

Tap, Tap, Tap

The footsteps of Kiarna made tapping noises against the damp floor of the dark alley she walked through.

Kiarna was walking to her damp, rotten apartment. The city lights around her illuminated the wet concrete and the sound of traffic was to be heard forever.

When Kiarna reached the door to her apartment, number 34, she noticed it had been off its hinges to be placed back suspiciously.

Shs reached to open the door via the door handle but seemed as there was no need, because one nudge of the door was enough to make it fall through the door frame and into her apartment.

She walked in confused and scared. 'what the fuck' she thought as she looked around seeing papers everywhere and furniture on its heads. The place was a madhouse.

She didn't know why it was like this. The door was never on its hinges but it was very rare that the apartment was in this kind of mess.

Kiarna raced to her bedroom and under her bed to see the safe hadnt been touched. 'nobody robbed me since nothing is gone'. So what the fuck was it that had messed her apartment so badly.

daddy why are you leaving us?

where are you going?

I can't handle your brother, Kiarna, he's a liability

She looked up, tears swelling in her eyes as she remembered the only person who would've made this mess was her brother. She said his name lightly once and when she didn't hear a reply, a tear made its way down her cheek as fear swallowed her.

She lightly pushed his bedroom door, the apartment silent. The door creaked loudly and she saw her brother lying on his bed.


he's sick Kiarna, we can't afford him. Leave him to die and come with me.

Her brother heard it all, the way their dad wanted her to leave him to rot.

He had no purpose other than be in the way


She walked up to his inanimate body as she pulled his face to look at her. His eyes were blank, there was no pupil. No nothing.

His chest lay breathless, and his face was as pale as the white walls were. He was holding a piece of paper in his cold colourless hands.

She took the note out of his hand.

'Dear Kiarna,

I know you work for me, for my life and I'm beyond greatful. I know I'm useless, and he past five years you haven't allowed me to leave has shown me this. I couldn't take my medication today, I physically was able but mentally I couldn't. Of course I'm sorry for probably making a mess, but you know what happens when I don't have my pills. I'll leave eveyring in my name to you, and thank you my sister for caring for me.

Lots of love

-Jacob Woods

Ps. I'll be watching you from heaven'

Kiarna sobbed, tears staining the paper. She feel to the floor and cried there. Her nose ran snotty and she struggled to breathe. For god sake can you blame her, she was sat in a room with her lifeless brother who took is own life to make hers easier.

And oh boy did that day mean so much more than she anticipated

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