
Chapter 1

"It should be close by now, right?"

A teen with fair skin, green eyes, and short, dark brown hair parted on the left asked himself.

He was nearing the edge of a precipice near the waters of a misty swamp.

"Oh it is, nice…"

"Those backstabbing dudes back home didn't even have the decency to bring back the body…"

Even though he was the only one in the fog-filled marsh, he seemed to be talking to someone and getting answers.

The boy was named Akira, and he was from Suna.

He didn't have any eyes or eyebrows that stood out. He had dark circles under his eyes like a raccoon, which could be a sign that he didn't get enough sleep. The kanji for "evil" was written on the right side of his brow. He had parted his hair, so even though it was spiky and in a bit of a mess, it was easy to see his forehead. He was in good shape.

He was wearing a black bodysuit with an open neckline, t-shirt-style sleeves, and leggings that were almost as long as his bodysuit. He also wore a white cloth over his right shoulder and on the left side of his hips. He was also carrying a brown, beige leather bag that looked like a sarcophagus on his back.

After he was done listening to the instructions in his head, Akira walked around for a while before stopping at a spot on the half-wet land near the pond.

He was actually a reincarnator from the modern world, and he has been living in Naruto for a few months now. He hadn't gotten a system; instead, he had some kind of talking plug-in that didn't use words to talk. After Akira did something, it was supposed to work fully.

Akira was doing that right now.

He had to dig up a body.

Akira had to go on a mission that led him legally to the land of water in order to do this.

He had to wait for this kind of mission to show up since he didn't want to be labelled a fugitive by his father, the Kazekage.

Just thinking about one of his brothers, Gaara, running after him across the land of the elemental villages for his life was enough to convince him to wait long enough.

In this universe, Akira was the last son of Rasa, the fourth Kazekage. Temari and Kankuro were his siblings, too.

Akira was also appalled at first, but he quickly got used to his new life and family.

Even though he didn't have the best family life, he realized quickly that he was born talented. He had a lot of talent. He was just too young, and his cheat hadn't been fully turned on yet.

This world didn't seem to be very normal. It wasn't exactly the Naruto world he was used to in terms of strength and talent, so he had to turn it on to get more helpful tricks up his sleeve.

In this world, it didn't seem like there was a limit to how strong a shinobi could get... And it was very scary. Even scarier than the fact that there has never been a sage of six paths in this world's history.

Akira knew what this meant, and when he thought about a certain missing sealed beauty a few months ago, it made him sad, but it was what it was...

However, this world was already too complicated and dangerous; the map was several times larger than the standard one. And there were fucking strong Samurai in it, so maybe it was best that there were no alien threats in the sky.

"Okay, let's unearth this beauty and head back home."

"She must've been real lonely all these years…"

As Akira spoke, a shovel appeared out of nowhere in his hands. It didn't come from the funeral bag on his back, but from thin air.

He started digging right away, channeling chakra through his hands and one of his feet, which was pushing on the shovel to add pressure to the ground.

He was already quite used to digging up things from his Suna lifestyle, even though his father, who saw him as a genius, said he didn't have to attend these kinds of jobs.

After a few seconds of digging quickly, Akira's shovel hit something soft. It was flesh, and it was what he was looking for. He stopped digging right away, so he wouldn't damage what he was trying to get.

The 'what' in question was a human being. A woman.

Akira finally got a full view of the person's figure after some more digging. Climbing down into the hole he dug, he knelt beside the body, gazing at a face that had become skeletal and was being devoured by wriggling worms on the bones that still had some decomposing flesh mixed with damp sand.

"Ah, not much of a beauty anymore,"

He remarked, feeling a bit of a pity at the scene in front of him, grossed out.

"Who would think that this pile of clothes and bones was the once-famous Shinobi beauty Sakura from our Sand village?"

"How tragic and brief is life..."

The kid let out a sigh, feeling like life was pointless. He sounded like he had been through it all, even though he hadn't really experienced much yet.

"Let's get you a new face and a new breath..."

