
Burst to power

Muperi_T · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

brewing trouble

Somewhere on another side of the universe on a planet unknown to human kind, more than a hundred beings gathered. They were all in humanoid form, their whole bodies made up of light particles. The only thing that differed about them was their sizes.

Their sizes varied from beings as small as the index finger to giants. You could neither tell their gender nor age upon seeing them and to add to that, their voices spoke in a language that made their voices almost similar.

Three beings who looked slightly different than the rest stood at the front with their hands on their backs. While others were made up of light particles only, the three had parallel red veins that started from the base of their eyebags and travelled all the way down to their feet. Their sizes were at least 6.7ft tall and were slightly bulky.

The being who stood at the center among the three walked a little bit forward and cleared his throat to gather the attention of the crowd. He then opened his mouth and spoke in a language familiar to the human tongue, English:

"I welcome you all once again to the great hall of Low-rite" the voice was neither male or female like the rest of the beings. He the continued, "I will address the reason for our meeting, but first, we must pray to our mighty ancestor who watches us and protects us and our home, the blibal universe"

After saying his piece, the man took some steps backwards and stood between the other two. The one on his right side then walked forward and stood Infront of everybody. He raised his hand and started the prayer with everybody else repeating after him.

"Lord Bolgardo, our savior. Our beginning and our end, he who reigns in Blibe and rules with an iron fist. Let thy name be honored and trembled upon by all for your greatness is profound and peerless. Let your divinity which flows through our veins take us to new heights and every soul praise thy name with faith and reverence, athric co santi ameveno aris ino hadien mou gavano hareni mova mov aini jipele maendo iri socanti muero"

They all concluded their prayer with a strange language and did a slight bow afterwards. The being who had led the prayer went and stood on his former position and was replaced by the other one who had been standing at the left.

"Ancestor Bolgardo spoke to me in a dream..." said the being making the others gasp in astonishment and surprise. They all then listened attentively with profound expressions as they were curious of the message.

The being seeing that he had the attention of everyone started to speak:

"He instructed my unworthy self to inform all of you about a potentially fatal danger that has awoken. According to him, on a small planet called sector 30992 which is called earth by the indigenous life there is where the danger resides. He also assigned me with the task of picking a clan that will take the mission of being decoy so as to test the strengths of our enemy" the eyes of the being moved fast as they scanned the whole hall and landed on a being who was average in height as compared to everyone who was in the hall.

He pointed at that particular being and spoke:

"Clan Ridmos, you have been chosen for the mission, do not disappoint the ancestor"



Arnour was busy working in one of the fields on the farm while wearing an old and worn out trouser and a simple black plain shirt. He had decided to live with the old lady who had introduced herself as Ranney and her grandson whose name was Alex. He had no intention of forming bonds with them but in order to earn his keep, he decided to work in their fields.

The sky was cloudy with clear indications of incoming rain but he ignored it all and continued dropping seeds in the neatly lined up holes he had dug. His proficiency in farming could be said to be good but that was all thanks to the life he had lived in the past.

He saw Alex running toward him from the corner of his eye and stopped what he was doing. He stood up straight and waited for the 9-year-old boy to reach him.

"Grandma said the food is ready, come on, lets go to eat!" announced the boy with enthusiasm while raising his hand in the air. His face beamed a cute smile revealing his straight white teeth. Arnour however was not touched and just walked away heading to the farm house. Alex just followed him with the same enthusiasm he had.


Arnour walked into the farmhouse's main door and headed to the dining room. Though it was old, it still had a lot of space. There were five chairs surrounding a medium sized wooden table where the hot steaming meals had been placed by the old lady.

Except for the table, there were also other furniture which filled the room but not entirely.

Arnour and Alex sat opposite each other on the table but they both did not touch the food as there was more coming. Ranney came from the kitchen holding a large pot that was steaming a mouth-watering aroma which grabbed Arnour's attention.

As Ranney walked, her leg was hooked by Arnour's long hair and she lost balance:


Arnour seeing the food he had his eyes on about to fall instinctively moved and caught it. Not even a drop of the pot's contents spilled. However, Ranney had no one to catch her and fell face first on the floor, she did not attain an injury though, just slight pain.

She lifted her face off the ground and expected to see her heartily cooked meal on the floor, however she was shocked to see the floor still clean and Arnour whom she had seen sitting before she had fallen holding the pot.

"How can he move so fast? Is he from one of the hero families?" she questioned in her own head but brushed it off the next second. She knew that he was not going to give her answers even if she were to beg him. Worst case scenario, he might even summon his powers and blast her.

That's what she thought.

She got off the ground and took the pot from his hands:

"Thank you for saving my pot" she spoke sincerely since she had cooked the meal with all her heart in it and took a long time doing it so as to give it perfection. She also knew that Arnour had not saved the pot for her but because he wanted the food, but she didn't care.

They both returned to the table and sat on their seats. Ranney sat next to Alex who had a gobsmacked expression on his face since he had seen Arnour do something incredible.

Ranney ignored Alex and proceeded to save the food. Each of them had three plates, the first one had plane white rice but it was well cooked, the second ones had three boiled eggs and a special Ranney cooked sauce that had an enticing smell. As for the final plates, Ranney served the contents of the pot Arnour had saved. It was a well cooked, soft looking chicken meat. It looked fat and the tomato and spice soup made it look juicy and delicious. The aroma was inviting and mouth watering so much so the always reserved Arnour became greedy and stared at the biggest piece in the pot.

Ranney noticed his shamelessly staring eye and gulped. She then took the giant piece and a piece that was supposed to be hers and put them into Arnour's plate.

"what's wrong grandma, do you not want to eat meat today?" Alex asked worriedly when he saw what she had done.

"Y-Yes, I'm just k-kind of not in the mood today" she replied stutteringly and gave Arnour his place.

Arnour received the plate and immediately poured all the soup into the rice. He then held the rice plate into his hands and took the chop-sticks from the side. He proceeded to stuff his mouth and hardly even chewed the food.



Both Alex and Ranney looked at him with wide open mouths. In their minds, they thought:

'He is an anomaly in more ways than one'


They all heard a knocking sound from the door and Alex being a child rushed to answer the door. Before he could even dash out of the dining room however, he hit on something and stumbled backwards.


He looked up and saw a young man somewhere around Arnour's age and height. He had jet black hair and beautiful and serene forest eyes. He wore a nice and expensive looking white luxury suit.

Alex's face brightened and he hugged the teenager:
