
Chantless -- Basic Framework

*** There are spoilers so if you are reading this for fun, then turn back and wait for it to be revealed in the story! ***


Magical Realism, Slice of Life


World -- Maze is teleported to another world filled with swords and magic. In this world there are two known systems of magic: scripts and incantations. Scripts are used by creatures to generate magic. Depending on the number of scripts a creature has, determines how powerful the creature is (physical power isn't taken into account). Incantations are used by the races of the world to generate magic (kinda like spells). The length of the incantation determines the power of magic generated. Each race/individual/creature has certain affinities to the elements, therefore they aren't able to access all the elements. Creatures are generally color coded to match the elements that they weld and they have monster cores in them that store mana (also color coded). Wards and enchantments are represented by scripts or mandalas, since they sometimes are covering a large surface or have multiple elements. Mana is present in this world, however it can't be measured like most stories measure it. It's more of a feeling that each individual has when there about to reach their limit and exhaust their bodies from over use. There's no numerical value or point value.

Main Character -- Mazikeen (aka Maze) is a 17 year old mute girl. She has blonde hair, violet eyes (eyes were blue in original world) and petite stature. She is a shy and sarcastic girl, but because of her muteness she commentates about her surroundings a lot (which doesn't make her seem shy). Due to her muteness, she can't generate magic like the races of the magical world. Instead she learns magic through hand, feet or any body part gestures, which gives her access to more than the elements affiliated to humans. However, she can't access them unless she understands how to manipulate said element (not how its created scientifically, just the specifics of the manipulation that she wants to occur). An added bonus to how she manipulates the magic, is that it uses more of the surrounding mana then an incantation or script does, therefore its harder for creatures or individuals from the races to notice/detect.

Side Characters -- There won't be any side characters until Maze gets out of the forest, so if they show up early, then it'll probably be a side chapter to introduce them and the civilization that they belong to or come from.

Outline: Each chapter has to at least cover three new things that Maze has either learned, experienced or encountered.

Chapter 1:

- Waking up in the magical forest and realizing she is in another world.

- Discovers magic (she needs to move her hands, feet or any other body part, while thinking of

what she wants to happen).

- Generates the basic four elements.

Chapter 2:

- Notices new cloths.

- Meets magical creatures for the first time.

- One-side killing/battle.

Chapter 3:

- Dismantling fail.

- Cooking her first meal.

- Tries to stalk/hunt other magical creatures.

- witness slightly more powerful creature fight

- explores forest more


Waking up in a magical forest with a new set of cloths and magic to boot, what would you do?

Mazikeen, aka Maze, wakes up in a vibrant magical forest with new cloths and the ability to control magic through hand gestures. Deciding to see what kind of world she woke up in, Maze goes out to explore the forest where she woke up.

Encountering the ecosystem of this magical forest and how magic interacts with the world around her, watch as our female lead learns to enjoy all this new world can offer.

Side note 1: I wanna say this novel is rated PG13 because of some of the descriptions but they aren't 18+ that's for sure.

Side note 2: Does my MC sound OP? Because I don't want her to be.

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