
Chapter One- Laken

First day of senior year. The first day of my continuous hell till I'm out of this God-forsaken town. If I could have left before now then I would have, but my grades are my ticket out of here. I don't want to be stuck working at the local diner for the rest of my life, popping out screaming babies while my husband gets head every Friday night from a bar slut who can't keep her panties dry, out behind the only bar in town. And trust me, this town has plenty of bar sluts.

I'm sitting here in my beat-up Ford truck, stalling as long as I can before I have to walk through the gates of hell. This school is so cliche it's ridiculous. On the steps of the school you will find your football team surrounded by the cheerleaders, and in the midst of them is the Queen Bee, Tillie Rogers, who for some reason hates my guts.

We were best friends all throughout elementary school and middle school, but once ninth grade hit, she did a total 180 and I was the scum beneath her shoes. We went from sleepovers to having her drinks poured over my head in the lunchroom, garbage in my locker, and slut-shaming graffiti on the school walls.

I've been with one guy, who by the way, was a two-pump chump, and I'm a slut? Whatever. She has a stick up her ass the size of Texas, and one day I will figure out what I did to deserve her wrath for the last three years.

Just as I'm getting out of my truck I hear a loud rumble from a car I've never seen before, that's peeling through the parking lot like a mad man. It's actually a really nice car so it's caught everyone's attention.

When he pops the door open and gets out, all eyes are on him. An angular jaw and sharp cheekbones are what grab my attention first because it's perfection personified. The aviators he has on cover his eyes, but I bet they are just as perfect.

He's wearing a black t-shirt that fits him perfectly and shows off the curves of his muscles underneath. Black ripped jeans cover his legs, and black biker boots complete his swagger bad boy look. He has tattoos that cover his neck down to his fingers, and I bet his whole torso is covered in that gorgeous ink.

Caramel-colored hair that's shaved on the sides and long on the top, with locks of hair falling over his left eye, and a nose ring in his left nostril. He was bad boy perfection with the air of "I don't give a shit" and "fuck off".

The kind of boy your mama warns you about, and your daddy forbids you to date. If you have parents who give a shit about you, but mine certainly doesn't. My mom stays in her room medicated from sun up to sundown, and my dad goes to work in the morning and comes home drunk every night. If he's really bad then I tend to stay out of his way or a busted lip is very likely.

I tend to stay to myself and stay out of trouble as much as I can, but the people in this school make it hard to behave. I need out of this town as soon as I graduate, and this boy looks like trouble. The kind of trouble I need to stay away from.

I've never had such a visceral reaction to a boy before. Although, this one is all man, and he is the type to grab a woman by the ovaries and reduce her to her most primitive core.

He starts walking up the steps to the entrance of the school, and every girl is flipping her hair, waving, and smiling to try and get his attention, especially Tillie. She just found a new target. Good luck with that, honey.

I get a moment of satisfaction when she tries to say hi and he just walks on by like he didn't see her. Maybe my day won't be so bad after all.

I walk into the school just as the first bell rings and head to my locker, to which it's no surprise to see "whore" written across it in red spray paint. Just another regular day at Prestview High. Can they not come up with something better, or are they not smart enough to come up with a new word? Amateurs.

I grab my book for math and store the rest of my books in my locker, and head to my first class of the day. Math hates me, and I hate it. I won't use most of this shit once I graduate so why do I have to take it? It's the only class I am barely passing in. But as long as I keep a C average then I shouldn't have any issues with getting into college. I just dread having to take more math classes there. I will definitely be studying more than I have to do at this shit school.

I walk into my math class as soon as the second bell rings and Mrs. Conners gives me a glare as if I were ten minutes late for class. I take the last seat available, which is right in front of Jared Miles. I roll my eyes and head to my seat. Just great.

Mr. Popular and captain of the football team. Also, the guy who has tried to get in my panties ever since I grew tits. He's gorgeous with his raven-colored hair, green eyes, and a thousand-watt smile. But his heart and soul make him ugly to the core. He is your typical "I'm better than everyone" jock. Someone I want to dick punch on the daily, and I know by the end of class he will be trying my patience, and a dick punch will be the least of his concerns.

Mrs. Conners drones on at the front of the class, and I feel him touching my hair, so I gather it all in my hand and pull it over one shoulder to get it out of his reach.

"Hey, Laken," he whispers in my ear, making me shudder, "those tits are looking extra juicy today. Did they grow over the summer?"

I ignore him, because if you feed the gremlin then it will come back for more. For the love of God, I just want to be left alone till I can grab my diploma and get the hell out of here. Is that too much to ask for?

"How about after practice you meet me outside the locker room and you can bounce on my dick? I mean, that's what sluts do, right? So maybe you could fit me in your schedule?"

Oh God, I'm taking the bait. I turn around and don't bother lowering my voice when I say, "You're disgusting! Why the hell would I want to bounce on your dick and get chlamydia? Fuck off!"

Laughter erupts in the classroom and his face turns red from anger as he shoots daggers at me.

"Miss Manning, get your stuff and get to the principles office, now! I will not have you disrupting my class and using profanity!" the teacher exclaims.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? Of course, it's me who gets in trouble. Jared fucking Miles can do no wrong in this town. The golden boy just because his parents own most of our shitty town. He gets away with everything. It's disgusting.