Akira suddenly muttered under his own breath, checking to see if anyone was looking at him through his plugin.

Aside from this one and the inventory, it didn't have many functions yet. Since he was a puppeteer like his oldest brother, the other two had to do with resurrection and disguise.

Akira wasn't from a long line of strong people, but he had everything he needed to be successful in the future.

The Uzumaki lived in this world, and it was strange that even though there were many powerful clans, most of the world's events had happened the same way up until after the third ninja war.

Akira sighed as he thought about how that Naruto kid still ended up in Konoha and how his father was still alive. He didn't have time to think about geniuses or the chunin exams coming up in Konoha.

He had spent too much time here and had to go back to his own village.

After scaring away any bugs and worms, he put his hand on Pakura's skull bones and turned on the powers of his plugin.

As soon as he did it, something strange happened. The figure, which was dead and had no flesh on it, started to get flesh at a rate that didn't seem real. In just a few seconds, even the skin on the woman's arms had grown back.

She had a full body of flesh and only needed a new face and a breath to be alive.

"This? It's bigger than I thought…"

Akira turned red when he put his hand on Pakura's chest and felt her breast.

"*Cough… *Cough…"

He coughed a few times to hide how awkward he felt, even though he was alone and no one could judge him. Then, he straightened up again and turned on the power again. This time, the process was different, and the woman's heart, which had been still and lifeless, started beating strongly again.

Minutes later, when she finally opened her eyes, he had changed her face. She now looked like a sexy woman in her 40s with long black hair and a full figure.

Akira liked her original look, but he couldn't take Pakura back to the village with her original face right now. As soon as he was strong enough, or after his father died, if he did, he would change her back to how she looked before.

He didn't bring her back to life because she looked good, but because he had to. As soon as she woke up, his plug-in, which had been mostly inactive and was missing a key feature, made a loud noise in his mind.

"Where am I?"

As Pakura spoke, she sat up and looked completely confused.

She hadn't noticed Akira, who was still processing the new information in his head. The resurrection feature had apparently vanished forever, but he had gained something new and invaluable…

Months ago, Akira came back to life with the word "evil" tattooed or carved in black on his forehead. No one, including him, knew how this had appeared out of nowhere, but now he did.

Something had been sealed within Akira. And this something had to do with Pokemon, their various types, abilities, and template mechanics.

He wasn't just a string puller anymore, it seemed… He also wasn't a trainer or animal tamer out of the blue. He was a Jinchuriki as well as a Pokemon....

"Are you serious?"

"I even have types?"

Akira was dumbfounded.

The plugin however didn't respond and had disappeared, leaving him to command and discover every power left for him.

"Who are you?"

Pakura suddenly noticed the young boy speaking behind her and asked cautiously, as if she was ready to make a move against him at any moment.

"My name is Akira. Let me explain your current situation."

Akira replied, not panicked.

Despite his lack of roughshod and full-fledged strength, he had obtained four Pokemon types with no weaknesses. Two of them were extremely resistant to fire and flying moves, the latter of which seemed to correspond to wind in this world…

It was incredible, and he was still processing it.


Moments went by.

Akira finished explaining the situation to Pakura, who was totally blown away, not just by the fact that she had come back to life.

He couldn't stop her from leaving right now, so it was up to her to decide if she wanted to come back to Suna with him.

He didn't care which way it went. To be honest, he didn't care much about Suna or his father, so she could plot however she wanted.

Once she was calm again, she asked,

"What do you think I should do?"

"That's not up to me to decide," Akira said with no care.

"What do you want to do?"

In this world, he didn't even care that much about Gaara. He only cared about his sister, who was waiting for him on the road.

He told her not to follow him because he had to do something secret around here. She was probably worrying herself sick as time went on.

There was no way she could track his footsteps and get to this place herself though, not with the way the plugin used to function.

It was a pity, by the way. All Akira had left was the disguise power, his inventory and the Pokemon powers he now understood in full.

"I want vengeance on Rasa and the elders…"

Pakura stated through gritted teeth, believing Akira to be an ally. He had to be because he was the one who brought her back to life. She had no idea how he did it and was wary of him despite his youthful appearance.

