
Not qualified

Dyonis soon became the center of attention within the great hall, all eyes and focus were on him, be it the elders, the children and the patriarch everyone was curious if he could be trained to become a knight of the house.

'sigh... come on Dyonis show in front of everyone who mocked you how strong you are and show to father that you are not an embarrassment' the little Dyonis encouraged himself and walked forward under the intense gaze of every single person present.

"put your hand on the spiritual rock" ordered the elder. hesitantly Dyonis put his hand on the rock while sighing and waiting anxiously the result of his future. Seconds passed, seconds soon became minutes and still there was no sign of glowing.

"Not qualified" said the elder, and the young child of ten years heard the words he desperately hoped to never hear.

"The ceremony is not over yet... Next one" continued the priest.

"What an embarassment" said lord Richard before standing up and getting out of the hall.

the words were heard by everyone present and soon the hall was full of chattering and gazes full of derision towards the sad child. Soon the great house was empty and only a single person remained, the bastard. he was still there not knowing how to react and what he should do from that moment on. " Do not despair my child"

Dyonis heard a voice behind him, turning around he saw to his surprise that it was Geralt Aurelio. "if you failed to become a knight, you can still be a warrior, even though your a bastard you still share my blood, from tomorrow you will clean the knight's training area. If you are smart you will see the opportunity in it, otherwise be prepared to clean for the rest of your life" said the patriarch before leaving.

At dawn of the next day, the black haired child could be seen slowly and sadly walking toward the training ground.

"yawn" the still sleepy guy soon became unable to breathe,

"... gasp" as soon as he arrived he saw the sworn sword and bastard brother of the Duke, Isaac Aurelio, brown hair, and brown eyes even, even though he was sixty-two years old this year he was the strongest knight of the house. Even though he was a bastard he was given the family name for his strength, people called him Sword of the Rising Sun and he was a man respected by all citizens of Leus and he was also the man who inspired awe in Dyonis.

the black haired child remained awestruck seeing his idol training, every sword thrust was as if the air became a thunderstorm and the heat emanating from his sword was boiling the earth, it seemed impossible for a man to reach that power.