
Borders By Borders

Merrygoaroha · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Come Closer My King - Jennie

Today i will be lonely , Nancy will be going to check Jeju Island to check if people there need food or stuff , so i'm here alone with Kai , hope nothing happen , in drama that me and Nancy watch , if there with there Crush something happens , so lets just wish nothing happen will Kai is a good boy and i don't want our friend ship to be ruined because of love.

After Hours past without Nancy , Kai ask me if what is my favorite dessert but i think an Ice cream is an dessert so i said Ice Cream , I'm feeling excited because Ice cream is my Favorite hope he buy some and I'm also hoping that he get Milk Flavor that's my Favorite flavor.

Time Skip (Lunch)

I was called from my room to eat Lunch and when i came to the dining room , i saw multiple of food on the table , i don't know why Kai is doing this but at least i can eat , but i have that odd feeling on me , but maybe im just hungry so lets eat.

*After Eating*

i was so full that my diet is no more , Kai Asked me "How was the Food" and i was so blushing and i replied "Thank you so much , the food was GOOD" , and he replied "Just stay there more food is coming , my mind was like "Is he gonna make us Fat or he is just Odd?" , the Dessert arrive and its all Ice Cream and its also Milk Flavor My Brian again was like "Goodbye Diet , hello Ice cream" , and when we finished the dessert , I thank him for it , and he asked me if both of us can visit jeju-do , and without Nancy i was scared but i said YES.