
Bully-guard! [BL]

(Check the chapters comments for AI pics of Characters!) In the midst of his already declining mental health, lack of enthusiasm and turbulent work life. Nikolai Parmar, a rising actor went back to his hometown to film a new movie, only to be met by an unexpected Storm of death threats as soon as he arrived. The source remains anonymous, putting a target mark over Nikolai's head, without an explanation. And after the concern for the wellbeing of the actor became overwhelming, Nikolai's current best friend and manager at the same time, Andrea Andreoli, hired a bodyguard to protect and follow Nikolai everywhere he goes. The bodyguard agreed to a crazy list of demands, even to live with Nikolai in his own house and sleep in his bedroom, Just To insure the Actor's safety at all times. A decision that soon, many will regret. And despite that Nikolai himself, was and has always been against the idea of having a bodyguard for many reasons. This time, the reason why he's against the idea is quite personal, especially when the guy who's hired to protect him happens to be... None other than his ex highschool Bully/Boyfriend from seven years ago, Jin Young. So, just like the past seems to haunt both Nikolai and Jin, forcing them to cross each other's paths again and maybe ignite the flame of emotions between them... Others decided to join the dance, uninvited, Some with the intentions to help, and some to hurt. What seemed like an already crazy life for both the actor and his bodyguard, is about to get a whole lot crazier. [Typos are constantly being fixed (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)]

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125 Chs

If it wasn't for that asshole Moses.

Standing near the house's entrance, "I'm sorry I feel like this is all my fault...If only I didn't push Minnie to see her mother..." Jin said to Radka who was getting ready to leave.

Despite her worries, Radka did her best to seem calm to Jin, "You can't apologize over things you didn't mean to do Jin, it's not your fault she went missing.

Also...it was Minnie's decision to go.

Right now, Your top priority is Nikolai as it should be, leave worrying about Minnie to me, I'll do whatever it takes to find her... there's a chance this is all one big misunderstanding and that's she fine." Radka replied.

"I can tell you're worried about her, you don't have to pretend you're okay just for me...I'm not as close to Minnie as you are, Radka." Jin said.

"Don't get me wrong Jin, I'm worried about Minnie but my biggest worry goes to Nikolai, With each passing day, I feel like I'm making Nikolai pay for my reckless lifestyle.

Needless to say, I want them both to be safe, and Minnie's safety is my job, Yours is Nikolai's."

"I'm aware of your feelings of guilt, After finding out about what you do for a living Radka, I formed an idea in my head that An enemy of yours might be also behind the death threats."

"An enemy of mine is definitely involved, that's why I feel guilty.

However I can also feel that there's more than just one person wishing Nikolai harm." Radka replied.

"Same here...Which is why I request your permission so Nikolai and I could be on the move, in order to investigate another possible source of danger, It has to be the two of us doing it and I promise I'll make sure Nikolai stays safe." Jin said.

"Your permission is granted, but starting tomorrow...it's best if you two lay low for Today.

And Jin, I promise you that your efforts with my son won't go unrewarded, I Will make your wishes come true if only you promise me that my son is in good hands." Radka replied.

"For 7 long years I was dreaming about an opportunity where I could rewrite the stars with Nikolai, and although that opportunity came at one of the most difficult times in his life, it's still an opportunity I'm willing to take.

I'll do whatever it is humanly possible to do to protect Nikolai, even if it means having the whole world come after me for it.

So please Ma'am, Put your faith in me! I swear on my life that I won't disappoint you.

I promise you that Nikolai is in good hands." Jin replied.

The firmness in his voice, the fire in his eyes and the seriousness of his Aura as he said all of that, it further validated the words that his lips uttered.

Radka stared at Jin with an expression of pure proudness, it wasn't the first time she heard these words being said about her son, but it was the first time she felt that they held any value.

Andrea tried to sweet-talk her before, when he confessed his feelings towards Nikolai, he tried to make Rqdka believe that he will be Nikolai's guardian angel but she knew better than to believe him.

Years in the underground business, has took from Radka her Youth, Mercifulness and ability to trust, but gave her in return the ability to tell apart people, and see behind their curtains.

Although both Andrea and Jin didn't seem to be shaken by the discovery of Radka's business, after all they both came from unusual backgrounds and since They both care about Nikolai deeply, they seemed to be ready to go to extreme lengths for him.

But Radka could see things in Jin she couldn't see in Andrea, He was someone that's hard to come by in a world like the world She belongs to.

"I can see why Lily brought you here to this gloomy town, You're a light in a tunnel of darkness, My boy.

It warms my heart to know that you weren't just a bully who toyed with my boy's heart, you actually loved him...Well 'Love' him to be exact." Radka said smiling.

Her sudden unexpected words made Jin blush, for a second he could've sworn he saw his own mother smile at him, but that smile was coming from Radka not Lily.

Yet still, It made him smile back for a second, despite how worried he was considering the situation they're in, he smiled like a happy little boy.

"Jin, Please focus on Nikolai and leave Minnie to Me and Rushil, I hope you boys can still enjoy the rest of the day without Us." Radka said snapping him back to reality.

"Also You're welcome to stay here in our house, the choice is yours since I doubt Rushil and I would be back home anytime soon.

However the rules are the same...If you wish to stay here I'll be calling the bodyguards to let them know, they should be wherever you are and watch over you especially in my absence." she added as she wore her jacket.

"Then I'd like it that we remain here, at least for the night." Jin replied, "Very well, If you're staying here don't forget to send someone to check on Nikolai's house, especially his garden." Rakda said.

"Understood!...Umm...Btw? Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help you, or Minnie?" Jin asked nervously, " Yeah, I'm sure.

