
Chapter 9.

"Ha… hahaha... naturally... I can... take on... more pressure... old man Hitu!"

The young child laughed out with arrogance that could shake the heavens. His breathing was ragged, eyes demented, and his bones were cracking with each word he snarled out.

But strangely enough I could only question him in my head. My little friend, do you need to see a doctor? Did you lose your mind? Dislocate your jaw? I don't think bones cracking loudly just from speaking is a good sign you know.

I was startled by this young child who endured such overbearing pressure. He looked like a deranged animal that would bite anyone who got near him.

It was true that I was started. Startled at the condition of this little MC. You realize you are the MC, right? If you're tired from just this, are you really going to be okay when the heavens fall on your head one day?

Behind me, while I was having doubts about this little MC, my wife looked cool and composed like she were watching an interesting show play out.

On the other hand, the glaring old man scrutinized me before looking away while spitting out a curse. "Ludicrous! What say do two outsiders have to speak of the Good Fortune sect's testing methods?"

"Hohoho, that is quite right Elder Hitu. Outsiders definitely do not have much say in the matter. However, I do feel rather enlightened upon hearing this young man's suggestion."

A chuckle came from afar. Hearing the voice, the child's expression wavered as a bit of warmth was revealed in his eyes. While, Elder Hitu, on the other end of the spectrum showed an ugly expression as he said through gritted teeth, "greetings patriarch."

What the hell is this cliche development? If I knew the eunuch father was going to step in, why did I bother putting on an act? This isn't any fun at all! Shit was supposed to hit the fan! Shouldn't the patriarch be heavily suppressed by your side Elder Hitu?

Why aren't you doing a good job of suppressing the patriarch? The MC should have been banished for his insolence or something, right? What's with that defeated dog like look on your face you momentarily showed?

"Well, what do you say Elder Hitu? How about we just skip the 3rd and 4th realm and jump straight to pressure of a 5th realm semi transcendent?"

"What are you talking about patriarch? Are you trying to kill your own adopted child?!"

"Kill? Hehe. I wonder." The patriarch narrowed his eyes as he looked deeply at Elder Hitu.

You! You! You fudging patriarch! "Hehe?" Are you kidding me? You clearly just wanted to pose more than the old fart over there! No wonder you took so long to act! Do your job and be suppressed by the antagonists, would you? Why do you look like you're at the peak of power when you're just a eunuch who can't have a child?

Elder Hitu's head sank as cold sweat had clearly built up on his back. Looking at him, his thoughts at this moment were probably that of a standard low level grunt. Probably along the lines of, "Damnit! If I were a match for you patriarch, would I need to bow my head like this?"

While I was busy cursing their nine generations in my mind, Elder Hitu spat out with a nasty contorted expression, "fine. What the patriarch says is what this one shall follow."

Elder Hitu looked towards the child with helplessness in his eyes as he put on an act of "increasing" the pressure significantly. In reality, it merely remained at the 6th realm of the semi transcendent realm. He passed if off by sinking the ground downwards a bit by applying pressure to the area around the child.

It seemed like the old man thought the act was not quite up to par so he re-established his posing stance from earlier. He put on an indifferent expression like everything was within his expectations while he held his hands behind his straightened back with his head tilted upwards. His eyes looked downwards like he was a king peering down upon his subjects. He acted like his earlier flustered appearance was the true act. After two minutes had passed he let out a cold; detached from this world,"not bad" under his breath.

Finally, the child who withstood the pressure felt the weight upon him dissipate.

The patriarch announced "for withstanding three additional realms of pressure little Han has acquired 13 points while Sai Hitu has received 10 points."

"After tabulating the results little Han is in first with 31 points. Sai Hitu is placed second with 30 points. Shi Yun and Chu Yue have tied for third with 28 points. The results thereafter will be tabulated by the inner sect disciples and posted in the central plaza in an hour. For those of you who know you have failed already, you can leave if you want or stick around to see the results. Feel free to come back three years from now at the next recruitment if you still desire to join the sect."

After he finished his short speech the patriarch turned to walk away. While doing so his gaze lingered on the child for a moment with a bit of praise in his eyes and then shifted towards me before quickly looking away.

After he left Elder Hitu let out a cold snort before also taking his leave with Sai Hitu following closely behind.

The girl, Chu Yue, who tied for third looked towards little Han and gave a sweet charming smile before waving and following to catch up to Sai Hitu while trying to wrap her arms around his. Sai Hitu pushed her away gently seemingly not in a good mood.

Little Han slightly blushed when she waved at him but he grew gloomy when that girl tried to get close to Sai Hitu.

Sai Hitu shot a nasty glare towards little Han then redirected his hatred towards me. He must think I was the reason that everything went wrong.

I could only open my eyes wide while pointing to myself with a confused expression. I looked towards little Han as I took a step away from him. I turned back to look at Sai Hitu to determine if it was just me seeing things. Strangely enough he was still staring daggers at me.

I muttered to myself quietly "I get that I'm handsome, but I don't swing that way man. I'm already married."

It seems his hearing was rather sharp as his brow was twitching uncontrollably after listening to my statement.

He grumbled and retorted "handsome as a fat pig ready to be slaughtered. Who does this fugly think he is?"

Insult me? You dare? Do you know who my little wife is? How about my father in law? This little boy must be slapped. I don't like fighting; but, a staring contest? I've never lost one in my life before!

I returned his glare with a menacing disdainful stare of my own. He was a little startled by my sudden change in attitude, but after a moment he managed to recompose himself before he turned to leave while letting out a cold snort.

Snort for me little piggy. Pigs don't scare this mighty husband. This mighty husband has played his fair share of farmville after all.

Realizing it was my victory I could only sigh out, "haaa my little wife, it's lonely being at the top. I was known as the king of staring contests in my childhood. They even used to call me the Jiiii God." I postured like I was a lonely king who ruled the world. I shook my head left and right while I made myself appear to be one whom had withstood the vicissitudes of life.

My little wife fluttered her brows. She seemed to be slightly amused while she tried to hold back a giggle. She barely maintained her poker face as she rolled her eyes before she closed the distance between us and pinched my cheek.

"Yes husband you go play by yourself and be lonely at the top."

"Little wife, can't you play along with my act? Isn't it frustrating watching all these old farts pose all day?"

"You should try posing more often like you did earlier. It actually feels better the more you do it you know."

My little wife bent forward towards me with upturned eyes while one of her hands rested on her hip as she asked "my darling husband… how do you want me to pose? I would like to feel good as well, but I think certain things have a time and place."

I could only let out a dry cough as the urge to pick her up and toss her on a bed only grew stronger with each passing second. Her suggestive behaviour always make my thoughts land in the gutter.

I've really come to learn that my little wife is quite the tease. Is that just the nature of older woman? I definitely will not let myself be bullied. My little wife, just wait until the day I have my way with you.

It seems she detected my thoughts. She stared at me like I were a little lamb ready for the slaughter while she licked her lips. She lightly bit her lower lip with half lidded eyes. Her half closed eyes hid a deep passion within that would set my body aflame with but a single glance.

I could only cry to myself for not being strong enough. Once again I was unable to push this little wife of mine down. Damn it! Little wife, can you not show such an enticing look? I only have so much self control. Also, I'm the man, right? I'm the one that should be shooting the thirsty looks! Don't steal my job!

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