
Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage!

Izuku Midoriya, couldn't be a hero. But despite this, he soon finds he's a magnet for trouble, particularly trouble involving children. There a lot's of children in the city with quirks that cause issues for them and the people around them. And if their parent's won't care for them then he will! It may not have been the type of hero he wanted to be. But he's a hero none the less! The Fanfic is made by Kyodon and not mine.

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160 Chs

Chapter 126: Under Attack Part 5

Aoyama had many regrets.

He regretted complaining to his parents so much about his quirklessness. He regretted telling All for One about how long they were staying at the Midoriya Foundation.

And right now he regretted not getting farther away from Chronostasis.

Everything slowed for Aoyama. Ojiro had been hit by the villain's quirk and was slowed down for real. And now, Chrono's hair arrow was headed, to impale his face.

Aoyama was falling backward, he couldn't dodge.

This was it, he was going to die.

Perhaps this is for the best. Aoyama thought, as his impending doom got closer and closer. With this, the U.A. traitor dies. An unglamorous, bloody death. It's what I deserve. Just please, someone save the others. They don't deserve my fate.

Chrono's arrow came inches towards Aoyama's face.

And then, something pushed him to the left.

Aoyama hit the side of the second-floor guard rail, and was on the ground, as Chrono's arrow missed him completely.

"What!?" Chrono shouted in confusion, as he recalled his hair.


Everyone looked down the hall and saw Izuku walking toward them.

"I think you've done enough," Izuku said, glaring harshly at Chrono.


Suddenly Izuku shot toward Chrono at unreal speeds, closing the distance between him and Chrono in less than a second, and punching him in the gut.

"Agh!" Chrono groaned, as the force of Izuku's punch winded him.

"Aftershock." Izuku said.


Chrono went flying off of Izuku's fist, and into the opposite wall.

"W-What!?" Chrono grunted, as he pulled himself out of the wall, and onto his feet, clutching his gut as he tried to process what just happened. "H-How did you-"

"It's my new quirk," Izuku explained, casually walking up to Chrono. "It's called Repel. It allows me to repel myself away from things, or repel things away from me. That includes the air by the way, which is how I did that little dash. And that punch was for Eri."


Izuku repelled himself off of the air behind him, and dash right over to Chrono in the blink of an eye. "And so are these. Piston Onslaught!"

The green teen then unleashed a flurry of blows to Chrono's face, stomach and chest, with each punch, he repel his elbows against the air, thrusting his arm forward into Chrono, before repelling it off of Chrono, to quickly repeat the process. Allowing Izuku to unleash over 30 punches in the span of 3 seconds.

Chrono, now heavily bruised and very dazed, could only try and thrust his arrow hair at Izuku, but Izuku repelled it away from him, causing it to fly around Izuku's head.

Izuku then grabbed Chrono, spun him to the opposite side of him, and then kicked him, repelling Chrono's body away from his foot, causing him to fly forward, and fall on his face.

"Honestly, I'd like to keep hitting you as payback for Eri, but I need to get some payback for my other kids as well." Izuku walked over to Chrono menacingly. "You better prepare yourself. Because this is going to hurt."


"Gah!" Kirishima cried out in pain, blood flying from his mouth, as he was sent flying back from another one of Rappa's assaults.

The red-clad hero in training collapsed onto the ground, falling unconscious as he bled all over the floor.

"Is that it?" Rappa asked as both Tsu and Ochaco stood in front of him. Both of them were badly bloodied and bruised, but still standing to fight. "I was told I was gonna get a good fight!? But this is light work!"

Tsu looked back at Kirishima's unconscious form, before giving Ochaco an apologetic look. "I have to get him to Momo. He's gonna die if he stays on the battlefield."

Ochaco trembled for a moment. She knew what that meant. That she'd have to fight this monster alone. "Ok. Just, be careful. Don't let anyone hit you on your way there."

"Right, Kero." Tsu croaked, before grabbing Kirishima with her tongue and leaping away.

Leaving Ochaco alone, to stand off against Rappa.

