
Bullshit Dimensional System

Kirishima Hiroto, that's my name. This is the unbelievable story of the time where I acquired a system... sound cliché right? ... I know, and I don't really like how it forces me to do things that- [Host, please stop talking to yourself and do your job] See what I mean? It kept giving me quests that requires me to jumble that entire storyline of my favourite animes... I just hope that this never ending loop of jumping from dimension to dimension would stop. [-100 system points has been deducted] Wtf !? I'll do it!! So stop deducting it!! Do you know how much I sacrificed for those points!? [Do you job, Host] This system is really getting on my nerves... At least... I have cute anime girls with me. "Ara you're much cuter than me Hiroto" "T-That's right!" Maple please don't agree with Kurumi... You're hurting my pride... "Owner!! Let's have babies!!" No, cerberus... stay- W-Wait! Don't pull my pants!!

VladFallen_C · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: A Sketchy Source of Income

[Host, I recommend that you start working out starting now]

"Huh? Why?"

Hiroto asked in confusion as he was reading through the skills. Making him look at the direction of the system with a strange expression on his face.

[You're current physical strength doesn't match your skinny body. It would look weird and gather suspicion to the people of this dimension. That's why to match your physical strength, you must improve your body]

"... That would take months, I doubt that I would be able to cover it up in that time frame... I still have to return to school a week from now..."

[You don't have to worry since in just 4 days of intense exercising, you would be able to achieve an appropriate body for you physical strength. Your skill [Supreme Physique] will aid you in achieving a lean and mascular body]

The system explained, causing Hiroto to groan. Not wanting to do what the system wants, causing the system to look at him in exasperation. Helpless about its lazy host before it showed him a notification that would make him more motivated to exercise.

[Chain Quest: Finish the exercise routine provided by the system.

Curl Ups (0/50)

Push Ups (0/50)

Squats (0/50)

Chin Ups (0/50)

Running (0/4 km)

Reward: 5 System Points

Limit: 24 hours

Failure: Degrading of one random skill]

"Chain... quest?"

[Yes, it is a type of quest that continues after you've finished the preceding quests. It is the type of quest that gets harder and harder overtime but the rewards get better in each succeeding quests]

"... You're really hellbent in making me exercise don't you?"

[Of course, it will solve many of the problems posed by your sudden increase in physical strength]

The system said, causing Hiroto to look at the quest with a frown. Making him sigh in response while looking at the reward of the quest.

"How about Kaede? How will you explain her extreme defense?"

[Her case is much more easier to handle since your summon's abnormal abilities are sealed while in this dimension. And it would only activate under two conditions]

The system explained, causing Hiroto to look at the system with a curious expression on his face.

"What are the conditions?"

[If they're in danger or they're engaging in battle. If one of those two situations occurs, there powers will be unsealed and they would be able to use them normally]

"How about my abilities?"

[Your abilities cannot be sealed since your the host of the system, it can only be adjusted but that itself is almost nonexistent in this dimension. Systems don't normally seal the abilities of their host for safety reasons]

"... safety reasons?"

Hiroto asked with a frown while looking at the system in suspicion. Suspicious that the system left a few details in his explanation like why is the adjustment almost non existence in this dimension, and what did he meant by safety reasons.

[That is something that you will eventually know in the future... but not now. You're only goal is grow stronger, and enhance the power of your soul]

The system said. Making Hiroto's frown to grow deeper before he heard his sister leave his apartment, causing him to open the door of the bathroom.

"Hiroto, you're sister... is really energetic"

Kaede said as Hiroto got out of the bathroom. Making Hiroto dryly laugh as he sat down on the bed. Laying down beside her with a tired expression on his face.

"My sister has always been like that, she's pretty blunt with her words, but she's a good person. I'm sure both of you will get along"

He said before he noticed her shyly fidgeting in her place. Stealing occasional glances at him like she was hesitating on something.

"S-So, you confessed to someone..."

"... Yeah... but that was a thing of the past, and it didn't really end well"

He said as he stared at the ceiling of his apartment.

"Do you... still love her, Hiroto?"

Kaede asked in an anxious voice as she played with her fingers. Making Hiroto glance at her direction with a serious expression on his face.

"I did, but... that doesn't really matter anymore does it? I have you now after all"

He said, causing Kaede to look at him in surprise. Making Hiroto's heart to skip a beat from seeing her expression, causing him to doubt himself.

'Shit! Why did I say that!?'

He shouted in regret inside of his mind. Remembering that the quest said to seduce a major characters, which is far different from making her fall for him.

"S-Sorry, if I was assuming things... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

He hurriedly said as he sat up from the bed. Looking at Kaede with a worried expression on his face.

"... I-It wasn't uncomfortable..."

She said as she held his hand while her cheeks flushed increasingly red. Making Hiroto dazedly stare at her in the eye.

"H-Hiroto... Y-You didn't deny your sister a while ago... when she said that I was your girlfriend... Does this mean that we're dating now?"

She asked, causing Hiroto to choke on his words while looking at her serious expression. Making him blush before averting his eyes away from Kaede.

"I-If you're alright with someone like me..."

[... What an awkward couple...]

