

When at the age of 16 Haru has his first heat, his family abandons him. Despite everything, Haru does not give up and becomes the most requested host of the very private SS club. His goal, to leave the country and find happiness. But his meeting with his fated pair will turn his outlook on life upside down. Destroyed and traumatized, Haru has now only one desire: to die. Will he be able to regain his taste for life? Can he still be saved? ******************************************* MATURE CONTENTS / BL Main Couple / Hard description : read at your own discretion [ PS : English isn’t my main language. It’s not even my second XD So please, be gentle and be patient with me. I’m still learning. ]

WndyButter · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
76 Chs

21 : The Flower’s Laugh

Akihito was back to the condo. Last week, after Haru's first medical appointment with his sister, he decided to buy the Omega a smartphone.

Haru couldn't talk but texting was something he managed to learn fast.

When the omega called earlier during Akihito's make out session with Angela, the Alpha thought he was daydreaming. But in truth, Haru had send him a bunch of texts before the call, to ask if he could use the shower.

It was their arrangement. They had agreed that every time Haru would need permission for something, he would text Akihito ( especially, when the latter would be outside ). The alpha had told the Omega to do what he wanted but maybe because of Sissy, Haru was now more cautious, as if the housekeeper's shadow was still pursuing him. Just for that, Akihito wanted to go get the girl and beat her.

Akihito tried to call Haru back, but he went straight to voicemail. The alpha had to drive quickly to the apartment, fearing something might happen.

When he opened the door, Haru was only wearing a shirt.

The smell of pee hung around the house.

Haru lowered his head. With his lower lip quivering, he was about to cry. He was shaking slightly, hoping that Akihito wouldn't hurt him.

Earlier, he peed during his nap. He had a really bad nightmare and peed on himself as he struggled to wake up from his fears.

Akihito wasn't there so Haru didn't know what to do with the blanket and his dirty pants. So he tried to text the Alpha but after thirty minutes of no response he started to panic. He called the Alpha but still no answer. He decided to clean his room before Akihito returned. He didn't want the Alpha to beat him because of it.

Akihito looked at the scared Omega for a moment. He finally approached the boy and Haru closed his eyes desperately, praying that the slap didn't hurt him too much.

Akihito hugged Haru, causing the Omega to open his eyes in surprise. He brought the Omega into the bathroom and ran a bath. Haru stood still, frightened by the Alpha's silence.

Akihito was angry with himself. He had scared the Omega and reminded him of his painful past with Sissy. He promised to be there for the Omega if he needed it and he failed miserably.

As the tub filled, Akihito helped Haru to undress. Frightened, the Omega did so.

"- I'm sorry," Akihito finally said to Haru.

The Omega finally met his eyes. His heart sank when he saw that the Alpha was really sad and sorry.

Akihito cupped Haru's face and said:

"- Let's take a bath together."

Haru blushed but nodded. For unknown reasons, he wanted to please Akihito. Even though the thought of taking a bath together made him anxious, he knew he could trust Akihito. The man hasn't judged him once since he was with him so ... a bath wouldn't kill him. And if taking a bath can make Akihito feel better, Haru wasn't against it.

Once they were both naked, they entered the tub together. Akihito decided to wash Haru as Haru tried not to let water get into his plaster cast.

The alpha shampooed his blonde locks and washed his back. Haru was not wearing a collar. His neck was beautiful. There was a scar between his shoulder and throat, but his Omega's gland was still intact.

Akihito buried his nose on the gland. He could smell the faint scent of peach and vanilla. If Haru wasn't so good-looking, people would think he was a beta because he didn't emit any pheromones. To feel it, they had to be very close to the boy.

"- You smell really good" said Akihito.

His hair brushed Haru's cheek and ear. The Omega tried to move but Akihito now held him tight. He squirmed a lot. Akihito knew he was making the boy uncomfortable but he didn't want to let go. But still, he had to. He let out a sigh and as he was about to release the Omega he heard a small laugh.

Akihito froze. Haru put his hand to his ear to hide it. He turned back to look at Akihito. A small smile was still on his lips and he was blushing very hard.

Without a sound, his mouth moved to say something and even though he wasn't saying it correctly, Akihito understood it.

"Tickle" the omega's lips said.

"- Did ... I tickle your ear?" Akihito asked, still shocked by the sound he had heard earlier.

Haru shyly nodded.

