
Broken Mate

Tessa found her world turned upside down when the mysterious white-haired Omega showed up in her home. With him bringing her her first experience of love, also came trouble and war. She found her life had been built on lies and secret. Her heart shattered and her world came crashing down when she believed her lover was murdered. She thought it was the end of her, not realizing it was the beginning of many heartbreaks, battles, secrets being unearthed, masks being broken and war being unleashed. Will her love prevail and bring peace or will it bring war and the destruction of the werewolf world. Let's find out!

Jp_foresight · Fantaisie
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61 Chs

Conan vs Alpha Daemon

The night was quickly approaching with the sky getting darker. Signs of rainfall was made evident in the clouds as a storm seemed to be brewing. No one cared about the weather or what it had in store. Be it, rainfall, sunshine, or whatever, the war must continue without stop. It's a thing that couldn't be stopped once it began. The battle now was inevitable and everyone was going to see it through even if it means fighting in the rain during night time or under other harsher conditions.

Alpha Conan came to halt, signalling his men to stop and ordering his wolves to stop as well. He stared ahead at the enemy that was waiting for them already. Immediately his eyes fell on their leading Alpha, a smile formed on his lips. Just what he wanted, to face off with the man that he had sworn revenge on, the man that murdered his mother and shattered his happy life, Alpha Daemon.

Alpha Daemon stepped forward, eyes fixed on his enemy, especially their leader who was a member of the Black Lotus. He knew facing a member of the Black Lotus, he had his work cut out for him. After all it falls down to which leading Alpha stands victorious after the fight. "You are not getting past this point I'm afraid!" Alpha Daemon yelled out.

"Seeing you here, I have no intention to go past this point. I think the moon goddess is shining her face on me, making me run into you. I've been eager to meet you for a long time" Conan called back.

"Do you have a personal vendetta against me?"

"You could say that. I guess it's only natural that you don't remember me, after all why would you?! I was only a kid back then when you savagely ripped my mother from me and almost killed me too. I'm going to make you go through everything you made my mother go through that day" Conan explained with every ounce of seriousness in his voice and eyes.

"I see! You've come to take your revenge. I'm afraid I'm not going to give you that satisfaction. Kill them all!" He ordered his men and they immediately yelled out warcrys, running toward Conan and his men.

"This is it! Let's end it!!" Conan yelled out, giving his men the go ahead. It was all they needed to hear. They dashed toward their enemy with murdering intent, shifting into their wolf forms just as their enemy was doing.

Conan without waiting anymore, started toward Alpha Daemon, running through his men and the enemy with unusual speed while his wolves accompanied him. Seeing this, Alpha Daemon prepared himself for the assault. He watched and waited with his claws and fangs out, eyes glowing red. This was it for him, he either emerges victorious by finishing what he failed to do years ago or he joins his son in the afterlife, but the first option was what he was aiming for.

Just few meters from Alpha Daemon, Conan leapt off the floor toward him, fist made ready. Alpha Daemon put his hands up to block his head on attack. Conan came landing, his punch being blocked by Alpha Daemon's arms, but the impact caused him to stagger back a little. He quickly regained his composure and dashed after Conan.

Alpha Daemon, his eyes gleaming with primal fury, unleashes a unique fighting style that combines his supernatural strength and agility. With a lightening-fast kick, he sent Conan sprawling backward, the impact reverberated through the air. As Conan tried to regain his footing, Alpha Daemon seized the opportunity. He launched himself into the air, executing a dazzling acrobatic maneuver. With a swift spin, he delivered a powerful roundhouse kick, sending Conan crashing into a nearby tree. The impact shook the trees, causing leaves to rain down like confetti.

But Alpha Daemon wasn't done yet. He swiftly closed the distance between them, his movements fluid and graceful. With a display of incredible strength, he effortlessly lifts Conan off his feet, hoisting him high above his head. Alpha Daemon hurls Conan through the air, sending him hurtling towards a massive oak tree. Conan crashed into the tree with a resounding thud, the wood splintering upon impact. Leaves scattered in every direction as Conan struggled to regain his senses.

Meanwhile, Alpha Daemon stood tall, his chest heaving with triumph. The forest seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the spectacle unfolding before it. He stared down at his long claws, hoping to use them then and inflict enough injury to weaken Conan. "I guess you might be the weakest one among your group, seeing as you can barely hold your own against me. Strength isn't everything, experience plays a part too and I have acquired more experience in battle than you could think about" Alpha Daemon explained.