"I don't think I can do much to help you. I still find the village useful."

He replied honestly.

Pakura was still breakable, she needed to eat, and she was rusty, but he was sure that even when she was at her best, she wouldn't be able to kill him with the resistances he had now. He was her worst enemy because he was Steel, Fire, Psychic, and Flying types.

He also had one Pokemon move for each type, and since he was a natural flying type, he could even fly.

"Useful? You don't have any feelings for the village, do you? Has anything happened to you as well?"

Pakura asked, curious and unsure.

"I'm Rasa's son... In my case, discussing love or hatred isn't really appropriate."

Akira replied.

"You're Rasa's son?!"

Pakura was taken aback by the response and scowled.

"Yes, but do I want your life? I handed it over to you."

Akira smiled and sat. This Pakura was intriguing and unexpected, so he decided to let Temari stew in worry a bit longer. He did not perceive her to be so composed and thoughtful.

The plugin was powerful and strange, and her new disguise had even changed her clothes, making her unrecognizable. She was now dressed like Haku, but with a color scheme that matched Suna's desert style.

He had already figured out how to get her into Suna. She'd have to pass all the exams, including the upcoming chunin exams, if she wanted to reclaim her former status as an elite jonin.

Even if she chowed down and took a break for days, Akira figured that at her best game right now, she'd only be a low tier jonin at most.

"That's shocking." Pakura couldn't think of anything else to reply. She was, however, intelligent enough to recognize truths.

"You're too frail to face a whole village, and vengeance is never late. I believe you should accompany me and seriously consider your future. You can't be Kazekage even if you kill Rasa right now. Wasn't that your original dream?"

Akira did some more convincing.


Pakura kept her mouth shut. Akira had a valid point…

Akira said again,

"The world's pattern is also slightly different from what you recall. The Samurai from the Northern landmass could break the alliance with the Shinobi nations at any time."

"Now that Samurai have fully figured out Chakra and Samurai Jutsus, those Samurai ambassadors from the Land of Iron are becoming more powerful and arrogant. Skirmishes could break out anywhere in the world at any time."

He continued,

"The Uzumaki have become unstoppable in the East as well, and the number of peninsulas and countries they have conquered is becoming concerning. They're basically self-sustaining."

Pakura was stunned and asked,

"Has the world changed this much in the time since I died?"

Akira said,

"A lot has changed, but Konoha and Kumo have remained the strongest throughout it all. They have the strongest Shinobi and have even welcomed new clans each."

"The number of previously unknown clans seeking refuge as the eras worsen and disputes between Shinobi escalate is likely to increase as I speak."

"Right now, we are the weakest... You know what this means with the Samurai becoming more daring up there, right?"

Pakura gulped and said,

"A mess… Another Shinobi war…"

Akira smiled and said,

"Indeed, alliance betrayals and treachery are not unthinkable. The Samurai and Uzumaki can fish in troubled waters and come out on top. Your little revenge plot can wait until a war breaks out or until you're strong enough to take over my father legally."

"I have nothing against him, but he really isn't enough of a deterrent in this crazy world that keeps getting crazier."

Pakura thought and asked,

"How strong is Rasa right now? And how strong are you?"

Pakura desired vengeance, but she died because she loved the village... She wished to lead it to greatness and lasting peace. Akira responded to her as he stood, seeing the final ray of dream that he was hoping to perceive in her eyes through his rational persuasion.

"My father? His strength should be around low right now, Kage; I don't believe he's made much progress since your days. He should have been Elite Jonin back then, right?"

Pakura nodded and asked again,

"What about you?"

Akira replied truthfully, keeping his new ace up his sleeve, which wasn't his strength but his flawless elemental resistances.

"I feel like an elite chunin in terms of what I can kill. I won't tell you what's different about me though..."

Pakura said,

"You can resurrect yourself?"

Akira laughed and replied,


Of course, he wasn't going to tell her that he could die; he wasn't that dumb.