I'll go now immediately to the headquarters for a little investigation, then I'll decide on my next move, while you and Nikolai stay here and continue on as usual." Radka replied.

"We're going to Headquarters Right away? Honey at least eat something before we go! are you going on an empty stomach again?

I'm sorry I didn't get to make you anything, should i call the girls to order you something before we go?" Rushil asked showing-up in different clothes, he was carrying his laptop bag with him, "No it's okay, I've lost my appetite...Are you ready so we can go dear?" Rakda replied.

"I'm ready, and I brought my laptop!...Hey maybe we should Ask Lydia for help!" Rushil Said, he quickly searched for his shoes and wore them while Radka found hers as well.

"Lydia? Why would she be of any help now? She hasn't been in contact with any of the girls, ever since the Flint incident, I doubt she knows anything about Minnie's disappearance." Radka replied.

Hearing them talk about Lydia, made Jin feel a bit nervous, And Radka caught that with her eyes but didn't mention it.

"Radka, we spoke about this, You're bringing Lydia back aren't you?" Rushil asked, "Yeah yeah...You can call her for help Dear, if that's what you want." Radka said sighing in defeat.

Smiling, "Thank you Rad!" Rushil replied.

"Please hurry-up and Don't forget to hand over the house keys to Jin, He and Nikolai will be staying here." Radka said.

"Sure, Just make sure you don't destroy the place." Rushil said to Jin while fetching the keys from his bag before tossing them into Jin's hand.

Catching the keys, "Don't worry I got this!" Jin replied.

"You can use any room, Expect for Radka's office, The basement or our bedroom." Rushil warned him, "Okay, understood." Jin replied nervously.

"Hey! you two Are leaving?!" Nikolai Asked surprising them with his presence, he walked towards them a little scared since he had to feel his way around, "Hey! how did you get out of the pool! You could've gotten hurt!" Jin said as he rushed to him Half terrified.

Leaning on Jin, " I lost my sight not my ability to walk... Besides, I kept waiting in the water while the rest of you forgot about me there!

I thought maybe you're in the kitchen Talking about Minnie, so I did my best and got out of the pool on my own and went there.

but I didn't find any of you in the kitchen but since I could hear you, I followed your voices to here." Nikolai explained.

"That must've been tiresome for you, you should've called me to help Niko." Jin said, "It's okay, I figured you were stressed talking to my parents about Minnie...I didn't want to further burden you." Nikolai replied.

"That's very nice of you, but You're not burdening me, it's my job to look after you... I'm sorry I left you behind in the pool." Jin said wrapping Nikolai in a hug while Rushil and Radka watched them.

"If it wasn't for that asshole Moses...I bet they'd be at least engaged now.

I haven't attended a family wedding in a long time." Rushil whispered, "You just want to cook for the wedding and hear people praise your food!" Radka whispered back chuckling.

Sighing, "Is that a crime?" He replied.

Clearing her throat, "We're leaving boys, Make sure to stay safe, and don't worry about us coming back, just have fun while you still can." Radka said.

"I forgot you guys were here for a second..." Blushing, Jin broke the hug with Nikolai, "Don't worry about us Too! go find Minnie and bring her back, Jin and I will be busy today with each other." Nikolai said sniggering.

"Busy with each other...Like mother like son, dirty minded people." Rushil replied annoyed.

"Oh parents! they do the dirty and have a kid as a result, then get surprised when their kid does the dirty too." Nikolai Said sniggering.

Flustered, "Let's get out of here!" Rushil said pushing his wife out of the door, surprised "Hey! why am I The one one getting pushed?!" Radka replied.

Soon enough, the older couple has already left in their car, Leaving Jin and Nikolai behind.

"The other bodyguards will be back soon, And Oh! btw your mom said it's okay for us to investigate your hater, we can go together but that'll be tomorrow." Jin said.

"Ugh, she's bringing those girls back?" Nikolai said annoyed.

"Huh, why? I thought you liked the girls, you guys consumed True crime content together like it's popcorn." Jin asked.

"I like hanging out with them, that's true.

but I want some alone time away from them too! I'm an extrovert but even I have limits.

And I was enjoying today so much, Until Minnie's problem popped up." Nikolai replied.

"Hey don't be too sad, This situation won't last for long, I'm sure that once your vision is restored, your mother Will loosen up security.

For now, I'll cook something for you to cheer you up, you must be starving since we didn't get to have lunch." Jin said while leading Nikolai with him to the kitchen.

As Nikolai sat down while Jin resumed his cooking from earlier, Nikolai's phone that was near him on the kitchen table started ringing.

"Who's calling me? Jin can you check?" He asked, "Sure!" Jin said while throwing a glance at the screen, "It's director Cliff! would you like me to answer that for you?" Jin asked.

"No I got it!" Nikolai said picking up the phone.


Director Cliff: Niko my boy! how are you?

Nikolai: Hey Sir, I'm doing good, what about you, it's been a while...

Director Cliff: it has my boy! I'm so glad to hear your voice! And I'm doing okay at the moment, still dealing with shutting down productions and all.

Nikolai: I'm so sorry about that, if it wasn't for my accident...

Director Cliff: don't you dare blaming yourself kiddo! I'm just glad my favorite actor is alive and breathing, And I'm sorry about not being able to visit you at the moment, my hands are tied.

Nikolai: Cancelling the whole Thing must've costed you a lot.

Director Cliff: it happens in this industry, besides! the damage is less since we never really got the chance to finish working.

Nikolai: What about Kimberly?

Oh parents! they do the dirty and have a kid as a result, then get surprised when their kid does the dirty too.

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