
Celestial emperor reborn

Incredibly talented ruler of the universe decides to reincarnated as a mortal and cultivate all over again. Follow as Ze Dong reaches the peak he was once at in a new more talented and immortal body containing the bloodline of all beasts and creatures in existence. (I did not create the art cover I took it from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/33214115991190676/?mt=login and the creator it says here is Christina. If you are the creator of this art and want it removed please come in contact with me)

AuthorGuy · Oriental
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Becoming mortal

[This is going to be a harem novel with quite the large number of woman. Most of the woman will already be his wives from the very beginning of the novel and only a few will join throughout the story.]

An incredibly Handsome man with long flowing dark hair and deep blue eyes peered over the cliff on an unknown planet. Although the man appeared young he exuded an ancient and powerful aura, this man was Ze Dong the celestial emperor and ruler of the entire universe.

Although, he was a ruler he was rarely busy and would have tremendous amounts of free time.

When Ze Dong was but a powerless mortal he picked up the sword and begun his journey on the path of cultivation. He quickly surpassed everyone before him and left his weak world to venture towards new heights.

At a tender age of 1000 he reached the long desired immortal realm, which to other talented people could take up to 100,000 if they were lucky.

He was so immensely talented that he would reach the peak of anything he picked up in record time.

A couple centuries after becoming an immortal Ze Dong defeated the previous sword god in a battle of swords to become the next sword god, the greatest weapon user throughout the 4 main realms.

On his journey to the peak he ended the millions of year long wars between the true dragons and a race of celestial beings known as guardians.

He later reached the peak of cultivation that his body could reach, the pinnacle of the immortal realms, the immortal celestial. Although he reached the immortal celestial realm that wasn't enough to be considered a real celestial as only those born with celestial Qi could cultivate to become true celestials.

However, although he wasn't in the celestial realms not a single character within all the heavens would deny his power as he was the first existence in history to be able to fight a celestial realm character as a mere immortal on equal footing.

He was so talented and skilled that not a single being in the heavens would dare say they are stronger than him, not even those at the latter stages of the celestial realms had the delusions of thinking they were stronger than him, he was just that powerful.

Soon Ze Dong would go on to defeat the previous celestial emperor, take his position and begin his rule over the universe. Since there was nothing for him to do after reaching his level of power he picked up many different things to pass the endless amount of time he had.

When Ze Dong decided to learn formations he quickly reached the peak within an incredibly short amount of time.

After becoming the greatest formation master he picked up alchemy and just like with formations he soon became the greatest.

After that he picked up forging, medicine, every other weapon he could find and he even became a dual cultivator for a couple hundreds of thousands of years, where he met his many wives.

After hundreds of millions of years and reaching the pinnacle of everything he could Ze Dong decided to finally reach the celestial realms.

Of course Ze Dong could easily reach the celestial realms, after all he was the most talented man in history. There were many ways he could become a celestial despite not being born with celestial Qi, for example he could kill a celestial and take his celestial Qi allowing him to become one, or he could alter his own bloodline allowing him to gather celestial Qi. Or he could even simply create celestial Qi for himself and cultivate it.

After all not even the heavens had the power to control Ze Dong.

Ze Dong continued staring over the cliff seemingly looking into nothingness.

"I've decided to cultivate celestial Qi and finally break into the celestial realms." He said.

Behind him space warped and outstepped an incredibly beautiful woman, she had long black hair reaching her hips and scarlet eyes that seemed to peer into your soul. Her curves were perfectly sculpted and she looked as though she was carved from the gods themselves.

"It took you long enough." She replied with a gentle smile on her face, before sitting down next to Ze Dong.

This woman was Xin Yan. She was the previous celestial emperors daughter and is now one of Ze Dongs wives.

Although Xin Yan was the daughter of the now deceased celestial emperor she didn't care for the death of her father and although he didn't do anything wrong directly, he was incredibly distant and never gave her love. He didn't even care that he had a daughter and left her alone in a side palace that he owned. He barely acknowledged her existence.

It wasn't until Ze Dong killed her father and took her around the universe, that she truly felt free.

"Yes, however I will be leaving for a couple of years. I've decided to experience the mortal world for a bit and experience what it's like cultivating from scratch again, after all it's been hundred of millions of years since I reached the peak." He casually said.

A look of surprise painted her face when Ze Dong brought out a body. Although mortal this body emanated a mysterious feeling that didn't seem human and looked exactly like a young Ze Dong.

"I see." she soon replied. "How long do you think you will be gone for"

"Only a couple thousand years." A handsome smile appeared on his face and he said. "Of course, you are more than welcome to find me if you ever get lonely."

"Is that a challenge?" A slight glint appeared in the corner of her eyes.

"Only if you want it to be." He paused before standing. "Make sure to tell the others what I'm telling you now."

"I will."

And just like that Ze Dong disappeared along side the new body that he had created.

Xin Yan continued staring into space for a couple more days before turning around and disappearing.

I don't know if this series will happen but oh well we will see how it goes

AuthorGuycreators' thoughts