

" boy meets.. what? " A Troublemaker, who's known for a female epitome, is on the loose and has killed over 20 people or more for 5 years straight. Until, everyone decided that enough is enough. Augustus David Minoza and his team called 'Bulletproof' has one mission - catch the troublemaker. But what if in the middle of finding and catching Miss Troublemaker, he and his team gets in to a bigger trouble? (you can find a version of this in a bts x bp fanfiction in wattpad too)

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S1EP4 - ‘ The Red Bar Incident ‘


⁅ J U N E . T H I R T E E N ⁆

JIN HYUNG AND I CLIMBED UP to the highest floor where the office of Master Hawk is located by using the secret elevator, wherein only a few selected people can access it. The password also changes per month so those who can enter are not just random people.

When we got to the top, the serious face of the man whom we treat as a dad and also our boss welcomed us.

Benson Hawkins. Master Hawkins/Hawk. Head of B.S.T Agency.

He's the head as well as the founder of the agency. He built the organization 30 years ago after he and his colleagues resigned in their previous job.

He also adopted me, Jin hyung, and my younger sister when our parents died in a fire.

When we went to his side, he trained us and let us learn self-defense. I was ten years old when he gave me taekwondo lessons. I was fourteen when he taught me to use some weapons like a gun, knife, and more.

At first, I didn't get why we needed to do those things. Later on he explained that when we got older we'd work for him as a secret agent. Honestly, I didn't mind it. And I think Jin do too. Because I also wanted to take criminology so I didn't complain.

We bowed as a respect before sitting down in front of him.

"I received a call from the police station. Particularly NBI and it looked like this is an important matter. You'll be having a new mission, like I said in the call. Some of them would come here and bring the witness along from the recent incident. They claimed that this incident is a lot bigger than it looks like." MASTER HAWK said.

We didn't wait for too long when two men from NBI brought another man with them.

"Mister Hawkins, we were sent here to explain the recent incident from The Red. We also brought here the witness."

The man in the middle nodded before bowing down and introducing himself.

"Hello, I'm Hordon Jackson and I am the primary witness."

"Wait, aren't you that racer? The one who competed not long ago in U.K?" JIN hyung asked that made me look at him again, this time carefully.

"Yes. I just returned to Korea this afternoon. I slept throughout the day. After that I ate dinner and went straight to The Red to celebrate with a friend of mine when the incident happened..."




awhile ago . . .

When I heard the gunshot, I immediately went down and hid under a table. Even Riko who was drunk suddenly sobered up and hides under too.

The first gunfire shot the cocktail glass that I was looking at awhile ago. Followed by a rain of gunshots that was too many that I don't even know where it came from.

The shooting spree didn't last long. When I was sure that there was no more gunshots, I stood up and looked around.

The walls were now filled with holes from the gunshots. Most of the glasses and liquor bottles at the bar were broken. Overall, both the bar and club look so catastrophic.

Later, all the people in The Red Bar & Club went out from their hiding place and immediately called the police. Most were panicking and don't know what to do.

Meanwhile I continued to look around my surroundings. It looked like no one got hurt or even shot. The place was just ruined.

I look left and right hopefully I could make out who made this and see them making an escape.

And I was right.

Because not too far from where I was, the sight of a woman went inside the comfort room. And her clothes were familiar to me. I saw this outfit because I was watching over the woman who was wearing that outfit tonight.

That's why I immediately stomp my way there. I know it's a female's comfort room but I still went inside.

I then checked out every stall until I got to the end stall. Where I saw a little ventilation on the ceiling where I'm certain that a person can fit in.

I climbed up using the closed-toilet bowl but when I tried to open it I found that it was locked from the inside.

I cursed and even slammed my palm onto the ceiling. I almost had her. I could've followed her.

But it looks like this beautiful woman was smart. And even experienced.

❮ ✈︎ ❯

While Hordon was telling his story, August tried to catch my attention and so he did.

"Jin hyung, can you call Rein hyung?" AUGUST whispered.

I immediately get what he wanted to say so I called Rein. When he answered, I heard the sound of the loud party music.

"Oh, Jin?!"

"Rein, you need to go home. Especially Jimmy don't let him get drunk." I said.

"Too late. He's a bit intoxicated with alcohol already. By the way, why so?"

"We have a new mission."

That sentence alone is enough for Rein to follow and end the call, and I guess handle the others.

When Hordon finished his story, I saw August looked at the two personnel from NBI.

"I get the situation. It's indeed catastrophic and out of the blue. Pero why do you say that this matter is something so serious that we have to be involved?" AUGUST asked.

"Well, the one who'll be really handling this case will come next time and give you all the details. But all we can say now is that this incident is connected to a case that everyone is afraid of now."

"In the incident that happened awhile ago, the team noticed something. The gunshots on the walls tells something. The gunshots on the walls form a letter 'J'."

My forehead creased as I heard what they claimed. I knew the news about the letter J. Just from that information, I finally understood and know how serious this case is.

"I'm sure aware you are aware of this trademark. And yes, this trademark belongs to the infamous Miss Troublemaker, the serial killer."

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