"You might be right..." Conan stood up to his feet, spitting out blood. "But you haven't seen my full strength. You shouldn't get cocky. I haven't survived all these years just for me to be defeated easily by you" He grabbed his mask and took it off.

"Of course! I remember you. Though you were little back then but you were the boy with the wolf" Alpha Daemon laughed. "I guess I'll finish what I failed to do back then. Killing you will be fun"

"Good, you remember me. Now it'll be worthwhile beating you so you know why you're being beaten so hard" His eyes began glowing. "Attack!" He ordered and his wolves immediately dashed after Alpha Daemon with angry growls.

Alpha Daemon swiftly looked around and found a thick metal rod. He picked it up and immediately ducked, dodging the first wolf that leapt toward him. He began fighting the others as they jumped him simultaneously. Hitting them with the rod so hard that it was sending them back to where they were jumping from.

He clawed into one of the wolf's chest and pulled out it's heart and then immediately plunge the rod into the other that was attacking from behind. He maneuvered and weaved through their attacks, putting them down one after the other whilst being covered with their blood. His skill and speed helped him effortlessly put down the wolves.

Conan seeing his wolves being put down effortlessly, acknowledged Alpha Daemon's strength. He truly was worthy of the Alpha title. He admitted to himself that he was struggling against him. He wouldn't expect any less from an Alpha with such experience. But refusing to stay down or wait for his wolves to do the attacking, Conan saw it as an opportunity to make his move. With a surge of adrenaline, he pushed himself off the ground and charged back into the fray.

Alpha Daemon quickly caught sight of him. He immediately picked up the wolf he just put down and hurled him toward Conan. Conan swiftly sidestepped, dodging the wolf. With his claws out, he leapt toward the Alpha. Alpha Daemon used one of the wolves as a shield, Conan's claw plunging into the wolf. Alpha Daemon took the opportunity and landed a kick on Conan's chest, sending him rolling on the ground, but he quickly stood up to his feet and dashed toward the Alpha again.

The battle intensified as both combatants unleash a flurry of devastating strikes and evasive maneuvers. Each punch and kick landed with bone-shaking impact, the forest echoing with the symphony of their clash. The fight raged on, both of them locked in a mesmerizing dance of power and agility. Alpha Daemon's unusual fighting style continued to impress, as he seamlessly blends acrobatics, brute force, and supernatural abilities.

They were so focused on each other that the battles between their people were blurred out to them. The wolves kept ripping and tearing through one another, each side aiming to get the upper hand. The battlefield was littered with dead wolves, limbs and soaked with blood. As much as they fought hard to get the upper hand, they were each hoping for their Alpha to come out victorious and turn the tide of the battle.

With Alpha Daemon's claws ripping Conan's robe from the shoulder to the stomach side even though Conan dodged, the Alpha quickly followed up with the attack by gripping the torn part of the robe and used it to pull Conan to his awaiting claws which clawed Conan's face from his jaw to just under his left eye. Conan growled in pain and swiftly, pushed the Alpha using him to propel himself from him.

Standing few meters from the Alpha, he titled his upper body toward the ground, holding his face which was quickly covered with his blood that was pouring out from the claw marks. Alpha Daemon stared at him, sure that he was few more attacks away from weakening him fully. But to the Alpha's surprise, Conan began laughing. A quiet laughter that quickly became loud, filling the forest. It was so loud that even the wolves battling glanced at him, wondering what was wrong with him.

Conan continued laughing loudly as he stood upright. He looked up at the sky, grabbing his hair. He laughed and laughed and laughed, keeping Alpha Daemon in a state of confusion. "This is it! This is everything I crave! I feel alive!" He shouted amidst laughter.

Seeing that scene played before him, Alpha Daemon realized he was fighting with a psychopath. A mentally unstable Alpha. Conan grabbed his already torn robe and ripped it off his body. "Come on!" He yelled at Alpha Daemon whilst standing there in their inner wear and a happy expression. "Bring it!" He laughed hard.

Alpha Daemon not sparing any more time dashed toward him, but Conan haven been analyzing the Alphas moves and fighting style the whole time, effortlessly dodged his claws that was swung at him. With his cunning intellect and what he had analyzed from the Alpha, he began searching for an opening. With lightening-fast reflexes, he dodged Alpha Daemon's initial lunge, gracefully evading his razor-sharp claws.