Excited, Akihito showered Haru's ear with kisses. At first Haru just tried to move away but then he laughed.

His crystal-clear laughter filled the bathroom. Something warm blossomed in Akihito's heart. Haru's voice was beautiful and soothing. He wanted to hear it over and over. Haru's expression was good. The smile on his feathered lips, rosy cheeks, and teary eyes made Akihito happy.

When Haru managed to free himself, Akihito pulled him gently into his arms and pecked the tip of his nose.

Haru stopped moving. His eyes fixed on Akihito's, his face flushed and his heart was pounding.

"- Let me hear you more" said Akihito then. "I like it. It makes me happy."

After the bath, they began to clean the room. The mattress was a little wet but that was okay.

Haru had his own room. He took naps in his room during the day, but at night he would slept in Akihito's room. The Alpha didn't care. It just meant the Omega was now a bit more comfortable with him.

Akihito was brought back from his thinking when Haru showed him his phone.

" I am sorry."

Akihito leaned down a bit to face the omega. His pouty lips were so cute that Akihito couldn't help but smile.

"Why? I'm glad you peed even though it's on your bed." said Akihito. "It means the medication is working. Besides, you were sleeping. I also wet my bed before.

"Really?" Asked the surprised Omega.

Akihito nodded.

"- Before, I was abroad for work. "he started to explain, sitting on the bed. He brought Haru on his lap. " I was quite sad you know… I had just understood that my fated pair was only after the glory and the money... "

Haru's heart squeezed from the news. If Akihito had a fated pair so that meant someday he…

" - I don't like her " Akihito stated to be clear. " She might be my fated pair but I don't feel anything for her. My body react because my inner Alpha recognized her as his, but my heart can't accept someone who's not faithful and true." he explained, feeling guilty for earlier.

Haru was fiddling nervously with his phone. Akihito smiled and said :

" - But I did like her at the beginning… "

Haru stiffen feeling horrible to know that. Akihito chuckled and turned the Omega's sad face towards him.

"- I did… in the past tense. Because of her, I have been drinking a lot and in my inebriated state I would sometimes wet my bed. Now I'm fine. "

"Will you… see her someday?" Haru wrote.

Akihito's heart was beating very fast. Without warning, his pheromones exploded around the room. Haru froze but relaxed quickly when he felt that Akihito was actually just happy.

"- Haru… can I kiss you?" "the Alpha asked huskily.

The Omega blushed but slowly nodded. Akihito put his hand on the cheek of the sweet omega. His nose brushed Haru's and he inhaled the peach scent of his soft skin. His eyes were fixed on the full pink lips in front of him.

Slowly he pecked at those full lips then his mouth began to move, licking, sucking and nibbling his omega's lower lip. Haru let out a soft satisfied purr and Akihito shifted his position and made Haru straddle him. One of his hands was now on the Omega's back and the other on those shiny blonde locks.

Haru was following his tune. Kissing wasn't his forte but Akihito made it easier for him to follow and it was so enjoyable. When Akihito's hand tenderly stroked his ear, Haru gasped and Akihito slipped his playful tongue into his small mouth. He sucked the omega's tongue and licked it deliciously.

Haru's free arm was around Akihito's neck. His eyes closed, he reveled in the kiss. Akihito was gentle with him and the kiss was so good that his head was mushy. He felt light and wanted to drown in Akihito's kisses.

The Alpha felt the same. Earlier, when he kissed Angela, he just felt hungry. But now what he felt was pure bliss. He felt complete. As if Haru was the missing piece to his heart and life.

When their mouths unlinked, Haru's forehead was pressed against his. Akihito stroked the Omega's cheek with his thumb. The boy was still in the clouds, savoring the exquisite sensations of the kiss that remained.

When he opened his purple eyes, Akihito pecked his nose with a smile.

" - It was good ? "asked the Alpha.

Haru rested his head on the Alpha's shoulder while nodding. Akihito stroked his back until he could hear the Omega's gentle breaths. He fell asleep.

Here a fluffy chapter ! Because fluffy is good :3

Hehe~ Actually this chapter was already in my phone but I just forget to update it *sigh*

So I hope you will like it x) I will try to update soon after this one ! There’s still some things I need to think for the story line to go where I want !

Enjoys :3

PS : As alway, I’m sorry for the mistakes T-T

WndyButtercreators' thoughts