
Chalice Of Blood

When two mysterious people unexpectedly took his parents' lives and disabled his existence after a horrifying car crash, Christoph Winslow's life was shattered. He managed to escape the clutches of death, but only to find himself thrust into darkness. A world where he meets the shadow offered him a second chance. Influenced by hatred and vengeance, Christoph surrendered his humanity, forever altering his destiny. In this twisted new reality, he must confront his demons while facing the constant trials posed by his newfound kin. As Christoph treads a treacherous path toward a truth veiled in darkness, he becomes entangled in a web of intriguing suspense, where allies and enemies blur together. He was forced into an embroiled quest for the coveted Chalice of Blood—a symbol of unfathomable power that looms as the ultimate prize. Will he achieve what he sought at the price of his humanity? Would he attain the power to control the new reality? Or will it consume him?

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91 Chs

Impending Crisis.

Evelyn revealed a surprised expression on Mellisa's question. However, she didn't let it on her face, but the instincts of this human poked her heart. She smiled faintly, "What do you mean?"

Mellisa rubbed her hands together nervously and looked around to confirm that someone else won't hear her. Evelyn reassured her, "This room is soundproof. You can tell me anything you want without hesitating."

The vampire could sense that the lady was having difficulty breathing, and her heart was beating faster. She guided Mellisa to sit on a small chair in the room and stood beside her, gently rubbing her back to make her relax.

Mellisa took a few deep breaths and calmed down before she said, "I was tested in the hospital by the government services under the name of a routine check-up. However, I know it was not routine. The man who fathered Christmas was not a human. Not because he raped me, no. His eyes were the reason why I could tell he was something else. Something your kind has in common."

She probed Evelyn, but when she did not receive any response, she continued, "The eyes. You all have a similar gaze and are afraid to look directly into people's eyes. Did you think no one would notice how your eyes pointed at the foreheads?"

Evelyn sighed, and her original cold temperament surfaced over her slight smile. She asked, "So, what will you do?"

Mellisa was not surprised by Evelyn's behavior. She said, "What can I do? But if I press this button, the hunters can do something."

Evelyn was shocked when she saw a small panic button held by Mellisa. One touch would put Evelyn and Christoph under the knife of the Hunter Organization.

Evelyn quickly used her wit and said, "You probably don't understand how this works. Let me tell you, once you press that button. The people from the Hunter Organization will rush here.

Forget about us, and you should worry about your daughter instead. She is an unmarked vampire, meaning she doesn't belong to a family nor works for the Hunter Organization. Another thing that you need to know is the moment the Hunters step in here. They will kill every human present here as well."

The shock was visible in Mellisa's wide eyes. She said, "You are talking nonsense. Why will they kill everyone else?"

Evelyn smiled, "You think they are some government organization, but that is just a facade. Every human that has gained knowledge about what Hunters do is dead.

You claim my kind is not human. Yes, we are not. The Hunters are monsters created with blood samples extracted from dead or imprisoned vampires and biologically engineered to enhance their physical strength.

They will kill you for hiding the truth about Christmas's identity and will make her witness her own mother's murder before they turn her into an obedient bitch that wags her tail to them even if they piss on her head."

This information came as a shock for Mellisa. However, some part of her soul wanted to deny what Evelyn said, but before she could come up with any plausible retort.

Evelyn added, "You have done me a favor by initiating this conversation. I was searching for a way to approach you. We are trying to protect Christmas from the Hunters.

She told me she dreams of becoming an engineer. We will give her a fair chance to fulfill her dream. Go on if you wish to shatter her dreams to satisfy your pathetic pride."

Evelyn went silent afterward and watched Mellisa pondering over the situation.

Meanwhile, Christoph came out of the manor and approached the main gates. However, a bad premonition rose in his heart just when he was about to open the door.

He stopped and dialed Evelyn's contact. The lady didn't pick up. Someone knocked on the door, and a voice sounded, "Please open the door."

Christoph asked, "Are you from the Hunter Organization?"

The person replied, "Yes, I am Julio, and I have to search the premises. We're searching for an unmarked vampire that may be seeking refuge, and I am here with my partner Herman."

The young man did not know what to say when these people acted in such decent mannerism. Christoph's brain flooded with thoughts, "Would you allow me to call the Mistress of my family?"

He did not know what to do in this situation. His slight panic was because of the encounter with Charles, and the rest came because of the humans inside the manor. He did not wish for the hunters to kill those innocent people.

He pressed the call button without waiting for the Hunter to reply. The Hunter replied, "You have five minutes before I rush in forcefully."

Christoph replied, "Thank you for your patience."

The call connected, and Ambrosia said, "What is it, Christoph?"

The young man panicked and told her the entire situation. Ambrosia said, "Do what I tell you, and it will be fine."

After two minutes, Christoph calmed down and opened the main door. In front of him stood two men in delivery staff uniforms. He asked the man in front, "Are you, Officer Julio?"

The man nodded with a calm expression. Christoph extended his phone to the man, "Lady Silvermoon wants to talk to you."

Julio raised his brow suspiciously, reached for the device, and placed it beside his ear. Christoph could hear what Ambrosia was saying vaguely, and because of Julio's unstable expressions, he could guess things would not be smooth.

A few moments later, the Officer returned the phone to Christoph, "You can protect her inside this house, but when she steps out, I will have them die brutally."

Christoph shrugged and closed the gates. He walked back inside the manor and mingled with guests. Evelyn and Mellisa came over. Christoph took away Evelyn and Chichi, and the other curious onlookers gathered around Mellisa.

Christoph told her the entire incident of the Hunters outside the house. Evelyn asked, "What did the lady tell you?"

The young man replied, "She asked me to take Christmas to a lay line in the City Cemetery. Also, she said that the Hunters could not enter as long as she did not see the warrant from the Hunter Council."

Evelyn nodded and said, "That is true, but the question is, how will you take the girl to the Cemetery? The place is twenty kilometers away, and the hunters will do everything possible to stop you from reaching there."

Christoph nodded and replied, "I will need guns, blades, and two armor sets."

Evelyn nodded and said, "I will stay here. You guys might return in the morning, so take my sports car. Do not give me that phobia bullshit. If you went on a bike, the armor would not protect you from becoming a sieve."

Christoph sighed and nodded, recalling something as he interrogated Evelyn, and asked, "What were you doing with Mellisa?"

The lady replied in a rebuking tone, "You do not need to worry about that. Go collect your gear, and I will handle Mother."

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