
Chapter 11- End of the Meeting

When Wang Wei first formulated the plan to put Wang Bo in his room, he was prepared for Wang Fu to call him out. Therefore, he went through the trouble of coming up with an excuse but judging the way things turned out, there was no need! Of course, Wang Wei still had to be cautious, but it seems like he would not be deemed as the killer!

Everyone was talking about the way the murder could have happened, and Wang Wei decided that he should speak.

"Um, Family Head... this lowly member has something to say involving Wang Bo," Wang Wei said, carefully choosing his words.

Many heads turned to Wang Wei, including Wang Jian.

"Please speak of any matter involving Wang Bo," Wang Honghui said. He checked Wang Wei's cultivation and was slightly shocked to find out that he was a fourteen-year-old at the 4th stage. One had to know that Wang Bo was sixteen and was at the fifth.

Wang Wei looked nervous, "I am not sure if this information will help you in coming up with the method used or your investigation, however, I still wish to say it." He took a deep breath. "I can verify that yesterday at noon I saw Wang Bo in the fields east of town square very much alive!"

Wang Fu was curious when he heard that Wang Wei wanted to speak, but he could not expect that he would rat himself out!

Wang Honghui was intrigued by the words of Wang Wei, "At noon you say? Forgive me for being blunt but, how do I know that I can trust your words?"

Wang Wei inwardly smiled, clearly, he was prepared for this question. "Wang Fu was also there. Even if my words cannot be trusted, surely his will."

Wang Honghui looked at Wang Fu while the latter was cursing inwardly for being forced to get involved. "What he said is the truth. I was with my brother at noon," Wang Fu said with his hands cupped.

Wang Honghui nodded. "The Du family have many hidden means and are quite powerful. They definitely capable of killing Wang Bo. Also, we know that the time of his death must be between noon and midnight." He sighed.

"We have a general understanding between the death of Wang Bo, that's one problem dealt with. Time for the second."

Nobody took the initiative to speak not even the grand elder. Wang Honghui, seeing this, felt that the silence was to be expected. This other matter was about the successor of the family head. It could not be taken lightly.

"Since no one has anything to say how about we make it a competition," Wang Honghui said. "The family competition is in half a year and I think that it is reasonable that the strongest should be next Head, right? Therefore, here is my proposal: the top three in the competition will be eligible to become the next Family Head and after that, the most popular candidate will win,"

Everyone's eyes brightened. "Yes! That is an excellent proposal Family Head!" one person after another shouted.

Wang Honghui nodded. "Since it has been decided, that is what shall happen. Once we have decided my successor, I will personally pay a visit to the Du Family and demand an explanation. If they truly were the ones who killed Wang Bo, blood will be spilled!"

Roars were heard and everyone finally had a way to vent their anger.

"Yeah! Down with the Du Family!" someone cried.

"Keeping us oppressed from these years, they were afraid of our rise! That's why they killed Wang Bo!" said another.

Wang Honghui smiled on the outside yet sighed on the inside. The Du Family was much stronger than the Wang Family. They had someone in the 9th stage! If both families went to war, it is obvious what the outcome would be. Wang Honghui only said those words to get everyone's spirits up and did not expect this sort of reaction from the elders.

"With this, the meeting is over! We shall see each other when the time of the family competition is upon us!" Wang Honghui yelled.

Each of the important figures stood up, and while some chatted, most left without a word.

Wang Jian was one of the ones who left immediately and he walked rather quickly out the building.

The walk on the way back to the cottage was quiet, with the occasional muttering from Wang Jian. Xie Mei and Wang Li were not home, so the cottage was quiet until Wang Jian turned around and spoke to Wang Wei. "Wei-er... You could very well win the family competition! With Wang Bo not around, the strongest competitor would be in the 4th stage, just like you!" Wang Jian was all smiles. "Of course, I am sad that Wang Bo died, however, his end might be the beginning of your rise!"

Wang Wei didn't know what to say to those words.

Wang Jian put both of his hands on Wang Wei's shoulders. "Train and train hard! Success comes to the hard working not the deserving. Half a year is all you have and during this time many things must be done. Your Wind Breaker's Fist must improve, your cultivation must be consolidated, and your arsenal of techniques must grow! The first and second are your struggles, however, I can help with the 3rd!"

Seeing his father so energized, Wang Wei couldn't let him down. "Yes, Father! Wei-er will definitely win the competition and bring honor to you!" Wang Jian smiled and nodded affirmatively to his response.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Go train!" Wang Jian said before waving Wang Wei off.

Wang Wei smiled as well and exited the cottage, but if he looked back at Wang Jian, he would see a frown and a certain look of guilt.

"Wei-er, I hope the day that you must know the truth does not come, but if it comes, I want you to be ready. The Wang Family is not at all as simple as you may think."

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