

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

PUGMECH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chp. 7, Basic Fitness Test


Okay so I did say 6:30 AM sharp so the rule is it's always better to be early than to be late. So I HAVE ARRIVED at 6:00 AM instead to set some things up for Izuku's training. So the plan is to start off simple and to get him into the routine of working out.

The plan is to start off with what I did for PE classes to show how he is starting off. The test would consist of the pacer, push-ups, sit-ups, and the mile.

From there I will give him some R-NGY to boost his small progress of working out and then practice something extra which will help him in the future.

I just need to set up all the stations. It should take time for him to arrive.


He should be here any second now. It's been five minutes since 6:30 AM. Also, I did not think it would smell this bad but it is a dump now so it makes sense. Oh, wait, I think I hear someone coming.

"Hello sir, sorry that I am late I had to explain to my mom that I was going somewhere for a bit," said Izuku

It seems he has gained a little bit of bulk in his arms unnoticeable to most since he is as thin as a stick but other than that no muscle to speak of, we will fix that.

"It's alright Izuku but did you explain to your mother that you are training with me today?" I ask

"Oh, I told her I was going to work out… but I didn't tell her about you training me," said Izuku

"I guess that's fine but you shouldn't lie in the future to your mother Izuku only bad things can come from it," I say

"Okay sir, so … what are we going to do here again? Also, I noticed you aren't wearing your hero outfit" asked Izuku

"Like I said, we are going to train your body. Since you already have the spirit of a true hero you do need to be strong to take down some villains here and there," I say

"And to answer your second question well I can't let random strangers think a hero is training you it will draw up unwanted attention" I continued

"Of course, Pro-Heroes can take down villains even if they were rescue heroes," said Izuku

"You hit the nail on the head Izuku," I say

"I do have a question though sir," said Izuku

"What may that question be," I inquired

"How do you know if I have a heroic spirit when you barely meet me?" asked Izuku

SH*T! Okay, that may have been a mishap on my part don't worry I have my sacred skill of Bull-Sh*t-No-Jutsu. It's one of my most powerful skills back on earth.

"You see Izuku. While your kind has quirks, my kind has a variety of power sets and skills way different but also comparable to quirks. One of my skills or powers so to say is I can more or less judge or know a person's beliefs or alignments by looking at them. And so, when I looked at you, I saw a massive potential to be a true hero because of your beliefs," I say

[Xander used Bull-Sh*t-No-Jutsu]

"Really-then-it-can-be-a-really-powerful-quirk-or-skill-in-your-case-the-applications-are-so-massive-you-can-tell-who-really-is-a-villain-in-a-matter-of-seconds-and-mutter-mutter-mutter," muttered Izuku

I mean I am not lying. I can now notice the smallest of details if a person is lying or not plus it is kind of obvious most of the time if someone is a villain or not.

[Bull-Sh*t-No-Jutsu is super affected it affected Xander]

Hey, I am not lying you hunk of junk. Anyways Izuku is now muttering while taking even more notes in his notebook that came out of nowhere. I swear he has a pocket dimension for that or something and he just doesn't notice it.

"Hey, Izuku, where did you get that notebook from?" I ask

"The store," says Izuku

"No, I mean where were you holding it before you took it out," I say

"My backpack why are you asking Mr. Xander?" asks Izuku

"I will explain later for now it's time to see how fit you are by doing a series of tests," I say

"Oh, ok sir I will try my best," says Izuku

He then puts his notebook away but not in his backpack but seemingly nowhere I knew it he does have some kind of power maybe not a quirk this is an AU. I knew that the bull sh*t of the double-jointed toe was not true I mean hello DNA test.

Anyways I will explain it to him afterward for now there are some tests to be done.

"Okay from what I can research about your world's workouts I choose some that fit my criteria for today. The first is called the pacer so I need you to line up here and this machine will explain the rules" I say

"Yes sir," says Izuku

"You can call me Xander Sensei or just Sensei from here on out okay," I say

"Yes Sensei," said Izuku

Izuku then goes and lines up at a line for the pacer test.

"Okay I am starting it are you ready," I asked

"Yes Sensei," replied Izuku

"Remember to do your best" I say

I then start the machine

"The fitness gram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The test is used to measure a student's aerobic capacity as part of the fitness gram assessment. Students run back and forth as many times as they can, each lap signaled by a beep sound...," said the machine


I still wonder if he does have a "quirk" or just a power then how did I get a dart monkey when I touched him if he wasn't powerless unless. I just needed to touch a human not using any power I guess that makes sense. Anyways it seems like he's getting tired but then has random spikes of energy to get the job done.

I wonder what his power is since so far. He has a pocket dimension, and gets random bursts of energy when he needs it. I think I know what it is but I just need to do a few more test to confirm it.


Izuku was slightly below average but it seems by sheer will he pushed himself over his limits going "PLUS ULTRA". Yeah, he has a long way to go but we all start from somewhere.