The system said as Kaede sweetly smiled as she heard his answer. Making her feel overwhelming joy as she tightly held his hand.

"Please take care of me, Hiroto"

She said, causing Hiroto feel stuffy, dazedly looking at her smile like it was a dream. Having a cute girlfriend like her when he already gave up on getting one after what he experienced weeks ago.

"I love you too, Hiroto"

The voice of a woman said inside of his mind, causing him to frown from remembering an unpleasant memory of the past.

'... That shitty woman...'

He thought before glancing at Kaede who was looking at him with a smile on her face.


Kaede asked, causing Hiroto to pat her on the head with a bright smile. Making her look at him in confusion.

"Nothing... I just remembered a few bad memories..."

He said before his door was suddenly kicked open. Making both of them flinch in response as his sister barged inside while carrying a paper bag in her hands. Containing her old clothes and a new pair of underwear.

"I'm back! I bought some clothes with me!"

She shouted before noticing the strange atmosphere inside the room. Making her frown before looking at Kaede's direction.

"Did something happen while I was gone?"

"Nothing happened..."

He responded. Making his sister look at them in suspicion.

"You didn't fight with her right?"

"Of course not!!"

Hiroto shouted in anger, as his sister dropped the plastic bag on top of his drawers. Looking at the two of them with a slight grin on her face.

"Hiroto, come here of a minute"

She said as she signalled for him to come closer, causing Hiroto to look at her in suspicion. Wondering what she was up to.

"Do you want me to punch you to make you come here?

She said with a frown on her face, causing Hiroto to flinch as he hurriedly ran towards his sister's side. Making her nod her head in satisfaction.


She said as she placed a box of condoms on his hand. Making Hiroto look at her with a strange expression on his face.

"What the fuck is this?"

"It's condoms, I know you're a healthy boy. So I'm sure you wouldn't be able to hold it. That's why if you ever have sex with her, please use this"

"What the fuck are you telling your brother..."

"Shut up! I have experience in this field, so just trust me and keep it with you"

She insisted, causing Hiroto's expression to distort while staring at her direction.

"Also, mom told me to bring her home along with you so that you can introduce her properly to them. So pack your things, we'll be moving to our parent's house by tomorrow"

His sister said before patting him on the chest, causing Kaede who was watching them from behind to look at them in confusion. Wondering what they were talking about.

[Premium card has now been registered and prepared]

[The host can now bring it out the system space and use it]

The system notification said, causing Hiroto to look at his sister's direction.

"Sis, can you bring Kaede to the mall and go shopping? She doesn't have anything with her right now... since you're a... woman?"

"Why did that sound like a question?"

"You're imagining it"

Hiroto said before placing his hand on his pocket. Secretly taking out the card from his system space and taking it out for his sister to see. Making her widen her eyes as she saw the card in his hand.

"... You little shit, I didn't raise you to become a fucking thief!!"

She shouted as she suddenly punched him on the face. Making Hiroto slide back and hit the bed, causing him to raise his hand in front of him while looking at his sister that was walking towards him while clenching her fist.

"W-Wait!! This is my card!!! I got it legally you fucking gorilla!"

"Huh? You think I'll believe you!?"

She said as she prepared to punch him in the face. Making Hiroto raise his arms in front of him as a notification appeared in front of his eyes.

"D-Don't punch me!! I'm a shareholder of a large company! Look at it yourself! I've been saving this money for the past month!"

He shouted what the system advised him to say, causing his sister to pause her actions before Hiroto took out a business card from his system inventory. Making her grab it from his hand before reading the information on the card.

"... This isn't fake right?"

"Why would it be fake!? How do you think I got that amount of money?

He shouted as his sister continued to look at him in confusion before she turned on the computer in his room.

"You better not be lying"

She said while Hiroto nervously gulped while looking at the system.

[You don't have to worry. The money came from the organisation so of course it's legal. We have already prepared an appropriate background for you to hide the real source of your income]

The system said as his sister searched for the name of the company on the card. Clicking on the section that says "shareholders" and to her surprise. She did find his name listed on the company's website. Making her look at his brother in awe.

"When did you-"

"I got lucky, I bought the shares from an old man when the company was dying, but I never expected that the company would make a recovery a week ago..."

"... Where did you get the money to buy those shares?"

"... Uh... I loaned it?"

He said as cold sweat ran down his back. Hoping that his sister would believe the cover that the organisation gave him. Making his sister frown before nodding her head.

"... I'll believe you for now... but if you're involved in something sketchy..."

She said as she swiped her thumb across her neck. Looking at Hiroto with a vicious expression on her face.

"I-I understand"

He said. Resisting the urge to avert his eyes away from her to avoid looking suspicious.

"... So my little brother is now earning more than me... It's kind of pissing me off when I think about it..."

She said, causing Hiroto to nervously gulp his saliva as he saw her tightly clenching her knuckles.

'This unreasonable woman!!'

He shouted in his mind before his sister suddenly grinned. Grabbing his card from his hand.

"Then, since your rich... I hope you don't mind if I go overboard in shopping with your girlfriend, right?"

"... Go ahead, just don't spend it all..."