I grab my book and stuff it in my backpack and head out the door. At least I get to skip math class. My dad will be pissed if I get suspended though. Before he's too drunk to remember, calling him at work will definitely cost me a busted lip or bruised ribs when he gets home tonight.

As soon as I open the office door Miss Janet, our old as Methuselah secretary, looks up and sighs. "Have a seat, Laken. I will tell him you're here."

Yeah, I may get sent in here often, so she's not surprised to see me here during the first period. Seriously though, she is way past retirement age and I have no idea why she would want to stay at this school and work. Maybe it's because she never married or had kids so working in hell for shitty pay doesn't bother her.

I turn to sit down in one of the chairs lined up against the wall by the office door and come to a halt. I am immediately ensnared by the most intense blue eyes I have ever seen. An ice blue that gives me chills with its intensity.

His gaze is so intense that I feel like he's seeing right into my soul. And though I want to look away so he can't see all the darkness and pain I live with, it's hard to pull my gaze from his.

My eyes finally drop down to his chest. Ah, hell, that's even worse than the eyes! My fingers twitch wanting to touch every groove and contour I can see beneath his form-fitting shirt.

I continue my appraisal, and his legs are wide open as he lounges back in the chair like he hasn't a care in the world. The way he's sitting draws my attention to his...package. Lord help me, now I'm picturing what his dick looks like, and this isn't normal behavior for me. But the close-up version of the new guy is even better than I saw in the parking lot.

I run my eyes back up his body till I get to his lips. Lips that look soft with the lower lip being puffier than the top, and it makes me want to pull that bottom lip into my mouth and bite down on it. I'm just standing here like an idiot staring at his lips till it turns up into a smirk.

My eyes shoot up to his to see there's humor shining in them. It's like he knows what I'm thinking, but it snaps me out of the trance his sinful body had me in. My cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I narrow my eyes at him, then walk over to sit down in the seat on the end, putting two chairs between us.

I can feel his stare on me and it's making me nervous. I hate being stared at.

"Do you have a problem?" I snap at him without looking his way. There's no way in hell I'm looking at him right now and chance looking like an idiot again. He just chuckles, and holy hell is it deep and going straight to my core. I think I would rather be in math class right now.

The door to the Principal's office swings open, and when Mr. Jackson sees me he lets out a sigh that sounds just like the one I got from Miss Janet. I just roll my eyes and wait for it.

"Laken. You didn't even make it through the first period before being sent up here. Why am I not surprised?"

With the biggest smile I can muster I say, "I aim to please, Mr. Jackson. I just knew you missed me all summer so I got in trouble just so you could bask in my greatness to start the school year off right."

Bad boy next to me chuckles, and now I'm regretting my words because that sound does something to my lady parts that I don't need to happen right before I go into the Principle's office.

"Get in here, Laken, and tell me what you did this time so I can send you back to class", Mr. Jackson says in a dull voice.

I don't know why he doesn't like me. I'm so personable and sweet. What's not to like? I may have a smart mouth, and sarcasm is my middle name, but that's just the beauty of me.

So I walk into his office with a smile and sit down in front of his desk as he takes his on the other side.

"Why are you in here so early Laken?" the principal demands.

"Well, there I was just sitting in math class, minding my own business-"

"Were you even paying attention to the teacher, Laken?", he interrupts me.

"Of course not", I say with an "are you kidding me" glare.

"Of course not", he repeats with an eye roll. "Carry on", he says.

I clear my throat and continue on, "Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted"- hearing him mutter under his breath- "I was just sitting there minding my own business when Jared asked me to bounce on his dick".

"Can you not be so crude, Laken!" Mr. Jackson interrupts again.

I gasp and put my hand on my chest like I'm thoroughly offended. "You told me to tell you what happened, Mr. Jackson! Do you want to hear the story or not?"

He just groans and puts his head in his hands, so I take that as my cue to continue.

"Where was I? Oh, yes, when Jared asked me to bounce...on his male member..." I rephrase when he gives me a sharp look, "since I'm already a slut. So I ask him why he would want me to bounce…on his male member because I don't want chlamydia."

I pause for effect then say, "Oh, and then I told him to fuck off," I finish with a bright smile.

"Laken, drop the profanity and stay after school for one-hour detention," he says exasperated. "Now go back to class."

I jump up out of my seat and yell, "Are you kidding me! He asks me to bounce on his dick, on school grounds might I add, and calls me a slut, and I'm the one that gets detention?"

"Well, now it's two-hour detention since you're yelling profanity in my office," he states.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Dad is going to lose it when I come home late because of detention. This is bullshit. I hate Jared Miles with a passion, and I wish I could grab his balls and squeeze till he's squealing like the pig he is.

I am steaming mad so I grab my backpack and haul ass out of that office, and I can feel the new guy's intense gaze on my back like it's searing me from the inside out. I just keep on walking and go straight to the girl's bathroom since the bell will be ringing for the second period in a few minutes.

My senior year is going to be a pain in my ass if it's starting off like this. I hate this place.