
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantaisie
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234 Chs

Crying Girl


On the empty street, a cat with a sparrow in its mouth stepped on the wall and passed the corner, looked around for a few times, and soon jumped off the wall and got into the grass without a trace.

Most of the creatures in the city have not undergone evolutionary mutation and still survive as usual, but the surrounding environment has become more dangerous and the living conditions have become more harsh.

Not long after the cat left, more than 20 dogs appeared on the street corner. They were playing and playing. The leader of the group was one of the evolutionary dogs that attacked the giant toad yesterday, the powerful Alaskan dog.

The Alaskan dog has thick and thick fur, and its body is stronger than that of a bull. Few things dare to provoke it.


Suddenly it stopped, the dog hair all over its body, baring its teeth, looking around, making an uneasy sound in its mouth.

Keenly sensed that something was approaching here.

Although the other dogs didn't know what to do, they all stopped to look around.


Suddenly, a breathtaking roar sounded, causing the dogs to almost collapse to the ground, and a sturdy figure suddenly jumped down from the building diagonally above.

The terrifying power directly crushed and pressed the huge Alaskan dog below.

This is actually a majestic male lion, with thick side hairs as gorgeous as flames. Not counting the tail, the body is more than three meters long, with huge claws, strong muscles, and sharp claws like steel bars. Alaskan dog pressed to the ground.


The Alaskan dog struggled desperately and wanted to attack, but couldn't move at all and had no resistance.

And its younger brothers have all collapsed on the ground, some dogs even urinated in fright, and none of them dared to attack the lion to rescue their boss.

The deterrent power of large beasts is evident.


The lion's **** mouth bit down, and the terrifying bite force directly bit off Alaska's spine, causing the strong evolutionary dog ​​to immediately lose the ability to move, unable to move, and could only make a difficult **** ho sound.

Then the male lion didn't care whether it was still alive or not, he opened his mouth and tore off the thick fur, and began to bite the tender flesh inside, tearing off the large pieces of meat and swallowing it.

Bloody, cruel!

Soon the corners of the lion's mouth and temples were covered with bright red blood, making it look particularly hideous.

The eating lasted for several hours. The Alaskan dog, which was alive and alive, was eaten by the male lion, leaving only a small amount of flesh and blood. The male lion did not eat its internal organs and head. The dog's eyes were round and long. come alive.

When the meal was over, the lion's cold eyes looked around. The dogs were still limp on the ground, unable to move. Only a few dogs took the opportunity to escape.


Instead of attacking them, the male lion roared and paced around, forcing them to eat the remains of the evolved Alaskan dog.

These dogs did not dare to disobey, so they had to eat.

But after eating, these dogs discovered the deliciousness and essence of the evolutionary flesh and blood, and began to scramble to grab the leftover meat left by the lion, and even the dogs fought for it.

Soon the wreckage of the evolution dog was eaten cleanly by all the dogs, not even a sliver of meat residue was left. The eyes of the dog who shared it were red and bloodthirsty.

However, the full-fed male lion ignored them, lying quietly beside him, closed his eyes and began to rest, digesting the flesh and blood energy of the evolutionary species.

There are two bulging bulges on both sides of its shoulder blades, which are very obvious and seem to be pregnant with something.


Name: ? ? ?

Race: human

Bloodline: Mutant Species

Status: Mutation

Skill:? ? ?

Combat Strength Assessment: ? ? ?

Threat Assessment: Extremely Dangerous

"My Nima, why are there so many perverts."

Zhao Xiong looked horrified and quickly moved away from the block in front of him.


Hundred meters away, a slender and weak girl sat alone on the street in a strange sitting posture with her legs bent outwards.

The girl was only wearing a tattered single coat, her exposed skin was morbidly pale, her hair was messy and withered, she covered her face with her hands, and kept making a low, sad cry.

There was a gloomy and gloomy aura all over his body, and the low cry made one feel only creepy.

There were mottled bloodstains scattered on the ground, as well as some body parts and organs, some belonged to humans, and some came from monsters.

"Scared Dad to death."

After exiting this block, Zhao Xiong breathed a sigh of relief.

After coming out of the circus in the morning, he began to focus on the circus, looking for new prey around, and accidentally found the smell of blood, so he followed the smell to this area.

I originally thought that I would encounter a terrifyingly huge monster, but after walking around, I didn't see any trace of the monster. In the end, I only found this very strange crying girl.

As soon as he found the girl, Zhao Xiong guessed that he would definitely not be a normal person. Once the reconnaissance technique was activated, it was indeed a dangerous mutant.

Like the Roshan monster, he can't even evaluate the combat power, only a line of question marks.

It seems that the danger of mutants cannot be judged solely by their size. Although this girl monster is not as huge as other monsters, she looks weak and weak, and it seems that it only needs a slap It can be made into meat paste.

But Zhao Xiong was very sure that if he dared to provoke it, he would definitely be the one who died and would be easily killed.

It's easy to explain that there are no monsters around. It's probably either scared away or killed by it. You can tell by looking at the stumps on the ground.

Zhao Xiong carefully backed away, away from the girl monster, and entered another block.

After searching on the street for a long time, I finally came across a mutant monster.

This is a terrifying mutant dog, with a slender body and sharp claws like barbs. The fur on his body seems to have been plucked out by life, leaving only **** red flesh all over his body.

This guy was eating a stray cat that was bitten to death, even chewing and swallowing the bones.

Sensing that something was approaching, the mutant dog immediately raised its head, revealing its fierceness.

The dog's head is slender, and the turbid pupils are milky white, revealing a strong malice and a strong desire to attack.

"Come on, come on, Uncle Xiong will give you meat and bones to eat."

Seeing the maliciousness in the eyes of the mutant dog, Zhao Xiong was not angry at all, but was extremely happy.

It can be considered that I met a capable monster, and all the ghosts I encountered in front of me.

This dog looks rather ferocious, and killing this guy should provide dozens of soul stones.

So he took another step forward, as if provocative.


The mutant dog was provoked, and immediately launched an attack, with muscle force, and the speed was astonishing, almost like a bolt of lightning rushing over.

In the blink of an eye, a **** mouth full of fangs appeared in front of Zhao Xiong's eyes, and went straight to Zhao Xiong's neck to bite.