Seizing the opportunity on seeing the opening he was anticipating, Conan unleashed a barrage of powerful punches and kicks, his movements, a blur of agility. His unique fighting style incorporated acrobatics, allowing him to somersault and flip through the air, striking with precision. Alpha Daemon, fueled by his own strength, retaliated with brute force, his sharp claws swiping at Conan. But Conan, with his unmatched speed, weaved effortlessly between the attacks, his instincts guiding his every move.

In a display of raw power, Conan harnessed his super strength, gripping Alpha Daemon's arm and effortlessly lifted him off the ground. With a mighty heave, Conan hurled Alpha Daemon through the air, sending him crashing into a cluster of sturdy trees.

Undeterred, Alpha Daemon quickly recovered, his bones audibly cracking as he shifted back into position. He lunged at Conan, teeth bared and claws extended, aiming to sink his fangs into Conan's flesh. But Conan, ever resourceful, sidestepped the attack, countering with a swift and precise strike to Alpha Daemon's vulnerable flank. The forest echoed with the clash of their ferocious battle. Conan's punches landed with bone-crushing force, each blow weakening Alpha Daemon. With a calculated move, Conan expertly maneuvered, using the environment to his advantage. He skillfully slammed Alpha Daemon against trees, the impact reverberating through the forest.

Alpha Daemon was at a loss, surprised with Conan's new found strength. His attacks were being warded off as though he was reading his every move. He couldn't find an opening to attack Conan anymore but instead was giving him more openings to get hit by Conan. With his strength wavering, he fought back with a desperate frenzy, Conan's continuous laughter pissing him off. Conan, fueled by determination, remained one step ahead, anticipating his opponent's every move. He swiftly dodged Alpha Daemon's attacks, his movements a symphony of grace and power.

He landed a barrage of puches straight at the Alpha's face. His speed was too fast for the Alpha to block. He kept on punching his face relentlessly until he saw that the Alpha's whole face was covered with his blood. He then immediately landed a strong kick to his rib, sending him clashing against a tree. The impact of the kick caused a bone in his rib to be broken, the sound of the bone breaking was clearly heard.

Without giving the Alpha time to get used to the pain, Conan dashed at him with his knee, hitting him against the tree with so much force that the bone in the Alpha's chest cracked. Alpha Daemon growled in pain, holding his chest. But Conan wasn't ready to let him catch his breath yet, he immediately grabbed the Alpha's hand and twisted his five fingers, breaking them, ignoring the Alpha's painful cry.

He pulled the Alpha to his feet and with all his might, he kicked the Alpha's knees causing both legs of the Alpha to shift out of position. As soon as he let go, the Alpha came crashing down. Conan pounced on him against the ground, landing punch after punch after punch on his already damaged face, laughing crazily as he kept on punching with no signs of stopping. The Alpha could hardly breath, blood gurgling in his mouth and eyes so swollen that his vision was covered. With one last poweful punch landing on his mouth, his fangs broke.

"You're mine!" Conan laughed, brought out his right claws and punched into the Alpha's chest, grabbing his heart. The Alpha wheezed and coughed out more blood. Conan felt the heart beating in his soft grip. "For my mother" He whispered to the Alpha as the smile left his face. He began tightening his grip on the Alpha's heart and watched him struggling to stay alive. And with one quick motion, Conan squashed his heart and pulled it out from his chest.

He watched life slowly live the Alpha's body. He felt relief wash over him, his anger and disdain fading away. He was bathed with some form of peace. He had achieved his long time goal, a goal that was all he lived for. Staring at his blood covered hand, he smiled. A fulfilled smile that came from his heart genuinely. Just then he heard a footstep approaching cautiously from behind him but he didn't bother to look or fight against who it was.

Kneeling there above the Alpha's body, he felt a stake pierce from his back and came out from his chest, puncturing his heart along the way. He continued smiling with blood coming out from his mouth. He stood up and slowly turned to see Alpha Vee standing there with another stake in hand. Vee immediately stabbed him through his chest with the other stake. "For ruining my life" Vee said, pushing the stake deeper into his heart.

Conan smiled softly at her. "Sorry" He muttered to her before dropping to his knees and then to his side, his eyes closing as life left his body. Vee stood over his lifeless body with a blank expression. She was expecting some kind of relief and fulfilment from achieving her revenge but none came. She knew then and there that she wouldn't get such relief and peace till all of them are in the ground, including Tessa.

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