
Breathe (African novel) [GL]

Nikola was born with the might of Africa in her veins. She was designed with one purpose - protect. She has a mission and failure is not an option. ...but how will Nikola justify risking her life for the girl that cost her everything.

Lexsitra · LGBT+
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189 Chs

Amashumi ayisikhombisa nanhlanu

Quaahir snapped his fingers in front of Nikola's face repeatedly, but she was still in slight shock. There was a creepy smirk spread across the brunette's face. 

"Nik… Nikola!" Natori called out when she didn't reply. 

She was still in awe of her wife's uncharacteristic vixen strut. Confidence looked good on Melissa. But she was having whiplash with her mood wings lately. Whatever it was, she preferred this version of her wife over the previously sad version of her. Zane rolled their eyes and slapped their queen straight through her face.  That snapped her out of her trance immediately and she turned towards Zane with flames in her eyes. 

"You're welcome," Zane said and pursed their lips. Quaahir cleared his throat and got in Nikola's face.