
Chained to the Crown: Will A Cursed Love Find A Way?

‘How did things get this far?’ As far as I knew, it all started one year ago… ----------------------------- A tale of love, royal plots, and many adventures. The story is about a girl, turning eighteen, and about to hold the throne of her kingdom. She waited for this moment her entire life, and when it finally came, she was in a bitter position than she initially thought . She was surrounded by enemies, a father who didn't love her, a fiancee who was toxic like viper, a head of her knights with no loyalty, and the head of advisors who always treated her badly. Her entire life, she was dressed and lived a lie, being a prince of this country, a lie made up by her dear father, a lie that imprisoned her. At the day of her coronation, the one man she, wholeheartedly, loved was accused of treason, and she was forced to brand him 'traitor' in front of her people. will she be able to do it? ___________________________

ranmaro · Fantaisie
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97 Chs

Miss Entely

"You three…!" I gritted my teeth while tightening my clenched fists over the arms of my seat. I just ate my lunch, used the hour where Lady Entely would be distracted by doing her usual prayers, and informed the three little devils about the unconscious wounded rider I found outside the wall, the story I weaved regarding his origin, and the stubborn horse I met.

However, I never expected the reaction they gave me!

"I wanna the horse!"

"I want the rider, a delicious muscular knight!"

"The armor… the sword, I want to wear the two!"

The little punny, Oly, and Emma said, with no one ever doubted or questioned the story of that rider! All my lying efforts and worries had gone to wind, with no single appreciation to my utmost effort here!

"You need to wait till night, and pray he will stay alive," I shook my head helplessly, saved from their interrogation by the sudden appearance of Miss Entely.

"You three, come and pray with me instead of annoying our honorable lady."

I knew from her tone, stance leaning on the side of the door while tapping with her foot repetitively that she was angry. Those little devils would have a long punishment today.

I smiled as I watched them move without thinking much out of it. "Lady, you seem tired lately, do you need me to get you a healer?" she came to me as she whispered like this.

"I'm fine, just tired of the latest events in the castle, and the preparations of the upcoming big ceremony," I replied with the lie I had long prepared for her, and she bought it.

"Sure, sure, this is a big and major occasion indeed. I'm just sad for this to be our last time seeing each other," she said in a strange sad tone that made me unable to believe. She – miss Entely – was sad about me? That was something new!

"Don't worry, I will come occasionally to visit." I tried to give her a positive answer, however she had the same sad look while patting on my shoulder.

"Ouch!" I cried out when I felt a strange pain in my shoulder. "Oh sorry, so sorry. It's my stupid ring, see? It's old and you know, we can't get anything like it from here."

She showed her middle finger, and I already knew about that old ring and its long sad story. A story that shaped the current miss Entely out of the loveable and funny young girl.

"No problem, it's just a scratch," I replied as I didn't feel the pain anymore.

The ring had a small piece of scrapped metal for it to act like a small needle. I sighed, as this was one of the rare meetings with miss Entely that I felt how lousy and disturbed she was.

"Don't worry, I will keep my word and come to visit," I said, trying to make her feel better.

"The prayer is about to end and we won't repeat it again!" the sound of little punny came so loud and distant from the next room.

I saw a smile over miss Entely's face as she retreated and went to the door. "I just didn't know if this was worth saying, but I consider you in the stead of my daughter."

She closed the door behind while moving to join the prays with the girls, leaving me sitting here lost in thoughts.

"Sigh, I really will miss this place," I softly murmured while getting up off the seat and went upstairs to take a nap before the nightfall. It was destined to be a long night, longer than the previous one.