
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantaisie
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234 Chs

Weird Park

I don't know who handwritten the rules for tourists in this line. It's a bit weird, but I can't tell where it's weird, and there's only this brief introduction, no more.

Zhao Xiong was too lazy to think about it. He raised his four feet and walked directly through the gate of the zoo to enter the park.

"Why does the handwriting and content make the goose so uncomfortable?"

The big goose in the back also glanced at the sign and couldn't help rubbing his eyes with his wings.

Different from Zhao Xiong's feeling, the so-called tourist rules made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Master Bear, don't leave me!"

Seeing that Zhao Xiong was already walking towards the depths of the zoo, the big goose didn't care to look any further, and hurriedly fluttered its wings and barely flew past the gate.

But he didn't notice that after rubbing it, his eyes started to turn slightly red.

Walking in the silent and depressing zoo, Zhao Xiong thought it was strange that there was no sign of the animals escaping, all the facilities were intact, and there was no sign of damage.

How is this possible? You must know that after the beginning of the Blue Moon, both humans and animals are affected. The circus adds up to only a few dozen animals that can have two or three evolutionary mutations. It is reasonable to say that the zoo is larger, and the number of animals is large, not large. Probably only the lucky guy, the giant ape.

After entering through the main entrance of the park, you will be greeted by a large artificial lake. According to the introduction on the notice board, there are flamingos and swans and other birds inhabit here.

However, there were no birds in the lake at this time, only the calm water surface.

Passing through the lake and continuing to go inside, the herbivore area is empty, and there are no creatures in the amphibian area, but the surrounding fence has not been damaged, as if it was opened by someone, and then all the animals were taken away.

Zhao Xiong spread his perception and continued to walk down the road until he finally saw the animal.

On a large snow-covered grassland, dozens of deer grazing with their heads lowered and their heads sluggish, motionless except for their heads.

Their movements remained the same, even if there were no blades of grass and only soil below, they continued to eat.

Some deer ate the gravel into their mouths, chewing their mouths full of blood, but still did not respond, and continued to repeat their movements mechanically.

"What the **** is going on here?"

This strange picture aroused Zhao Xiong's suspicion. These deer seemed to be manipulated by an inexplicable force, like puppets.

Soon the missing birds were also found. They stood neatly in rows in the shadow not far away, staring straight ahead without blinking, like toys placed by children.

Zhao Xiong tried to push them down, and some birds would get up again and return to their original shape, but a few weak birds did not get up after falling to the ground, and melted directly into a pool of viscous blood on the ground.

"There is definitely a problem here. Something incomprehensible appeared in the zoo, which affected the place and caused an unknown mutation in the zoo."

After entering the zoo, Zhao Xiong realized that something was wrong. It seemed that there was some kind of strange existence here, but the perception radiated out, and nothing was found.

"It" should be hidden in a deeper place in the zoo. The perception range is not large enough. I haven't found it, and I haven't been able to find it, but there are traces of it everywhere in the park.

There is no point in killing these controlled ordinary animals, Zhao Xiong continued along the path.

When they walked to an open space, there were several human figures in front of them.

These few humans didn't seem to notice Zhao Xiong. Their behavior was very strange. They landed on all fours and bounced with their legs, as if they were imitating a rabbit's walk. There was an inexplicable strangeness and absurdity in the comic.

"These rabbits are so fat, they must be delicious when roasted."

At this time, the big goose who just followed up was drooling.


Zhao Xiong looked down and found that Big Goose was also staring at those strange humans with a greedy look on his face.

"Yes, Lord Bear, isn't that a rabbit?"

The big goose pointed to a few people in the distance.

What's the situation? Zhao Xiong has a bad premonition. No matter how bad the big goose's eyes are, it is impossible to see people as rabbits. It doesn't look like he is deliberately lying, and he doesn't dare to joke with himself like this.

Zhao Xiong immediately gained insight into several strange humans.

Name: ? ? ?

