

"Halt." I commanded and everyone halted. I consciously stared at them one by one and saw a few military trainees shaking. Is my presencetpresence really disturbing?

"Introduce yourselves." I said.

"Jennie Reyes ma'am!"

"George Williams ma'am!"

"Aries Arevalo madame!"

"Yohan Faulkner maam."

I nodded after their introduction. I was about to talk when someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back and saw Fin.

"What?" I asked.

"The General wants to see you."

"Okay." I replied. I looked back at the trainees.

"You see, the General wants to see me. So Fin will guide and tour you." I said. They all nodded. They saluted at me so I saluted back before walking towards the office.

When I arrived, I greeted Dad. "Salute sir!" He hugged me and made me sit down.

"Fin said you wanted to see me." My introduction.

"As you can see, the drug dealers' industry is expanding. We are always late every time they have a gathering. We also can't find a time. But recently, someone sent me a file that will see a big event if where the most powerful drug lord syndicates will meet.

That is not a trivial matter. Many thought it was just your Grand ball, little did they know that it was your meeting of the growing and influential syndicates around the world." He paused then he stared at me for a couple of minutes before he sighed.

"I know I can ruin the important people here but, this is our only chance. So I thought of this plan anyway." Then he turned to me again and looked at me seriously. My heartbeat was speeding up but I maintained my poker face.

"Denise." He called me.


"I want you to be part of this upcoming Grand Ball. I know it is dangerous but, if we succeed in our plan, many people will be saved. I do not care about that promotion, my goal is the people who will be saved in the plan of I just want to get it. I don't want it to reach your sister and your friends. Clear? " I could not answer because to this day my mind still does not accept what Dad said.

I don't know about the mission because I will accept it and the promotion but I wonder why it seems like only the heads planned it and they only told me? I do not understand.

"Anicka Denise." I turned around and looked at Dad.

"Y-yeah?" I stammered a question. He sighed. He squeezed his senses then faced me again.

"You may be wondering why your mission is so sacred."

"Why Dad? I mean- I do not object to the mission because I will do the same and I also do not care about the promotion. What I do not understand, is why you do not want to inform my sister?" I was confused by the question. He stared at me seriously so my heartbeat quickened again.

"Do you know how Jasper died? Your sister's husband?" I was stunned by his question.

Do tell me-

"Yes. Your mission has something to do with Jasper's death." It was as if I stiffened from my seat and was stunned by Dad after he said that.

"W-what? But... b-but how?" I'm so confused right now!

"All we know is that your older brother Jasper died in a car accident. But it is a mistake to leave evidence." He then showed a picture of the ID with the name 'Marco David' on it.

"We don't know if it killed him or not. But I know he will bring us the answers.

So please sweetie ... help me. You knew how devastated Annie was when Jasper died right? "I bowed because what Dad said was true. I witnessed how my sister would grieve when her husband died. Me too, I want to know what really happened to my brother in-law. I closed my eyes firmly. then squeezed my senses before I let out a loud sigh then faced Dad.

"I'll do it. For Jasper's justice." I said and I saw him smile.

"But, do you have pictures of drug lords?" I asked.

"I actually don't have. No one saw who the bosses were and expanded the organization. But I know you'll find out soon." I just nodded at him then took the files and stood up. He also stood up. I turned around and saluted. Then he turned around and walked out.

I was about to open the door when he called my name.

"Anicka Denise." I turned to him.

"Yes Dad?" He heavily sighed and smiled.

"Take care." I smiled back and nodded before pushing the door to open.

Hi guys! This is my first story here in Webnovel, uhm please support me and thank you so much for inviting me here!!

solllkkkkkkaacreators' thoughts
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