Pakura scowled again. She looked worried this time. Even though she had never faced one, she was sure that an enemy that never died was a terrible thing.

It would be a tenacious, terrifying plague.

Akira asked, "So."

With a devious smile, hoping to scare her a little.

"Will you accompany me or not? Nobody will be able to identify you."

Pakura had no choice but to agree because she didn't want to take any chances.

She and Akira were back on the road seconds later, with her asking more questions and getting to know the mystery boy who had returned her life a little better.

He still wouldn't say anything about how he managed to resurrect her.

It seemed that it would remain an enigma…


Akira informed Pakura that they would not be returning home quickly and would stop several times along the way for her to rest.

He also persuaded her of the procedure she would have to follow if she returned to Suna with him. She'd have to take the chunin exams with him a month later.

She agreed to everything even though she was feeling anxious about meeting Rasa at this point. She didn't think she could keep her cool seeing his face again.

Pakura only scorned Rasa and had no qualms about any of his other children, as Akira mentioned his siblings.

As they approached a roadside inn, Akira and she were laughing about her entire revenge scheme, which was now going to be a slow burn. They were on their way to a location where they would have to board boats to get to the other shore.

They needed to get back to the continent from the water country islands.

A person suddenly dashed out of the inn at that moment, a sweet stick of circular food dangling from her mouth. She noticed them, and Akira noticed her as well.

This person was Temari.

"I was worried about you, you son of a bitch!"

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

She yelled at her brother as she charged towards him, tears streaming down her cheeks from concern and anger.

Akira extended his arms to embrace his sister, but she caught him off guard and whipped out her massive fan from behind her back to whack him instead!

It was time to put his Steel type properties and wind resistances to the test.



This is a 3066-word chapter, so please allow me to do my thing below. Thanks.



Water is a natural gift given to us by nature. Drinking water regularly in daily basis is the best way we can give to our bodies. Some of us drink it when we are thirsty and some of us drink it when we are fully hydrated. The surprising thing is that there are some people who don't like drinking water at all. In facts, we need water to keep our health no matter who we are. The importance of drinking water for our bodies is paramount to our health, because it makes up to 70 percent of our bodies' weight. There are four fulfilling benefits of drinking water to our bodies, such as it can speed up our metabolisms, make our skins healthier, lose our weight, and stay alert.

The first benefit of drinking water is it can speed up our metabolisms. Increased hydration levels have an effect of increasing the blood volume. The increased of blood volume helps the transport of oxygen to our bodies' cells. It also facilitates the transport of waste out the cells. If our cells are hydrated properly, our metabolisms will be optimal. The more water we consume, the more efficient our cells can work.

The next benefit is it can make our skins healthier. Drinking water can help our skins healthier, refreshed, and radiant for sure. Our skins will look unhealthy when the toxins are remained in our bodies. The role of water here is to flush the toxins away out of our bodies. Our skins need a lot of water to stay hydrated and supple, so we have to make sure that we drink enough water each day. We need to drink water for about 8 – 10 glasses in a day in order to keep our skins healthy.

The third benefit is water can lose our weight. When we are in a diet or fitness program, there is a suggestion that we have to drink a lot of water. Water can help us to suppress our appetite, so we don't eat as much as usual. Drinking water also helps our bodies to burn the fat in our bodies, and so our weight can be reduced. Some people say that drinking 15 liters of water in a day can help in losing our weight drastically. By the loss of our fat in our bodies, we can be healthier because some diseases caused by the fat will be avoided.

Finally, water can make us stay alert and focus. When we are properly hydrated, the circulation in our body will be good. By the fact, our brains are made up 85 percent of water, so we have to stay hydrated to help our brains. If our brains are properly hydrated, it will keep the mood fresh and active. People who drink less water often feel bored and less enthusiastic. Meanwhile, people who drink more water are really energetic and full of zeal. It also helps our bodies in relieving the fatigue of the body.