Race: human

Bloodline: unknown

Status: lightly polluted

Skills: Bite, Pollution

Combat Strength Assessment: 10

Threat Assessment: Very Low

Weakness analysis: confusion of thinking, cognitive bias, if you don't approach them actively, you won't be noticed by them.

"Look again, are they really rabbits?"

Zhao Xiong asked.


Big Goose was a little confused, "Isn't it?"

"Have you found anything weird about the animals you've seen before?"

"Animals? What animals? Isn't there nothing in this zoo?"

Big Goose was even more stunned, "Don't scare me, Mr. Xiong, you're not telling me about supernatural events!"

This guy is in a pretty good mood at the moment. He originally thought that there would be monsters everywhere, but he didn't expect it to be so safe, not even a single monster.

It's just that Big Goose didn't understand why Zhao Xiong started to scare him out of nowhere.

Zhao Xiong didn't say anything, and looked at the big goose with his insight technique. Sure enough, his state had also changed, showing the words "slightly polluted".

The unknown existence in the zoo, unconsciously, also affected the big goose.

That's right, as an ordinary awakened person with extremely low combat power, how could he be able to resist such a strange power, it's normal to be hit.

Looking at Big Goose's red and swollen eyes, Zhao Xiong thought for a while. Maybe when he saw the sign at the gate of the zoo, Big Goose was already affected.

But now that he has penetrated deep into the zoo, it is useless to let the goose run away, not to mention the possibility of encountering more scary things on the way back, it is better to let it continue to follow him.

As long as the source is solved, it should be able to cut off the pollution and prevent the deterioration from aggravating.

As for why Zhao Xiong is fine, and he can detect the abnormality, there is no need to say, if even he can be attacked, the things in the depths of the zoo are enough to go to the sky.

Zhao Xiong didn't attack the humans who acted as rabbits, and they didn't realize Zhao Xiong's existence, so they jumped to a path.

Zhao Xiong followed, thinking that following them, it might be possible to find that mysterious and unknown thing.

A few eccentric humans brought Zhao Xiong to the monkey area. The monkeys here are still there, and they are actually doing normal daily activities, playing and playing with each other. They are not manipulated like the animals in front of them.

It's just that the more normal it looks, it's actually not normal. In Zhao Xiong's eyes, these apes have not eaten for many days. They are so hungry that they are skinny and skinny. , but the apes didn't feel that something was wrong and were playing happily.

This scene is really chilling an inexplicable thriller.

But the big goose didn't see the truth. Instead, he sighed that he finally saw a living animal after walking for a long time. After so many days of lock-down, the monkeys are still so active.

Zhao Xiong ignored the big goose and continued walking along the monkey area. After a while, there was a fork in the road ahead, with two intersections on the left and the right.

Several rabbit-like humans separated at a fork in the road and chose different paths. Two of them went to the right, and the rest went to the left. Zhao Xiong thought about it, and then stepped on the road on the right.

As the two walked and left the area of ​​the monkey area, they made new discoveries not long after, a strange figure appeared at the end of the corner of the road.

It is a disgusting monster whose appearance is anti-human.

The faceless human head is embedded in the thigh, the facial features are randomly moved to the body and limbs, the half arm is connected to the torso and grows out, and the spine is bent into an O shape, which looks like a deformed monster with all its organs displaced.

This thing is very dangerous and aggressive. Twisted silk threads spread out from it, and soon wrapped around the two rabbit-behaving humans, seeming to be sucking their blood.

After a while, the two human figures with only shriveled skins fell to the ground, lost their sound, and were sucked dry by it.

But the deformed monster did not leave, but turned its gaze towards this side, and it found Zhao Xiong and Big Goose who were following behind.

"I...want to go out...ho"

The monster was groaning, its mouth sank deep into its belly, and its mouth made a strange ho-ho sound, crawling towards this side with difficulty.

While crawling and moving, a pool of black and stinky liquid was left behind.

Looking at the approaching figure, Big Goose couldn't help but said, "Look, Lord Xiong, this black goat is really cute."