

In this book I am going to lazily attempt to write my first novel rather than a few lines or at best a novella.

The story is undecided at this moment in time and may take months or even years to write to completion if not set up for a sequel if I am enjoying writing.

The story will most likely consist of more than one character, potentially even more than one main character.

The story will most likely be intended to take you on a journey like that attempted to be set up with the majority of my novellas or few liners, such as "journey through life with me: a novella" or "the birds and the bees" I think that's what they're called anyway I'm too tired to care and too lazy.

I intend to write this story without the use of AI however probably with help from the internet for synonyms and grammar uses.

If I am struggling to think of what to write I may invest money into a novel writing short course to fuel the mind and induce those creative juices.

If I am honest right now I have no idea what the story will be about. Inspirations coming to mind are "The OA" and "Sense 8" both from Netflix. Even though I have only completed one season of the OA and watched some if not one episode of sense 8. *revisited* oh and black mirror.

I guess what inspires me about them is that there is new phenomenon unfolding in each show and almost a eureka moment. Or from what I've seen at least.

It will have notes of the supernatural although not quite involving superheroes or villains, rather a blend of good and evil in each character. I think at least.

It's late and I start my internship tomorrow I should probably sleep, it's hella warm out though and I've been trying to sleep for the past 2/3 hours. Maybe this is it, maybe this is the book just writing in first person about life events similar to that of: "A diary of an ordinary man." Is that allowed? I have no idea. I'm getting my word count in though I think I'm already on a couple hundred words this is quite easy and somewhat enjoyable even if it is the rambling of a mad man. Maybe that's what I'll call the novel "the rambling of a mad man" I'm sure there's probably at least one if not more novels or books with that title though.

Is writing supposed to tire you out? I think I've heard that being said before however I don't seem to be getting anymore tired. Maybe a bit I just yawned. I think the former probably refers to stylus and paper though. Stylus being pencil or pen.

I don't know this is just a mad idea I've lost the plot a bit. Going to try sleep now. Hopefully I'll revisit this soon.


Same night or rather early morning (01.37am)

Still can't sleep, haven't really tried. Going to try just get into writing this novel and start somewhere what's the worst that can happen?!

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