7 Aftermath

Luis came up to me on his phone but i didn't hear what he said but understood i had to leave now, i suppose he called someone to clean up or the cops. we didn't talk, which was fine i could barely form words i just wanted to cry. By the time Sam pulled up around the block Luis had wrapped his arm around me to stop my shivering, it didnt work very much but it was nice that someone understood i was having a difficult time. When we got in the car Sam asked how I was and yet again someone cared, after that luis and sam talked about how i did good. I completed my first job without any help or issues and that not very often does that happen. We pulled up down the road from my house early and i got a message from noah asking if i made it home safe and that he had fun. Luis and sam both looked at me, it seemed like they were waiting for me to cry and i wanted to. " you did great guardian and you dont need to feel ashamed embarrassed or worried about anything. you did your job and we can see how you will continue doing your job very well, your not as fragile as you think." Luis had told me in a proud voice while opening my door. He wrapped his arm around me and hugged me then shook my hand and said he would text me or if i needed anything to call him. Walked home and into my house where my mother was slowly falling asleep, she woke up and asked how it went. I told her it went well and had a lot of fun and was hoping to do it next weekend to, mom seemed happy and oblivious as to the fact she now had a blood thirsty killer in the house, of course she didn't know.

I texted Noah back to let him know i was home safe and had a lot of fun hanging out with him, i was almost afraid to tell him even though i wanted to so much. I couldn't, he wouldn't believe me, but there was a chance he would love me.

I went on with my week perfectly fine, till i got a message thursday from Luis that a car was waiting for me after school and it would have me home on time. I told noah that my mother would pick me up and go shopping so he wouldnt worry about me. 3:00 the bell rang and i left class went straight outside to the front gate, i heard a car start up and drive towards the side walk in front of me. A man stepped out and opened the door then held his hand out to me, i felt nervous and excited. No one had really held the door for me let alone opened it for me, i walked to the car and heard noah call out my name. My heart sank my body wanted to drop the man looked up at me as i looked at him i turned around and seen Noah, before i could stop myself my eyes had changed i felt the change and my teeth felt stronger and ached. The man who was holding the door had finally said, " Guardian it is your job to come with us and my job to take you by any means. If you do not get in or change your eyes back i will make you." I turned to look him in the face, eyes fully changed and fierce my teeth visible as they ached, he looked scared for a few seconds and then set his jaw tight. Noah walked to me seem the man and the way he looked then took my hand, i tried to close my eyes and change them but it was not enough. Noah seen my eyes closed, " honey open your eyes let me see." He said it in a tender voice i couldn't refuse, the man seemed shocked and the driver got out, they both realized i was breaking rules and they couldnt stop it. My eyes opened and looked straight at noah, he looked shocked and surprised but never afraid. That moment my teeth stoped hurting my eyes relaxed and changed back and he just looked like he was going to pass out from shock. "You hide your eyes from me and your getting into a strangers car, and I know they are strangers because they act like they can stop you. Why haven't you told me?" Noah looked me in the eyes like i hurt him. "I didnt mean to and it just started last weekend, its all new to me and i was afraid to tell you amor." I couldnt stop myself i had to tell him the truth. The men who came for me looked like they were going to die, the driver said to get us both in the car and Luis would handle it since i was his subordinate anyway. I looked at him and said," if you come with me i promise you will be safe by any means possible." "I believe you but does that mean you would hurt yourself to keep me safe?" Noah seemed perplexed and curious about how i could do that. " As long as your safe im safe and as long as your alive im still fighting." I knew it was sappy but it was true for me. We both got in and the men seemed surprised it was so easy, they started to drive off and I knew I had to tell him.

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