Izuku is now lying on the ground exhausted. I think I may have overdone it by doing all those tests in one day. I mean you usually do them on separate days.

Nah I believe in anime logic in a few minutes he will be up not full of energy so to say but not like this. I think yeah, he's fine…

"Kill me..." says Izuku

Yeah, he's fine

"Now don't be so dramatic Izuku this is just the beginning this was just a test to gauge your current abilities," I say

"WHAT!!! All that was just a test," he yells

His eyes are getting so big it seems like they can fall out of their sockets at any point.

"Of course, now here, drink up," I say while I toss him some R-NGY in a water bottle or you can call it a hydro flask.

"Thank you, Sensei," says Izuku

He then opens the bottle but then notices the liquid.

"Sensei what's in the water bottle?" asks Izuku

Hahaha. Now it's time for the excuse I made up just in case he asks this question.

"You see this is a type of workout drink my kind makes so you can replenish your energy faster and it improves the body slightly though I don't know how it will affect I can assure you it will only be beneficial," I say

[Bull-Sh*t-No-Jutsu was used]

"That's amazing, sensei with this Pro-Heroes can become heroes faster or even improve their training without worrying about overworking themselves… but why are you giving it to me I don't deserve this you should give it to someone like All-Might," said Izuku whispering the last part

"Izuku my student or would the word pupil work better. Yeah from here on out you are my pupil," I say

"Now back on topic. I won't give this to anyone but those who I trust imagine if this got into the hands of a villain," I say

Izuku flinches since that scenario wouldn't be a pretty sight to see.

"But why me," says Izuku

"Listen Izuku you are my pupil of course I would want the best for you as should any Sensei. It is their job to nourish the talents of students to their full potential. So, since I see you have high potential, I will do my best to help you achieve it," I say

"T-t-thank y-you S-sensei" Izuku said starting to cry

"Hey it's alright you don't need to cry. It seems we need to work on your confidence while we are at it." I semi-joked while I gave him a pat on the back.

A few minutes passed but he eventually stopped crying. Just even more of a reason to work on his confidence.

He then wiped his tears and then asked be "Wait what is this called then Sensei"

"Well, we called it a plethora of things some called in bloontonium juice or essence but when it had since no relation to bloontonium at all we change the name to R-NGY," I said

"What is bloontonium then? it kind of sounds like plutonium?" asks Izuku

"I'll tell you later, now I need you to drink that so you can keep on doing the training I need you to do" I say

"Hai Sensei" said Izuku

He then drinks the R-NGY and a nearly unnoticeable red light covers his body then it seems to slowly merge within his body. It seems like the bulk from before became even more noticeable and some fat went away as well so he has more muscle now by a slight bit.

I don't think it would affect him this much. I tested the effects on other things and for the most part they only got slightly stronger.

It's only when you drink it consciously that the effects become more prominent. I still killed the test subjects after they drank it and then burned their bodies to ash then flew over a volcano and dropped the remains there. You can't be too careful with this kind of stuff.

So, the only reason to explain this sudden improvement of the R-NGY is his quirk. This proves my theory of what his quirk or power is. I just wondered how that doctor under AFO didn't notice it.

I guess I can explain it to Izuku but if I tell him he has a quirk would he still get OFA? I will tell him after he is recognized by All Might to explain it to him since I think this world would be screwed if he didn't get it.

Plus, I can get more proof because most people won't believe you if you say hey you have powers when you were told by a doctor that you don't have one.

"So how do you feel?" I ask

"I feel stronger? I also have my energy back it feels like I never even did the tests" replied Izuku

"Great! Now it's time for some special training," I say

"*gulp* special training, what do you mean by that Sensei?" Izuku asked

"Well, the training monkeys back in my world did of course," I said

"That still doesn't fully answer my question Sensei," said Izuku

"Look, I am going to teach you how to throw a dart accurately and with plenty of force behind it. Since even an average citizen in my world with proper training could take down the bloons that came out of the portals," I said

"But doesn't that mean you are all super strong?" asked Izuku again

"Look Izuku you never truly know if you can do something until you try it ok," I said

"Hai Sensei I promise to do my best and try to exceed your expectations," replied Izuku

"I don't just want you to exceed them but to meet them. Remember I don't want you to become the next best All-Might but the best Izuku Midoriya. Though if you do surpass them, I might give you a reward your effort," I said

Izuku then nearly began to cry but then wiped his eyes with his arm. He then looked up to me and said "Of course Sensei I will do my best and go Plus-Ultra to meet if not surpass your expectations"

"Of course, you little entertainer now let's start this little practice of mine. Don't be ashamed if your start isn't the best, you are just beginning it's the future where I expect you to rise" I said

"Hai!" said Izuku

From there we began his new exercise but that's a story for another day.

(A/N: Hope you all liked the chapter. If you like the novel so far you can drop a stone, comment, review or just add it to your collection. It shows how many of you like my work and is the only thing from stopping me from dropping this novel. since if no one likes it whats the point. Anyways have a great day and thanks for all the comments.)

: )