
Boys and Heroes

There was nothing strange about their words‌—until Evander felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. The potion didn't seem dangerous, so he knew it couldn't cause serious harm. Still, he didn't think he could hold the medicine down in his stomach. Instead, he spat it out on the ground. "No," said Evander, and he realized the word wasn't even English. "I don't want to be their king."

Inkgear · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
48 Chs


Evander groaned at the feel of her palm wrapped around his stiff cock. They had made love once before, briefly, while under the influence of some potent ale. He didn't remember much about it—the room was dark, she was tired and, he was drunk. But this was different. There was no alcohol involved. Evander felt no pain from his wounds. It felt like someone had turned the clock back months, and all those feelings that had lain dormant within him were now fully awake. This was the real thing.

His lips moved to the back of her neck, kissing lightly until his teeth grazed her skin. Ivi gasped softly, trembling more strongly now. Her fingers slipped downward, gripping his erection through his pants, and he let out a low grunt against her cheek.

For long moments, he stroked her hard, aching body. He held her, making sure not to move his hand too quickly lest he frighten her, but forcing her to go at her own pace. Her grip around him increased, and her nails dug into his back. When she stood up slightly on tiptoe, he grasped her leg with one hand and ran the other gently up her stomach. She moaned softly. He continued to as troke he until his thumb brushed over the silver band resting beneath her robe, where he had seen it earlier.

"That's not why you wanted me to stay," Ivi breathed. "Is it?"

Evander let out a long, slow breath. "No."

Her arms slipped around his neck, pulling him down against her. There was nothing to be done. He drew her closer, angling his body to pull his bulge alongside hers. They were both still fully clothed. If he had removed even his trousers, they might have been able to make love at last. But Evander loved her. It was love, pure and simple.

He pressed his lips to hers once more, deeply. When Ivi gasped softly, he shifted his mouth to the softness of her cheek, inhaling her scent as he did so. He could not take his eyes off her body. Not now, when everything felt so right and complete. The scars, the bruises, the wounds on his body—none of it mattered. She was here in front of him.

Ivi closed her eyes, shuddering under his hands. Her fingers twisted beneath his shirt, pushing against the cloth of his tunic, but he held firm, knowing that, if she kept going, he would lose himself entirely. Instead, she kissed him, then turned her head to murmur something. At first, he thought it was another word for "later," but it sounded like "mine."

Evander"s heart pounded in his chest as he met her lips again. His body filled with intense warmth, and a thrill raced through him. She held him closely, running her fingers through his hair. As they kissed, she pressed herself against him, as if trying to keep the rest of the world away. A long, deep sigh escaped her mouth as they moved together, their bodies softening.

Her voice startled him, though, when she broke off from the kiss. "If you want me to stay, I"ll stay," she whispered.

The words stopped him cold. His thoughts went black, his mind numb. There was no sense arguing about the matter, not now, and maybe not ever. Ivi seemed happy enough now, at least. He knew he didn't deserve her. No one in Celene did. The only thing to do was go along with it, in whatever way she wanted, if there was to be any chance of happiness. He groaned as his tongue traced her lips, and he held onto her, kissing her throat before trailing his tongue over her jawline to her ear.

She moaned, pressing her body closer to his.

Then she pulled away, stepping back to look up into his eyes.

"But I'm leaving."


The room felt empty when Evander stepped out of the small bed chamber. It had taken hours to coax Ivi downstairs again and persuade her to return to his side.

Eventually, the half-elf had returned to the candlelight, and they had shared their first real kiss, one that had left them both flushed and breathless. She had relaxed slightly while they talked, revealing a certain fondness for the city and its people. He was so tired, however, that he couldn't put all the pieces together. Perhaps it had been more than the ale after all; perhaps his mind simply wouldn't let him understand what she was saying. Now he knew. It was far easier to accept it when Ivi was sitting right there with him, but his mind would have no part of it.

Instead, Evander went to his window, opening it and turning the latch until the wooden panels lifted clear of the stone wall. Then, drawing a deep breath, he slid from his room and closed the door behind him. His heart raced in his chest, pounding hard and fast. He knew he should not leave, not after everything, especially not after making such an issue out of their relationship, but he also knew it was the only way to be sure. If there was the slightest chance that she would stay . ..

He ran as fast as his feet could carry him, moving through the secret passageways like a wraith. He was alone; no one else was likely to be about. The streets were dark, the moon barely visible, and a misty rain fell from the night sky. Despite the threat of the rain, he noticed nothing else on his route until he reached the last destination. He slowed, the terror rising in him. Had Ivi truly intended to do this? It seemed so impossible now that she was no longer here.

The building was squat, simple. On the outside, it looked exactly like it belonged to any other merchant or small shop owner. When he tapped lightly at the door, however, he knew something was wrong. The sound was muffled, like someone was leaning against the other side. He fumbled with the latch for a moment, then knocked again. There was no response from within.

Slowly, cautiously, he pulled open the door and crept inside, keeping his eyes to the floor and hoping it would not lead into an empty room. As soon as he stepped through the threshold, however, his instincts were proven correct. He nearly jumped back, gasping when he realized who it was.