In conclusion, drinking water is a very important thing to our bodies' health. Not only human, but also all of the organisms need water to survive. The importance of drinking water for our bodies is paramount to our health, because it makes up to 70 percent of our bodies' weight. There are four fulfilling benefits of drinking water to our bodies, such as it can speed up our metabolisms, make our skins healthier, lose our weight, and stay alert. So, we have to consume water as much as we can to keep our body in a good condition.


Mint leaves create a cool sensation in the mouth. Toothpaste, mouthwash, breath mints, and chewing gum are all commonly flavored with mint.

In addition to freshening breath, mint adds flavor to foods and drinks – everything from ice cream and tarts to lemonade and cocktails to meat dishes (especially lamb).

There are many varieties of the mint plant, and most fall under the genus mentha. Because mint plants spread quickly, gardeners tend to grow them in containers. When planted directly into the ground, they can become invasive and take over a garden.

Mint grows natively on all continents except Antarctica. Peppermint and spearmint are likely the most commonly used mint varieties, but many others exist, such as wild mint and water mint.

Some plants referred to as "mint" also fall under the genus monarda. Both mentha and monarda genuses are within the same family, called lamiaceae. Monarda mints include horsemint, catmint, and stonemint.

All varieties of mint leaves may be used fresh, in dried herb form, brewed as a tea, or concentrated in an essential oil.

Health Benefits of Mint

Traditional medicine uses mint to treat a variety of ailments. Unfortunately, there aren't many human studies documenting the impact mint has on the body apart from digestion support and irritable bowel syndrome relief. With time, research could confirm that mint is useful in treating a wider variety of illnesses.

Mint is perhaps most popularly known as a remedy for digestive problems. Some limited research suggests that peppermint oil in capsules may ease belly pain from irritable bowel syndrome.

Animal and in vitro studies suggest that mint leaves could have wider medicinal uses than those currently known. These types of studies have found that mint is able to kill bacteria, reduce stress, and fight cancerous tumor cells. Human trials will be required to determine if mint also has these effects on the human body.


The nutritional content of mint varies slightly across varieties.

Nutrients per serving

One tablespoon of fresh peppermint contains:

Calories: 1

Protein: 0 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbohydrates: 0 grams

Fiber: Less than 1 gram

Sugar: 0 grams

Fresh peppermint also contains small amounts of vitamins A and C.

One tablespoon of fresh spearmint contains:

Calories: 3

Protein: 0 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbohydrates: 0 grams

Fiber: Less than 1 gram

Sugar: 0 grams

Fresh spearmint also contains small amounts of vitamins A and C, as well as the minerals iron and calcium.

Potential Risks of Mint

Because mint is an herbal remedy, you should consult with your doctor before taking it or any other supplement. Still, mint is safe for most people, and consuming it doesn't typically cause side effects.

Allergies to mint are uncommon. In people who are allergic to mint, an interaction with the herb can trigger asthma symptoms. For this reason, people who are allergic to mint should avoid it completely. Other may issues include:

GERD concerns

While mint or mint water may help with some symptoms of digestive ailments, studies show it can worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease. People with GERD should avoid mint and mint water, as they can trigger their symptoms.


When consumed in large amounts, mint may cause adverse effects. Peppermint oil on the skin can cause irritation and rashes. It should not be applied to the face. More research is needed on the long-term effects of regularly consuming mint, so it's best to consume it in moderation.

How to Prepare Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are useful for more than fresh breath. Add variety to your food and beverages by using mint in these recipes:

Chocolate cake


Zucchini or squash soup

Lettuce salad

Bean salad

Lamb dishes

Chicken dishes

Vegetables side dishes, such as peas

Pork chops

You can also make "mint water." Mint water is a simple and refreshing beverage that's a healthy alternative to soda or sugary drinks. It contains no sugar, no caffeine, and very few calories.

You can make mint water at home by steeping mint leaves in boiling water and then chilling to your preferred temperature – no muddling required!

Mint water made with one-quarter cup of fresh mint contains:

Calories: 4 to 12

Protein: 0 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbohydrates: 0 grams

Fiber: 0 grams

Sugar: 0 grams

Sodium: 8 milligrams

Chapitre suivant