
Dangling Church

**Catlyn Ollivander**

Disks of condensed air pave my way like stepping stones as the hanging buildings become sparser and more decrepit around me. The decent turning from a fun experiment to a fatigue-fueled hell, I drop onto a catwalk more sketching than I thought possible. My mask reflects my hot breath back at me as I fall to my knees.

No more Airwalking for the foreseeable future; it's just too draining and hard to control. I suppose using it sparingly might work. Less like a method of transport but rather an ability to catch me from falling or used to get over obstacles... My brain continues to ponder Airwalking as I approach the church. The wooden building sits at the edge of the dark expanse of the cave, with nothing but chains supporting the structure. Without the aid of magic, I doubt it would be standing. A small courtyard surrounds the building, with a stone fence preventing anyone from wandering into oblivion.

Passing the fence, a buzz of activity leaks from the unsealed windows as I notice Maxi off to the side. Giving her a comforting smile, not that she could see it, I pet her. If you're here, he definitely is. I keep that thought in mind as I pass through the large doors. Rows of beds filled with the injured and sick moaning and groaning. Women and men in robes of grey float around the aisles, caring for them as a blue crystal chandelier hangs above.

"Don't worry; this is just a healing potion. See?" My wandering eyes land on a male healer in grey robes trying to treat a small girl hesitating to take the healing potion from him.

The smell of potions and blood hangs in the air as my tiny, bruised, feet pitter-patter on the cold tile. So, so hungry. Where is she? Who are these people? Is this a test or a new kind of torture? Maybe a-a dream? Millions of thoughts and questions muted from fear and the Rune newly singed into my chest. Just say nothing, and they won't hurt me. Eyes forward, back straight. Don't let your legs give out. If you break, you get beat. Don't… don't.

"It's ok AC," Zach's words yank me to the present. My eyes open to find myself in the church's courtyard, back against the wall, Maxi by my side and Zach across from me. "Slow, even breaths. It's a little cold and dark, but there's blue light around. She can't hurt you anymore AC."

*She?* I ask, confused as to how he knows that.

"One of the female Healers tried to help you, but it just made it worse. That's why I assumed…." Guilt from the look on his face pains me. "You don't have to tell me. I wish you would, but you don't have to. Just promise me you'll open up when you're ready."

I hesitate for a second. *There was a girl that reminded me of the first time I was brought to St. Mungo's. I'm fine now, sorry for taking you away from your work.*

A brief flash of annoyance flickers in Zach's face before returning to normal, "it's fine. I can't help much being only an apprentice healer without a wand."

"That's not true. Your mind and hands have been a valuable help." A beautiful woman in grey robes pops out, correcting him. "Is everything alright?"

Faded, short, straight blond hair pokes out from the hood, framing a slim, symmetrical face. Despite her cloudy grey eyes continuing to stare past us, I get the feeling she was referring to me. I cut my nod short as I realize she's blind.

Not knowing what to do, I turn to Zach with a pleading look. "Everything's ok. Catlyn, this is Ms. Alaunus. She's the head healer here. Ms. Alaunus, this is my friend Catlyn."

"It's always nice to meet a patron," Ms. Alaunus says, extending a hand down. Shaking it, her face grows dark at my touch. "Do you want a check-up? Just to make sure none of your old wounds were opened from your journey here. Oh." Her eyes remain straight, never looking at me as she lets go of my hand to rummage through her pockets. Fashionation fuels me as I stare into cloudy eyes that seem to be able to see into her every wound.

"Here it is," she pulls a blueish orange potion and hands it in my direction, "An Invigoration Draught for that fatigue."

*Tell her no thanks and that I apologise for not answering for myself, as I am mute.* Zach disappointingly translates my message.

"Don't worry, you don't have to apologise for your disability to me. I do wish you'd change your mind about that check-up. Then again, magic can't heal every wound." Ms. Alaunus leaves us with her vague words before going back inside.

"Ms. Alaunus is on the weird side, but she's a great healer and cares more than I thought was possible. I don't know if it's her energy or her good looks, but all the patients love her," Zach explains; admiration shines in his eyes as he looks at the door.

Brushing off my pale jeans, I pet Maxi and remember why I came here. *Kellah invited us to dinner, by the way.*

"Hmm, why are you bringing up Kellah, I wonder?" Zach jokes in reference to his comments just prior.

I can feel the blush paint my pale face as I give him a light punch. *It's not like that. She just doesn't understand personal space.*

"What about your Dad?" Zach asks, rolling his eyes.

"I owled him, asking if I could have dinner with you because your parents won't be home tonight," not technically a lie, "and he said yes. That doesn't mean you have to come, of course. I could always tell him that something came up and-"

"Sure, just let me finish a few things, and we'll head out," he interrupts.

*You don't need to stop just for my sake. Just keep on saving lives and join us when we're done,* I joke, fiddling at the idea of having to spend more time today near the church.

He hesitates, "Fine, but you must bring Maxi. Not much she can do just sitting out here."

Noding, I turn to the excited dog and untie her from the fence.

Back and feeling better then ever!! Thank you all so much for the patience and hello to all my new readers!

Clueless59creators' thoughts
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