"Come on girlie. Show me some real power!" Rappa urged her, as he walked up to her, ready to unleash another flurry of blows.

"You want power." Ochaco grit her teeth, both out of anger, and to prepare herself for the pain that was about to come, as she powered up One for All to 100%, focusing it in her right arm. "I'll give you power."

Ochaco reeled her arm back, and Rappa charged forward, both of them ready to unleash devastating attacks.

Until Kiba flew in and kicked Rappa in the head.

"Gah!?" Rappa, completely taken off guard, was launched to the left, through one of the walls.

Kiba flipped through the air, before landing on her feet. "The queen of eternal darkness has returned! To send you all to the abyss!"

"Kiba!?" Ochaco shouted out in shock, as she powered down One for All, back into 18% full cowling. "What are you-"

"The Seers showed us how your fight was progressing, and we saw you all were struggling. So father allowed us to aide you." Kiba explained.

"What the hell was that!?" Rappa complained, as he got out of the wall, and walked back towards them, clutching his now aching head. "If you're gonna join in the fight do it the real way! Sneak attacks are for cowards."


Suddenly Kyosei's tendrils sprang out from the floor underneath Rappa, and wrapped around his arms, keeping him from moving.

"Then I guess I'm a coward," Fu said, as he popped up from behind Rappa. "Ladies? If you would."

Ochaco looked at Kiba, and the two of them smiled, before looking at Rappa.

"Hey, this ain't a real fight! Don't-" Rappa didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, as both Kiba and Ochaco, rushed forward, and unleashed a flurry of blows on the villain's chest.


Rappa was sent flying back, once again through another wall, ending up in one of the nearby rooms, completely unconscious.

"Serves him right," Ochaco smirked, happy to have finally taken down one of the Yakuza thugs.

Kiba raised her hand towards Ochaco, and Ochaco high-fived her.


"Ohhhhh." Mineta groaned as he and Iida laid on the ground, completely exhausted.

Todoroki and Tokoyami had been thrown to opposite sides, and now Rikiya was looking down on Mineta's helpless form.

"You know, I always wondered if I could squish a person like a bug." Rikiya grinned, as he raised his foot up over Mineta.

Mineta couldn't move, so much of his vitality had been drained, that he could do was close his eyes, and hope he was taller in his next life.

"Hey buzz off!"


Suddenly, Ken flew in as Stinkfly, and shot goop right in Rikiya's face, covering his eyes in green smelly slime.

"Ah! Shit! Rikiya cursed, as he stumbled backward, trying to pull the goop off his face, only to get it stuck to his hands as well.

Once Rikiya had moved back a few feet, Ken looked up at Netsu, who was flying above them. "Now!"

"Haaa!" Netsu aimed down and unleashed a powerful fire blast, that engulfed Rikiya's massive body completely.

When the attack ended, Rikiya was on the ground, his body burnt, and fire surrounding him, but he was still conscious. "Gah. You little-"

It was then that Nara jumped down from the second floor, in front of Rikiya, and let out a massive ice blast, putting out the fires, and freezing Rikiya completely, and now he was too weak to break out.

"Oh thank god." Mineta cried, literally crying tears of joy. "Thank you! I didn't want to die a virgin!"

"Mineta! That is an inappropriate thing to say to children!" Iida scolded him.

Ken flew down and grabbed Mineta and Iida. "Alright, let's get you guys to Eri. It's time for a counterattack."


Sato grit his teeth. Currently, he was holding onto an unconscious Shoji and Sero, both of whom had chunks taken out of their arms.

He was backed up against a wall, while the Trash Trio(Setsuno, Hojo, and Tabe) closed in on him.

"Alright kid," Setsuno said, before pulling out a gun. "Time for you di-"


Suddenly, Shina, who had returned to her Gami form and was thankfully given some of Fuku's clothes, dashed out from nowhere and slashed each of their backs with his scythe.

None of the three even had the chance to cry out, before they all immediately dropped to the floor.

Gami stood over the bodies, looking down to make sure his work was done, before looking up at Sato.

"Hey thanks, kid, but uh, I don't think I've seen you around here before?" Sato said, squinting at the kid to see if he could recognize them.

