
Lying to get what you want (r18+)

"You can't be serious…" Asa had never seen such a lecherous man. "If you do that, you will scar me for life."

"I'm sorry… please go delay your father. I don't think I can handle fighting him and making you a sister." Kansuke gently patted Asa away from the door.

In disbelief, she actually ended up standing guard by the door.

Her father seemed to be in the bathroom cleaning up after a nice romp with his mom. She wasn't really his father, and just some man who had a lot of money. However, she just thought Kansuke was kidding, and wouldn't dare do anything perverted to his mother.

Notwithstanding, she heard some whispering and leaned in to see if anything had actually happened. She could hear Kansuke whispering something, but couldn't quite make out what it was.

"Hey… are you Tucker's mother?" Kansuke asked quite boldy, "If you are, I hope you don't mind that I take advantage of your naked body?"

"Who are you? Did my husband put you up to this?" She said with a smile. "I know its my birthday, but you are so young…"

Kansuke nodded his head. If you were given something on a silver platter, especially such a beautiful women, wouldn't you lie to her so you could bang her?

Most men would say no, but Kansuke was a dragon among men!

Dragons didn't mind lying to get what they wanted!

"Yes, your husband said I had to punish you with my little dragon. He told me only after you had tasted the dragon would you understand the beauty of the night sky…"

"Wow… you are such an animal,' Asa's mom responded. "However, I'm already tired from the event earlier with my husband. Can you take it easy on me?"

"No, I am a dragon, and I want you to have my son…" Kansuke leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. She slowly leaned back and spread open her legs as Asa tried to hear what was going on.

At the same time, Tucker had gone upstairs to use the bathroom, and found his dad sitting inside with the door open.

Hearing the bed creaking once again, he scratched his head before walking towards her bedroom door.

To his surprise, his sister was guarding the doorway.

"Hey sister. Do you know what mom is doing in there? I thought her and dad just finished doing the deed."

"Ugh… brother. Don't you know mom likes to jump on the bed after they finish." Asa had to be the queen of bullshit. However, the fact that she was defending a man who was screwing her own mother astounded her.

She never in a million years would've guessed she'd be okay sharing a man with her mother. Yet, since she just met him, it almost seemed like a fantasy and that she had to obey him.

"Are you kidding me? Let me go in there and talk to her. Also, what is that white stuff on your leg?"

"Some lotion that I forgot to rub in." Asa responded with a blush face. "Now… can you go tell dad that I'm hungry and I want him to cook some food."

"I hope that isn't from a boy… Dad would be upset if he found out you were screwing someone." Tucker sighed and turned away from her.

"I will go make some food, but make sure you rub that lotion in. If dad sees his little daughter has white cream on her leg, he might get worried…"

Kubota Asa laughed and began rubbing in the lotion. Behind her, the squeeking started getting louder and louder.


"Thank my husband for the wonderful gift~~~~" Asa and Tucker's mom seemed to be enjoying herself extremely. Since Kansuke was a dragon, he had no trouble doing this deed two times in a row.

Like a stallion from the heavens, he plowed into her cave, as her face flushed red. She always had to fake an orgasm with her husband, but for the first time in her life she came to her maximum capacity.

Kansuke enjoyed the feeling of her wetness flushing against his little dragon. Soon, with another thrust, he sent his top warriors into her uterus to try and make him a daughter.

At the same time, she screamed so loud Tucker's father finally noticed that his wife Kubota Miki was still enjoying herself.

Walking up to his daughter, he noticed her standing their and stomping her foot.

"Little girl. What is your mother doing in there that she has to have you guard the door."

"It's her birthday, and she told that she got you a present."

"Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~" Miki screamed in the background.

"So, shouldn't I go in there and see what present she got for me?" Her father always hated Asa, but tried to respectfully reply to her.

Since her mother was in the next room, if he said something bad, he wouldn't be getting any for quite a while.

"Just wait a few months and you will find out." Asa snidely replied, "Now… I'm going to go downstairs and why don't you come with me. I have a feeling she doesn't want you around for the finale…"

"What are you talking about…" The father bent down. "Little bitch… if you are playing a trick with me, I won't mind wedding you to an even worse family."

"I'm simply letting mother enjoy herself on your behalf. Dad… you are scaring me." Asa worriedly responded, "Please get your hands off of me!"

"oh~~~ I'm coming! I'm coming~" Miki screamed int the background at the same time. Finally, Tucker's father got the idea that something was wrong. Pushing Asa to the side, he swung opened the door before he noticed his wife huffing and puffing.

"Thank you for the gift honey…" She said with a smile.

Kansuke, on the other hand, was no where to be seen. Charles, her foreign husband, walked into the room and looked around.

"What gift was that, honey?" Charles said looking around the room. "What were you doing in here?"

"I thought… I thought you knew what was happening?" Miki's face flushed white. "I can't believe you didn't know about the dragon descending…"

"What? Stop playing games Miki… Why were you moaning right now?" Charles looked around and then back at Asa before waving her away.

"It was nothing dear. I just was using my toy." Miki sweated as Charles started examining the room for any clues. Unfortunately, in the bathroom, Kansuke was hiding behind the doorway.

As Charles entered into the bathroom, Kansuke greeted him by bashing him onto the head.

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