
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantaisie
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234 Chs


The God of Merman's face was ashen, and he was scolded by Zhao Xiong, making it surprisingly angry.

As a lofty racial god, millions of mermaid people worship, how have they ever received such abuse.

It's just that it can't burst into anger now. The body of the **** of merpeople is still in the South China Sea. At this time, the will is not a match for Zhao Xiong. I don't want the army of hundreds of thousands of merpeople to be hit as hard as the salt water tribe. , fortunately it still has a chip.

"Well, let's negotiate a deal."

The **** of merman suppressed the fire qi.

While speaking, a tens of meters long dragon was grabbed from the warship of the mermaid army.

This dragon is somewhat similar to the dead old dragon king, but at this time it is sluggish and its scales are broken a lot. Obviously, it has suffered a lot from the merman.

"Eldest Prince."

The dragon clan behind Zhao Xiong suddenly burst into an uproar, apparently recognizing the identity of this dragon, it is the eldest prince of the dragon clan in the East China Sea.

They all knew that the eldest prince went out to practice and never came back, but they didn't expect to be caught.

"It looks like you know this guy."

The **** of the merman: "Some time ago, it slaughtered my clan in the South China Sea and was caught by me. I originally planned to execute it, but for the sake of your dragon clan's eldest prince, I didn't kill it... But the next step Whether it can survive or not depends on the performance of your Dragon Race."

Speaking of which, the **** of the merman awakened the captured dragon prince, "Ao Luo, look who's on the opposite side?"

The eldest prince of the dragon clan opened his eyes weakly, looked forward, and couldn't help being a little surprised: "Third elders, why are you here?"

It knew that there would be no way to survive after being caught by the **** of merman, but did not expect to see the same clan again, did the father and king also walk out of the dragon abyss?

It's just that the eldest prince was even more surprised. Except for the familiar dragon warriors, he did not see the figure of the dragon king, and the dragon family was headed by a giant bear with the breath of a dragon.

In addition, the other elders were not there, and only the third elder was left, and the eldest prince suddenly had bad thoughts in his heart.

"Third elder, where is my father?" Ao Luo couldn't help but ask.

"Dragon King it..."

The third elder really didn't know what to say, so he could only say, "The Dragon King's time limit has come and he has left the world. Now the East Sea Dragon Clan is led by the Dragon Lord."

"Dragon Lord?"

The Dragon Lord is the legendary powerhouse who led the rise of the dragon clan, and he is also an existence recognized by the spirit of Longyuan, of course Ao Luo knows.

Although the third elder did not elaborate, the eldest prince, Ao Luo, knew that the dragon clan must have undergone a lot of changes after he left.

But now is not the time to reminisce, the **** of merman did not give them too many opportunities to communicate: "Take the life of your eldest prince of the dragon clan in exchange for the mining rights of 30% of the fire source mine, that's all right."

As he spoke, his sharp claws had already clasped the eldest prince's dragon head.

"I've made enough concessions, and if that doesn't work, I'll just have to send it on its way."

"Dragon Lord..."

The third elder couldn't help but feel impatient when he saw this scene, and wanted Zhao Xiong to agree to the deal.

The eldest prince is not like the second prince who offends people everywhere. He is very prestigious among the dragon clan on weekdays, especially after his bloodline awakens, he is considered a genius of the dragon clan, and he is expected to break through to the level above the nightmare level, and he does not want it to die like this.

"You dare to threaten me?"

However, Zhao Xiong was destined to disappoint everyone, so he didn't care about it. He only heard that the **** of merman, the deflated calf, actually threatened him.

Really tired and crooked, Zhao Xiong got angry and was going to kill the hostages together.


The furious sea is raging, and a huge whirlpool appears on this ocean.

The dark clouds above all hang down, like a funnel connecting to the sea.

An extremely terrifying power is brewing, like the end of the sea.


The goddess Naga immediately changed her face, knowing that Zhao Xiong was angered, she was really coming, and immediately ordered the Naga people to withdraw from the East Sea area.

However, its order was still a little late. The ocean current was surging, and the shaking force almost turned the East China Sea over.

Countless saltwater tribes who survived the previous attack suffered disaster again, and their limbs were instantly shattered.

The warriors of the Naga tribe have the strongest individual combat strength, and they retreat the fastest, but there are still a small number of those who fall behind and do not escape, and are involved in the power.

Under the terrifying power of the Nightmare level, even the Naga people have no chance of surviving. Goddess Naga is very distressed when she sees this scene, but she can't stop it. In the state of her will, where will her strength be Zhao? The bear's opponent will be wiped out like a saltwater race **** in an instant.

The merpeople were the ones to be taken care of. In less than ten seconds, tens of thousands of mercenary warriors were killed, and the raging undersea wind was advancing like a meat grinder.

"You are crazy!"

The mercenary scolded in a rage, this guy really doesn't take the eldest prince who is the heir of the dragon family seriously.

Originally, it felt that he had a good bargaining chip, and he could coerce the dragon clan, or even become a slave clan of the merman clan, but now it seemed impossible, and Zhao Xiong ignored him at all.

Since these guys are reluctant to leave, let them all stay!

In the face of Zhao Xiong in his original form, the two racial gods could not protect their own people at all. It was a one-sided slaughter. Countless aquatics desperately escaped from this purgatory.

The dragons in the back were also terrified. Zhao Xiong's refusal to save the eldest prince made them a little dissatisfied, but now they only have the idea of ​​obeying the order, and they dare not think about it casually. This dragon master is really terrible. .

After some massacres, the waters of the East China Sea were dyed red with blood, and the three armies of the water tribe suffered heavy casualties, especially the salt water tribe and the merman tribe.

Zhao Xiong stopped and did not take any action against the Naga who escaped, but I believe that this time I have taught enough lessons, and there should be no one who does not have long eyes to dare to covet the East China Sea.

As for whether this would anger them and attract the three race gods to join forces, Zhao Xiong didn't panic at all.

The reason why racial gods are called racial gods is that they are actually a kind of belief in gods, and they can maintain their power only by relying on the belief of their own race.

Therefore, they will not leave their nests easily. Once they are robbed of their homes during their departure, they are likely to be exterminated, which is likely to put the racial gods at risk of falling.

After the battle is over, the finishing work of cleaning the battlefield is left to the dragon warriors. The resources left behind and the huge seafood that Zhao Xiong deliberately left behind will be brought back.

Zhao Xiong himself went to the location of the fire source mine. This battle involving the four Nightmare-level and several races was caused by the source mine. I hope he will not be disappointed.