
Caprice No. 24 (english ver)

a musical student get involved with his academy owner daughter. things goes complicated when he tied to her.

QueenMelody · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs

4. practice room number 6

I go to school so early. I got the scholarship notification last night. I must fulfill the application and complete the document they ask.

I walk to administrator room, I open the door slowly and carefully.

"Hello, I'm Jonathan"

"Oh you are the one who get scholarship. come in" a female administrator who wear yellow dress wave from her desk

I walking to her desk

"are you prepared everything I asked?"

"yes" I open my bag and give her several documents

"okay, now please read and fill the application " she handle me a papers, it's scholarship agreements and rules also the terms.

I fill all the data and signs it.

"I finished " I give it to her

"Oh okay, as you know this is a full scholarship begin now till your graduate. if you have bright future we will consider to funding your next level of study"


"Yes, that's why I tell you from the beginning. so you will prepare yourself. and full scholarship means you pay nothing for this school. also if you had competition we will happy to sponsored you"

" thank you so much"

"don't thanks to me, I just doing my job. if you had a question you can come everytime "

"I understand, again thank you"

I stand and walking

"Jonathan" she calls me

" you had to meet the director at 12 today okay. he wants to meet a student that get scholarship. you know what I mean right"

"Ah, yes"

academy director, it's mean Clara's dad.

I walk to Clara's class, I see her sit alone at the class. I want to call her but I'm too afraid that she won't like it. I think I will meet her at her practice room this afternoon.

My class begin and as my problem is solved I become more focus and get on my highest momentum. I must practice harder to take that next scholarship.

today we practicing flower walzt by Tchaikovsky, the song have a sweet melody and soft calming vibe. but as the whole song have different vibe cause it's like a story.

when class break, I try to look for Clara again. and she just sit alone, mostly she was alone. then I see a girl sit next to her. she pat Clara's back and talk something.


someone hit my back

I surprises and turn around, it's my friend. he's a pianist.

"what are you doing? sneaking like a culprit"

"none of your business "

"it's rare seeing you interesting on girl"

"what? you think I'm weird?"

"no, just you never care about anyone "

"not means I will be forever. at least I'm interested with someone now. so if you allow me I wanna go"




me and my friend get back to our class. I want to talk with Clara but I don't want make her uncomfortable. I think I'll meet her at practice room no 6 later.


my class is over, now almost 4pm. I finally see Clara comes. she open the practice room with some key. so that's her private practice room.

I see nobody around, I walk slowly.

knock, knock

I knocking the door while looking around

crack, the door open and a hand pull me inside faster. it's Clara's hand. as soon she pull my hand she push me to the door, lock it and hug me.

I feel so surprised. a girl suddenly grab me and hug me. but soon I can hear crying voice.

I pat her head. this room really quiet. this pretty big room, there's a piano inside. also there's a couch , there's blanket at the couch and desk. 1 rack full of books. looks like she spent a lot of time here.

"are you okay" after few minutes I finally asks her

she step backward few step, but I grab her hand. I see many scar at the tip of her finger.


she finally look at me, her face is beauty but pale, her eyes is swallow probably she already cried before came here. her hair is messy so I tidy up and I can see something horrible. there's strangle mark at her neck, not too clear but if close enough people can see it.

I don't know if I lost myself or not. I hug her, tight than she hugs me before.

who did that to her? is she abused? but who abused her?

I walk her to the couch

"have you eat?"


"when your last meal?"

"this morning"

"what this so late for lunch, it's almost dinner and you haven't eat anything "

I open my bag

"eat this"

I give her some sandwiches

"don't want to" she lean her body to the couch

"okay, at least drink some water" I get open some water bottle that place at the desk

"leave me alone" she close her eyes

"no, I can't leave you alone. you can die. are you want to die?"

"stupid" she said it with sad voice

maybe I lost my sense, I drink the water and kiss her. push the water to her mouth.

I tough she will slap me, but she didn't. I put my hand and her hair. she link her arm at my waist. I feel some electric shock. this not my first kiss but I really enjoying it. we kissed until we don't know when we start and end it. her hand begin to walk around my body. she touch my arm and goes to my chest. I grab her hand and pull her. so her position is on top of me. we still kissing. my hand begin to touch her waist. and with boy instinc I put my hand inside her shirt. then at some point my sense comes back. I push her to the couch so she lay in.

"I think we should stop it" I rub my face, I almost lost control

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to do this"

she just quiet

" I don't want to hurt you. and I don't want to help you with this way"

I look at her. she get up slowly and put her head at my lap

"thank you" she said and she close her eyes

I let her. I stroke her hair. I hope I can help her by stay in her side like this. but I think I need much power. cause she really like a magnet to me. she attract me, so strong.