
Chapter 37 - Times of despair

Liam gulped as she stared at him with daggers, his eyes looking down at her feet with regret, how was he supposed to tell her everything, how he always had felt, the way she had always owned a spot in his heart despite everything.

He had resented her, that much had been clear, he even loathed her for a while, knowing her actions towards him had caused the nightmare of a life he grew up in, but he also knew that she was the one person he always wanted to see at the end of every day.

He filled his lungs with a long breath, eyes slowly trailing back up to face her, to face what he had buried down bellow so long ago, the feelings he never could fully let go of.

"Narcia... I have been meaning to tell you ever since I was a child, I lo—" He said before a loud howl echoed in the distance, one that made everyone's body shiver with worry, it was a cry more than a howl, and it boded for nothing good.

The door slammed open, making everyone jump in surprise, loud quick steps followed before a bloody figure walked in, eyes full of terror as they gripped themselves onto the door frame.

"We're under attack." Silviano said as he collapsed on the floor, his eyes shutting as a puddle formed around him, his stomach had been slashed open by something quite sharp.

"It seems my work will be heavy today..." Daughtela said as she finished sowing Liam's wounds and rushed down to the wolf that had collapsed on her floor, Narcia didn't wast a second running out as screams echoed in the distance.

Liam and matheo quickly followed, the wolf keeping Liam behind himself to shield him in case they were to be ambushed.

"Alpha! We are so screwed! The cannibals... they are here!" One girl screamed before a large molten creature dashed out of the shaddows, his large mouth snapped the girl's head off in a swift move, bitting down and crushing the bones in a sickly manner.

Narcia's eyes grew wide with shock before anger consumed her, shifting in an instant as her clothes shredded, pouncing the beast before her, Liam couldn't believe what he was seeing, the smell of blood was even worst now that the girl's throat was spraying the remain of her blood around the now black grass.

Matheo didn't waste time pushing Liam back inside, shifting as well into his wolf form, shielding Liam as best he could despite his small size, he was just a beta after all.

"God... I don't understand. Devan said he would hold his father back..." Liam mumbled as he covered his mouth, the sound of flesh tearing echoed all around them as wolves battled the three large abominations that had invaded the territory.

Liam tried to capture their surroundings with his eyes, looking over to the houses that were now caught on fire, he had been to that training farm house not too long ago, his eyes teared up at the thought of the childrens and hoped they had escaped in time.

His eyes turned towards the hundreds of wolves that were pouncing the beast Narcia had attacked, they were clearly winning the fight, there was only three cannibals, no back up had arrived since the first contact, they clearly had no idea that another pack was presently here.

"I hope Devan is okay..." Liam mumbled as Matheo whimpered, giving a worried glance at Liam, the wolf was clearly just as worried as Liam was.

A loud snap echoed, the large creature falling to the ground as the wolves rushed to it, each biting a corner they could from the putrid flesh of the beast, in unison, the wolves pulled, shredding the monster to pieces.

The other two monsters dashed for the trees, having finished setting the town on fire, it was clear they had come to send a message and were now running away in fear.

The pieces of the beast desperately were trying to get back together, forcing the wolves to shred it again and again, it was clear the monster would not simply die of dismemberment.

Liam quickly jumped over Matheo, an idea now burning bright in his mind, he quickly ran over to the barn where the cannibals had started the fires, his hands lifted up at how hot the area was.

Matheo was quick behind him, growling at the recklessness of the boy, Liam ignored his friend and bent down, stretching his hand near the burning house where he grabbed the canister that was about to catch on fire.

The hot plastic made his skin sizzle but Liam did not care at the moment, he turned on his heels with teary eyes from the smoke and pain, running to where the growls echoed the loudest.

"Everyone move out the way!" Liam yelled as the wolves stopped, backing up as he threw as much as he could of the remaining gasoline onto the torn up body that slowly was trying to regenerate itself.

Liam pulled out a match pack and lit one up before throwing it at the corpse, everyone running off before the body engulfed itself into a large fire.

Disembodied screams and growls echoed for a few seconds, making everyone's skin crawl as the flames grew even bigger, leaving nothing but the rotten smell pollute the air, and the quiet crack of wood echo through the fields.

One by one, wolves reunited with their loved ones, some sat by their fallen comrades, it had caused a heavy lost for both sides, it made a sad melody through the night as wolves howled softly in mourning of the dead.

Liam couldn't look at any of them, his mind was already traumatized enough as it was from what he had just done, what he had seen.

He quickly looked around, his eyes scanning for that one fur he needed to know was still around and kicking, but he could not see the silver glow anywhere, his eyes widened as he started to run around, some people had already shifted back to human to try and stop the village from burning to the ground.

Liam ran through the crowds of peoples rushing between the healers house and some towards the fire, his eyes trying to avoid looking at the wolves that lay immobile, he didn't want to have to look, he knew better than to do so, one look down at a silver coat would tell him it was over, and he just wasn't ready for it yet.

Matheo had also joined him, running around sniffing and whimpering, both desperately looking for their friend, and the future alpha of the pack, but so far it wasn't looking good.

