
Can't Buy Me Loving

caleb_selim · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

Sophia was a student nurse doing her posting at the hospital, she was expected to round up her posting in six months.

"What can I do you ma'am?" Sophia asked politely.

"This is my son, Kyle, he got into a fight and as a result ended up with bruises, could you help me administer some treatment? My attention is urgently needed in the theater" his mother asked.

"Sure ma'am, that's not a problem," she said cutting Kyle a glance.

"Thank you so much, Sophia," his mother said rushing out, "I'll be back soon Kyle"

"Ok Mom, good luck," he said.

"So, you're the famous Kyle, interesting," Sophia said smiling.

"You must know me well, but how?" He asked her as he sat on the bed.

"Your mom talks about you all the time," she said.

"Damn! Should've known" Kyle muttered under his breath.

Sophia chuckled, "So what happened to you?" She asked.

"Well, how do I start, let's just say I was playing a hero, saving a damsel in distress," Kyle said.

"How?" She asked applying spirit to a ball of cotton wool,

Kyle told her everything that happened, how he saved Anastasia from the hands of a narcissist as he'd put it.

"Ouch! That hurts" he said holding his face,

"Sorry, I thought you were a strong man?" She asked chuckling,

"I'm strong don't mean that I don't have emotions, you should you that better than anyone," Kyle said.

Kyle and Sophia got along quickly, the way they talked you would think they've been friends for ages.

Sophia was a pretty lovely girl with alabaster skin that gave her the fragile look of a china doll, her beautiful blue irises shone as bright as sapphire which made it impossible for a man to look away at one glance, and her golden curly hair which fell onto her delicate small shoulders was a nursing student of Belmont University doing her posting Knoxville ER, she's been there for four months and still had six left to complete her program before heading back to Balmont.

When she first came, she caught the eyes of every male nurse and doctor working in the ER, most of them, most especially the single ones made advances towards her but she turned them all down. There was one doctor in particular Clark, that didn't seem to stop, he was always buying her gifts trying to win her over but she knew what he wanted and still turned him down. When Clark's efforts became futile he gave up.

"There, all fixed" Sophia said after applying dressing the wound and applying the bandage.

"Wow, what a neat job you did, thank you," Kyle said.

"You welcome," she said tidying up the place.

Kyle stood up from the bed and told Sophia he was going to check how Anastasia was doing.

"Ok, don't be long because I'll be on my way home soon," she said.

Kyle went to the room Anastasia was admitted, she had already woken up and there was a bandage wrapped around her head, when she saw Kyle she tried to sit up properly.

"Hey relax," Kyle said going to assist her.

"What happened?" She asked, "Why am I in the hospital?"

"Listen you need to relax ok, I'll explain everything," Kyle said as he grabbed a chair.

"Ok my name is Kyle, You were badly beaten by your boyfriend, I saved you from him and brought you to the hospital"

"Oh!" She said, "I don't know how to thank you"

"You don't need to thank me for doing the right thing," Kyle said.

"I need to call my parents to tell them where I am, they might be worried," she said. "My phone, where's my phone?"

"Don't worry you can use mine" he said giving her his phone.

"Thank you"

She dialed her father's number, and it clicked after a few rings,

"Hello," the voice on the receiving end said,

"Hello, Dad it's me, Anastasia," she said

"Anastasia, what happened to your phone?" He asked.

"Dad I'm at the hospital," she asked sniffling,

"Hospital? What happened to you?" He asked.

"Jerome beat me up and left me for dead right outside our house," she said.

"Oh my God, which hospital are you in right now?" Her father asked.

"I'm at Knoxville ER" she replied,

"I'm on my way" The line went dead all of a sudden.

She handed Kyle back his phone and thanked him for all the help so far,

"Thank you, Kyle," she said.

"It's nothing, Anastasia, it's the least I could do," he said.

Kyle remembered something all of a sudden, he had forgotten that Sophia would be leaving any moment so he excused himself and went to look for her.

"Could you excuse me?" He said, "I need to take care of something"

"Sure," Anastasia said.

Kyle left Anastasia to go look for Sophia, he ran to the receptionist's desk and was lucky to see her, she was signing out.

"Sophia," he called, she turned back to see who called, and she smiled when she saw who it was.

"Oh it's you, I thought you were having a fun time with your girlfriend," she said,

"She's not my girlfriend," Kyle said.

Sophia giggled, she bade the nurses at the receptionist's desk goodbye and held Kyle's hand as they both walked out. Kyle accompanied her to the bus stop just outside the hospital where she waited to catch the bus home.

"Where's your phone?" She asked.

Kyle gave her his phone, and she punched in her number and gave it back to Kyle.

"That's my number, call me," she said.

Kyle looked at the number on his phone and nodded his head

"Ok, I will," he said.

The bus soon came and it was time for Sophia to go, she hugged Kyle and waved him goodbye as she got on the bus.

There was something Kyle didn't understand, a girl whom he just met on the first day was already into him. He didn't think much about it just decided to see where their friendship led. Kyle went into the hospital to check on Anastasia, there was a nurse in her room attending to her, so he waited outside til she was done.

Anastasia's father rushed into the hospital and inquired about his daughter from the nurses at the receptionist's desk,

"Good day nurse, I'm looking for my daughter," he said with a trembling voice,

"What's your daughter's name sir?" The nurse asked going through her records.