
Grand Battle: Frontlines

Grand Battle: Brynhild

[Aron's Perspective]

Such a person exists, someone with an unparalleled faith and determination, he who I fight alongside with is truly more humane than the rest of us guardians, I will not stand Idly by as he mourns, "Seraph, leave the frontlines to me, this is something I can easily handle" as much as it were hard for the enclave to leave him alone they had to, They warped out of the bifrost bridge and into the city.

Aron took the first step forward, the army in front of him takes form of a stance, "A hundred, thousand, all the way to an endless amount of men, you will all falter at our might" A Flag pole appears in Aron's left hand, the army laughs at my statement, "Laugh it all up, you haven't seen a thing yet" He holds the flag pole up and the flag gets carried by the winds, In my hands I hold my greatest tool it does not kill or protect, rather it allows me to change the terrain to my advantage, as I tap the ground with the flag pole, I would get warped away to an open plain in earth. "Brave men and foolish men! They who gave their afterlives to me in order to serve me for all of eternity! This is my call to war" I yell at the top of my lungs, when a sandstorm comes from out of nowhere, all of a sudden a war trumpet would be heard, when the sandstorm vanishes, my army would be right behind me men equiped with an unimaginable amount of legendary weapons, and with an unexplainable skill among them, yes the people that stand behind me are heroes from all of time, "I hope you're ready for this" the heroes roared out a war cry coming after it were summoned blades raining down on the enemy army, the battle rages on.

A group of valkyries dived down for a firing run, they all aimed their spears and shot beams at us, shredding at my army, "Damn, Decimate them in my absence!" my army in response screamed "Hoorah!" and began charging against the enemy.

I fly up to the sky, blades followed me and shot at the valkyries, three of the valkyries were shot down "Damn" one of them said as they all turned around to shoot at me, I pulled out a shield that deflected the attacks but in exchange the shield broke, 16 Valkyries surround me in a circle, 28 blades surroundes me in a circle each blade parried their attacks on their own as one by one, I cut the valkyries off myself but the blades holding the valkyries off broke and I were about to get slashed appart, but just before they did a golden chain shot out and pulled the valkyries away from me, "Well then, this is checkmate" I moved in to destroy the rest of the valkyries. At the moment I least expected, I were stopped from my movement, I looked down to see a spear covering my bottom view, I coughed out blood and I fell down to the ground, I started to crash down, damn I can barely keep myself awake that last one, "I see, damn you brynhild" I crashed to the ground and my army vanishes in a blue light, the environment returning to normal, I used nearly every ounce of unfair advantage I had, the valkyries kicked my body to the water and I start to sink, a golden light surrounded the gaping hole in my body.

The entire water had red circuitry flowing all over it, red winds rose from where I had landed, a massive gaping portal appeared above them all, from it swords rained down destroying the enemy army and the valkyries, "Come at me"

Streaking through the sky I lock my sword against Brynhild's spear, She outmatches me in strength therefore I must think outside the box, I let go of my left hand from the blade and I get pushed back in great speeds, 4 blades hovered around my left hand and I use all 5 blades to clash with her once again, now we were evenly matched and I stopped getting pushed. The water's waves and winds were blown back in this battle for strength, except I now had advantages in muscle endurance, I pushed her back at great speeds and we crash inside the Asgardian Palace.

All my blades break at the strength she gathered against me with her spear, I used both my hands to block her drop kick that were aimed at my ribs, I did so and avoided taking too much damage from everywhere except my arms.. correction her kick were stronger than I thought, some bones may have broke in the block and I were launched off my ground and my body breaks through the walls as I fall off the 140 ft tower.

I lower my hands to see her diving at me her spear aimed at my heart, I know well that I can't stop her therefore I must perform an attack thats quick and devastating, I place my left arm in front of me and the spear struck through it, "Gah! You bastard!" I placed all my strength into my right palm, enhancing my attack with my magic circuits, "This is the end!" I blow 2 of my 67 circuits and slam my palm in her gut, this broke her digestive system and blew away her skinn all the way to the muscle system, as the spear comes out my arm, I turn her body around as a landing cushion.

We land in a house a wooden plank cutting through her right arm, "You did well against me, you deserve a spot in my army" I sneak my hand inside a portal and throw a scroll at her which opened on its own, "This is my parting gift against an opponent like you" the scroll had terms and conditions in it, one is to treat comrades equally, two is to pledge absolute loyalty, and three is to live life as you please, "I accept" very weakly brynhildr said so, her body vanishes in a bright blue dust.

"My job here is done, lets see if I have to rejoin with the others"


Discontinued, I fucked up the timeline and I rushed things too fast, though its too good a story for me so I'll reboot it, though I won't start there in the begginning again, I'll start at the begginning of seraph's life, and shit

and expect me to go one chapter per day at least so yea pay your respects to this piece of shit work I did for fun.

The Guardians have an authorative power over an aspect of creation, such a power comes with a price, overusing a power will damage the body

Aron's Power Explanation:

As the aspect of War, he can summon forth an army, his power allows him to raise each ones skill to heroes such as A knight of the round table.

Though his individual power is the summoning of an always increasing number of weapons and to use them as projectiles.

Daniel_Evergreencreators' thoughts