

A man is walking, suddenly he stop.

He then raised his arm and whisper "Control Weather" suddenly it started raining. The man then smile and say "Come out!".

A man came out from the alley.

"Who are you?" The Mysterious man seems like in his late 20s. The Mysterious man replied with a smug face "Guess".

The mysterious man, suddenly charge at the man. The man then shouts "You know very well who am i, Merlin!"

"Oho?" Merlin then whisper, "Thunder Strike"

A lighting suddenly strike towards to the mysterious man.

Merlin then inspect the area, the ground is full of smoke.

Merlin then land to the ground the. say

"I heard your name before, what was it again?.. Oh yeah! you're poet."

Poet then came out and then "Indeed, it's been a long time, Criminal." Poet then take something on his pocket then throw it to the ground, smoke then came out from the ground "And goodbye, Criminal."

Merlin then stop the rain and continue walking around the city.

'Poet. The purser, Interesting'