minds.

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