"I'm new," Gami said simply. "Now let's go. Eri's waiting."

"Uh, these guys aren't breathing," Sato noted nervously, as he looked over the bodies of the Trash Trio.

"That's because they're dead. At least for the next nine minutes." Gami told him, causing Sato to give him a confused and shocked look. "Now come on, if one of those two bleeds out, there's nothing Eri can do to help them."


"Agh," Chrono grunted, as he barely was able to stand. His body was covered with bruises, his face was swollen, and blood was pouring out of his mouth, nose, and busted chin. "This doesn't make any sense. How did you get a quirk?"

Izuku stood in front of him nonchalantly. "Let's just say, you brought on yourself. Speaking of which."

The two of them heard footsteps rush towards them, and before Chrono's dazed mind could process what was happened, he was surrounded by the kids(Except the non-combatant ones), and almost all of 1A. All of whom were completely fine. Not a wound on them, they didn't even look exhausted.

"How-" Chrono stopped himself, when he quickly realized the answer to his question, and spotted Eri, hiding behind Momo's legs. "You! You ruin everything you little-"


Before Chrono could finish his sentence, Izuku rushed forward and gave him one last, strong punch to the face. Laying him out on the floor, unconscious.

"Never, speak to my daughter like that again," Izuku said, as he clutched his hand, which hurt slightly due to the force of his punch.

"Wooooooh! Yeah!" Both the class and the kids cheered, at the final former member of the Yakuza getting what he deserved.

"Is everyone ok?" Izuku asked, looking around to make sure everyone was fine and accounted for.

"It appears so but, we seem to have lost track of Shinso," Momo said, not seeing the sleep-deprived boy anywhere.

"Right here," Shinso said, walking out from the hallway, dragging an unconscious Deidoro with him, wrapped up in his capture scarf. "Figured this guy would make the battle harder for everyone, so isolated him."

"You took on one of those guys on your own! That's mainly as hell!" Kirishima praised.

"Fighting him honestly wasn't that hard, just tedious and nauseating." Shino grimaced. "He was too drunk to realize how my quirk worked, or he was too drunk to get himself to stop talking, so he kept triggering my quirk. Although it seems like you guys had an even easier time. None of you have so much as a scratch."

"That'd be thanks to our favorite Unicorn!" Mina cheered, picking up Eri and hugging her tightly. Causing the mono-horned girl to blush heavily.

"Yeah, you really saved our asses guys! Great job!" Kaminari said, praising all of the kids.

"But, how did you do that dash attack thing on him?" Ochaco asked Izuku. "And how did Eri suddenly learn how to control her quirk?"

"That would be thanks to our newest addition," Izuku said, looking over to Gami who was standing over to the side.

"Where did he come from?" Toru asked, not recognizing the boy.

"It's a long story." Izuku sighed, not wanting to explain that whole situation. "But this is Gami or Shina, but just for now call them Gami. Their quirk makes it so that when they hit something with their scythe, they can kill that person or any part or aspect of that person. Even things like quirklessness, and inexperience."

"Wait so he just gave a quirk!?" Kaminari shouted in shock.

Izuku nodded. "Right."

"How does it feel?" Shinso asked him curiously. "To finally have one?"

Izuku looked down at himself. "Bittersweet. For a lot of reasons. But I'm glad I can finally help fight, and protect my children. Like a real father should."

Ochaco was about to tell him that even without a quirk he was protecting his children, but Fu spoke up first.

"Speaking of fighting. We need to get out there and help." Fu said sternly.

Izuku nodded. "We saw what was happening through the Seers. And it's not going well. We need to help them as soon as possible, or we're going to lose."

"I don't feel like fighting a monster capable of fighting All Might, without All Might," Fu added.

"But how did we fight that thing, even with All Might?" Jiro asked. "Just the wind they make from fighting keeps us from getting close."

"That may be the case for now, but I know someone who'll one day, be able to keep up with, if not surpass All Might," Izuku said, before looking at Ochaco. "And thanks to Gami, we won't have to wait as long to see it happen."