

Miss Lin of SIS Group initially thought that the other party's economic company was just exaggerating.

Although the capital behind Yunchu couldn't be underestimated, SIS was a newly promoted group highly valued by the company this year, with great potential to become the company's new face.

Everyone at Tianyu Media knew how much the company valued this group, so how could they give up on them just because of a minor incident? Moreover, Yunchu herself was not in the right in this matter. Once it was exposed, she would be the first target of criticism from her fans.

However, as Miss Lin witnessed the official account being blocked and its content cleared, she started feeling a sense of unease.

"Miss Lin, what's going on? Is despicable Weibo up to something again?"

Fruit repeatedly tried to recover her account, but no matter how many passwords she changed, the screen remained blank upon logging in again.