"Liam..." A weak voice echoed, grabbing Liam's arm as he ran by a body that lay still on the ground, Liam had purposely avoided looking at it, and by the sound of it, he wished he had looked sooner.

His eyes looked at the bloody hand that held onto his arm, the nails he had seen holding a hand minutes prior, a hand that was so dear to them, and a hand that was so dear to him, Liam couldn't remove the image out of his head.

"Narcia..." He cried out as he fell to his knees, finally facing what he had avoided, she lay there, a blanket on her chest as another wolf desperately held onto her side, the wound was clearly severe.

"She's losing too much blood... I can't stop it!" The young girl said, blood oozing out of Narcia's wound and passing between the girl's fingers, trembling as she tried to apply more pressure, the scene was absolutely horrible.

Matheo quickly dashed away, running to the healers house, many wolves had already been admitted to her, but Narcia being the next alpha would pass first, considering she was the future of the pack.

"Liam... I am sorry." She cried out, grunting as more blood fled her wound, Liam quickly shook his head, refusing to take any apologies.

"Don't even, I will not accept it. You're gonna say sorry after you're healed, got it!?" Liam said as he gripped her hand, his heart racing as Narcia smiled a bit, blood slowly starting to run out of her nose.

"I don't think I am going to make it..."

"You are! I am going to see you make it out, and then... We... We will bond. I... I wanted to tell you before... I... I want to mate... I forgive you Narcia. I forgive you for everything, fuck! I love you!" Liam said as her eyes widened, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

Her mouth opened in shock, lips quivering as she tried to formulate words in response to his confession, her eyes locked with his own as the tears fell down her cheeks.

"Thank you... Liam... Thank you... so much... I... I love you... too." She said as her smile slowly faded, her pupils slowly dilating as her chest let out her final breath, eyelids resting to a half opened position.

"Narcia...? Narcia stay with me... NARCIA!" Liam yelled as he sudden froze when her hand let him go, slipping out of his grasp and falling to the ground.

It was like time had frozen for him, his hands trembling as a gust of wind flew past him, making the leaves dance in the night, the sound of the fire dying out as the people controlled it with water.

His heart broke, he could feel the shattering it had sustained, the pieces that had crashed at the bottom of his stomach, tears ran out his eyes as a ball formed in his throat.

His hands reached out to her cheek, the skin already starting to grow cold from the lack of blood circulation, he couldn't believe it.

"No... No you can't... You can't do that to me... I... I did not just forgive you for you to leave me!" Liam yelled as he picked her by the back of her neck, the little girl bursting into tears as Daughtela arrived with Matheo, both covering their mouth in shock as Liam held Narcia on his lap, his hand behind her neck while the other held the side of her that was wounded.

"No no no no... Narcia! NARCIA NO!" Matheo screamed, the sound of his friend's screams fell dead to Liam's ears as he hugged her, taking a deep breath before letting out a blood curdling scream, making everyone stop and look over at the scene.

Wolves from the Silverfang pack immediately started howling in pain of their lost one, seeing that their only other alpha had now passed, Liam screamed again, squeezing Narcia as hard as his arms could.

Some of the Bloodstream pack even joined in on the howling, sharing the pain of a fallen wolf, showing support that Liam could care less about right now.

Pain, that's all Liam could feel at the moment, immense never ending pain, he knew he care about her, that he had even started loving her again, this wasn't how he wanted it to be, he didn't want this to happen.

His agonizing screams of suffering made the people around tear up, losing a mate was the most painful thing a shifter could go through, Liam now understood what it meant.

"Narcia... Please... Please wake up... Don't go." He cried out as he nuzzled her neck, near where her scent gland was, he didn't understand why, but his instincts guided him towards them, like it called to him.

He gently snuggled it, rubbing his cheek and chin against it repeatedly, feeling her scent still somewhat present, he couldn't help but hum as he licked it softly, tears streaming down his face and falling onto her collarbone.

"Come back to me." Liam whined out before parting his lips, opening his mouth before placing his canines on her gland, taking a hard bite into the skin, blood filling his mouth as he felt more tears fall out of his eyes.

The wind picked up around them, making some of the wolves back up as a strong gust of magic flowed in the air, two fluffy white ears popped out on Liam's head with a long bushy tail coming out of his tailbone, wrapping itself around the two of them as Liam gently let her neck go, opening his eyes to see the blood slowly leave the now fresh mark.

"Liam..? What... what is this?" Matheo asked as the wind slowed down, letting leaves that had been picked up fall to the ground, his ears slowly fell backwards as he looked down at Narcia, still immobile in his arms.

"I... I don't know... I just... I want her back..." Liam cried out as he lowered his face into her chest, crying as Matheo lowered his head, kneeling besides his two friends, finally giving up and crying at the lost of one of them.

Liam didn't care what had happened, he had thought that perhaps his instincts would have solved the issue, that claiming her would have solved everything, even if it sounded crazy to him now that he really thought about it.

Nothing could fix this, no one could fixe it, she was gone, dead, frozen to this age forever, never to open her eyes again.

Liam didn't care about anything else, about anyone.

He didn't care about anything anymore.

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