

"Where am I. What am I doing here?" A silhouette of a man appears in front of Nero." Who are you," he says in an almost unconscious state tied to a chair. He is about to say another word. His vision starts to become blurry again and he falls unconscious. 

He starts to recollect the events which occurred before his capture. 

Early that morning 

" Hey Nero, let's hang out today. I have extra tickets for movies." 

Nero turns back as he hears that it is Mika. They have known each other for a long time. Mika comes running holding the tickets towards Nero. "Hey, let's go to the movies" Mika is exhausted by all that running. Nero looks at Mika as she brushes her long black hair back above her ear. Nero is smiling. He is quite happy to see Mika finally asking him out," I would love to go out with you". It is the first time someone has asked him out ever since high school started.

 " Mika, how many times do I have to tell you not to hang out with this delinquent." It was Sera shouting at the top of her voice." She is Mika's best friend and hates Nero with every fiber of her being. 

Although Nero is a tall, handsome boy, everyone prevents talking to him because of his white hair color, which is not common. Everyone considered him a delinquent. He always dressed as a modal student but just because of his hair, he has always been avoided.

Mika was quite angry listening to Sera's comment" That's no way to talk about someone."

Sera grinds her teeth. "Can't you see his hair color? He is a delinquent?"

Mika facepalms after listening to this statement "It's his natural hair color known him since we were kids his hair has always been white"

Nero gives the ticket back to Mika." I just remembered I have some work today."

Mika is quite sad after listening to this. "Please don't listen to Sera. She doesn't know about it. 


Nero walks away to his class, and Sera comforts Mika with " Sorry Mika I don't know" as she rubs her back. She is actually sorry about it. She just wanted to comfort Mika. 


Nero is walking to his home after school. He is thinking about rejecting Mika's offer. 'Maybe I shouldn't have rejected her offer Why is this sun so hot today?'

Something covers the sun 'What is that thing?' 

"Mister Nero, come with me if you want to live" A tall young man wearing a long black coat. black hair and emerald green eyes in an authoritarian voice 

Nero is confused and surprised. 'Who the hell is this guy and who the hell wears a black coat on such a hot day' 'RUN' 'Wait who said that?'

Nero starts to run away with all his might. The man is stunned seeing Nero run why is he running?" Did I stutter? I said stop and come with me"

Nero is still running away. 'I don't know why I'm running, but something is wrong here.'

But before he could take a single step he blacked out 'What!!!'

A few hours later

"Where am I. What am I doing here?" A silhouette of a man appears in front of Nero. 

The man chasing Nero now in front of him, his palm on his head, tells him "Why were you running? Do you even know what type of danger you are in? 

Nero is still confused about this situation. The only question he has is why the hell was he chasing him? "Why are you chasing me?"

"Chasing you !! I asked you politely to come with me. You started to run", the Man said, sitting in front of Nero.

Another voice entered the room. "Well, well, please don't argue, we don't have time for this." As he entered the room it was another man wearing a blue hoodie and jeans. " Hi, My Name is Albert, and the guy who kidnapped you. His name is Aeon."

Aeon is quite annoyed by Alberts's comment" I didn't kidnap him, I asked him politely to come with me."

Nero's expression shifted, subtly veering towards annoyance. "Hey, can someone please tell me why you captured me?"

Albert unties Nero. "You deserve to know why we need you, and you need us" After untying Nero, Albert sits on the chair in front of Nero.

Albert, styling his long light blue hair back, puts his hand on the Aeon's shoulder. 

"Let's start from the basics. You are a wizard, Nero,"

Aeon slaps Albert on the back of his head. "Stop joking around. We don't have much time."

Albert is now serious. "Now let's be serious OK, Aeon, and you are different from normal humans." 

Albert teleports from the chair to another corner of the room. Nero's jaw dropped as he witnessed a person just teleport in front of him 'What are these people' 

Albert teleports back to his chair. "So, as you saw, you have a unique ability, just like me, we call ourselves Sorcerers."

Nero is surprised and annoyed by 'Sorcerers, ability !!!. I did see him use his ability in front of me, which means he is not lying, but me being a sorcerer, I don't have any ability.'" I don't have any ability, and how did you track me down?"

Albert continues," Now the most important part, my friend can sense sorcerers, and your ability is divine beast summons, and there are people who want to use your ability to summon a special being."

Nero is holding his head in his hands." Some people want to use my power! But why have I never used this ability myself!?"

Aeon walks towards Nero, cracking his knuckles. " Now that's where we come. We will teach you how to use your ability abilities, so even if these people try attacking, you can protect yourself." 

An ominous feeling sent a chill down Nero's spine. Suddenly a tall girl with long red hair wearing a white shirt and tight blue jeans came inside the room." Quick, they are here."

Six ominous figures break into the room, breaking the windows, and start to shoot their machine guns.

Aeon heads towards the intruders." Emma, Albert, take Nero with you and head towards the mansion. I will show these guys." His emerald eyes glow and so does his smile as he walks towards them. 

RIP Akira Toriyama, thank-you for inspiring me to become an author

X_Nencreators' thoughts
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