
Born In Ash

Narrowly escaping death after being betrayed by his gang and those closest to him, Francisco lost everything he once held dear. Plunged into the cold waters of despair, he saw no reason to continue. Yet, after fleeing south, he gradually learns to live, love, and trust again. But can this newfound peace endure?

CorruptIdiot · Urbain
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28 Chs

Chapter 6: Their Worlds




"Si Jefe? Lo siento, nomas (I'm sorry, I was)…"

"What are you thinking of, Alejandro."

"Nothing, jefe; I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, it's okay. Everything is perfectly fine, right?"

"Of course it is jefe… I mean, we fucked those guys up north. That's what I was worried about."

Vicente stood up from a luxurious desk. His well-groomed hair and clean-shaven face made it look like he was a high-tier businessman.

Up close, he was intimidating. Muscles bulged through the black and white suit he was wearing as his fierce black eyes analyzed his enemies. He slowly stepped towards Alejandro, towering over him.

"You're right, we completely fucked them up, didn't we."

"Yeah… So, there really isn't anything to worry about."

"No. That's where you're wrong, Alejandro, you see…"

Vicente walked around Alejandro while speaking, all before standing right in front of him. Then, leaning on the front of his desk, he stared into Alejandro's eyes.

"There's always something to worry about."

He smiled at Alejandro, crossing his arms and motioning for Alejandro to stare out a large window towards the end of the office.

They both walked towards it and looked out. There, children could be seen playing as faint trails of smoke came out of every adult.

"Take my territory, for example. I'm always anxious, worried that something or someone could take it all from the very palm of my hand."

"I don't know what you are trying to say."

"You could say that's a flaw of mine, many of my foes would say that… However!"

The two stared at his palm as he closed it and fisted it up, causing visible veins to pop out of his arms and hands.

"I would say that gives me the edge. An unnatural suspicion of everything. Even you."

"What!? Jefe, I would never."

"Alejandro. I will be frank with you. Did you have anything to do with Francisco's escape?"

"H-His escape? I thought he was killed?"

"It's alright, you don't have to act stupid in front of me. He's alive. I've always known that son of a bitch to be tenacious."


"That's why I am asking this. Because even this has me stumped… Just how could he escape so seamlessly."

"Well, jefe, how would I know."

"Ha. Don't you see it? It was obvious one of my own men helped him escape."

"Then, are you saying I did it?"

"No… In all honesty, I have no clue who did it."

"Then why am I here, jefe."

"Let's just say… It's a sixth sense. That is why, Alejandro, I will ask you again. Did, you, have anything. Anything… to do with his escape."

"No! Absolutely not, jefe. Why would I be such a dumb ass to help him."

Vicente did not say anything for minutes as the two sat in silence. The evening sun shone down on the two of them through the window as they both stared at the surrounding buildings and apartments. Then, Vicente patted Alejandro on the back before saying.

"Maybe you're right. Alright, you're free to leave Alejandro."

"Yes, of course, jefe. I know you have suspicions, but I certainly would have never done such a thing."

Vicente looked at Alejandro deeply before stating.

"I certainly hope so, Alejandro. You know the saying… An eye for an eye. Don't you agree with that?. When someone does something, they should expect an equal and opposite return."

"Of course, jefe. If I ever decided to betray you, which I would never do, any punishment would be fine. Haha, I just hope you don't go after my family."

"Don't worry. I would never stoop so low."

"Haha, that's good to hear. I'm gonna head out now, jefe."

"All right, make sure to keep good guard over your portion."

"Of course, jefe."

Vicente then motioned for Alejandro to leave before continuing to stare out the window.

A moment later, a light knock could be heard at a door on the other side of the office before it opened.

A man walked in and stood behind Vicente as he continued to stare out the window. Seconds later, he turned around and faced the man who walked in.

"How did it go?"

"Everything's unstable right now. A fucking fight nearly broke out because of it all."

"Didn't I tell you to handle it?"

"It isn't that easy. They're calling bullshit on our excuses. They're finding out it's all a sham.


"Their loyalty to him falls deep; it's something that will take time."

"Do you think we have that?"

Vicente walked past him and sat down at his desk before motioning for the man to do the same.

"We're having fights break out north, it's only a matter of time before Emilio goes all in."

"Vicente. We can't have it all break down now."

"I know… Hell, I'm the one who knows that the most."

"What you need to do now is gain loyalty."

"You already know there's no more time. We'll have to go in like this."

"Fuck. I wouldn't have done this if I knew."

Vicente looked at the man in front of him, gazing deeply into his eyes.

"Javier. Remember this: without me, this entire family falls apart. Right now, I am the only one that can still keep this together."


"Javier, go get ready. We'll kill them before they can kill us."


"Get everybody ready; although I don't want anyone to die, this has to be done. For this family. Now go"


Javier stood up and walked out, leaving Vicente alone to grasp the meaning of this war.

Not only have they changed heads, but they are the most disorganized they can be. Rumors being mixed in by all sides are not making things easier.

Being this unorganized, abandoning territory, or coming to an agreement may have been wiser. But for Vicente, he has to prove that he has what it takes to be headstrong. And that means fighting and winning this territorial dispute. Every single one of his members is watching, waiting for a single moment of weakness. His men do not want someone who cowers in the face of the strong. They want someone who acts. Someone who will win and make them prosperous. Here, there is no room to talk anymore; now, there is only time for action.


Will post second portion tomorrow.

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