
Blvck Tempest

One who holds the fate of the civilizations that ever existed yet he knows not who He is.

guyiri_yahaya · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Kidnap, Death.

The night was pitch-black, not even the brightest stars gave a sign. Something was strange about this night, the Owls stayed in their roosts, the wolves quiet and crickets, silent. Snoring on an old creaky bed was yours truly in a small cottage that could barely stop a breeze. I was woken up by the sudden screams of livestock in our barn. I got up from the bed trying to find my way to the door when my dad came my way with a lit candle. Together we went out into the barn. He passed me the candle and proceeded to pick up an old rusted rake lying on the damp floor. On entering the barn, a horrific scene awaited us. Old Mabel, our only cow ripped apart in a ghastly manner. Suddenly, the candle I had that was once a golden flame flicked and turned purple. Before I even had the time to react a black mass flashed before my eyes. My dad pushed me out of the way just in time to save me. I fell, the candle went out. I heard the screams of my father and something sinister. The noise died down, I stood up and called out my dad's name but to no avail.

Coincidentally, I heard out in the woods the forceful rustling of leaves and fluttering of birds which gave out curses rather than alarms. I was so gripped by fear to the point where I couldn't move a muscle. But even though with my weak and frail body. I've always felt a sense of responsibility of saving everyone in danger. It happened when my niece Lanae was hanging off a cliff and during the public execution of the chief priest of seraphia. I picked up the rake; it had gotten broken. And jumped out into the nearby woods. The moon had just come out, staying in the outdoors for so long I had developed an acute eyesight. I followed the path left by the creature; it broke branches and crushed rocks. I was barefooted, thorn pricked and I was cut by sharp rocks. But I kept going. I was falling behind, whatever caught my father it sure was fast! Luckily, I was brought up in this same forest, I knew it all too well. I climbed an andex tree (Since it had quite elastic branches) I pulled it and grabbed a branch simultaneously so it would act as a slingshot. I relaxed my effort and it flung me upward at an incredible speed with a forward trajectory. I saw the creature. But I couldn't see it perfectly as it was still too far away.

I landed on a tree, resuming my chase. As I was a bit closer, I could see a human figure but it was comparably larger. I managed to intercept its course, it stopped, snarled at me. I saw its fiery red eyes within its silhouette. I chucked the rake at it with all my might. It sprung over me evading my lob while continuing its course. I figured it could easily kill me, why it avoided me I never knew. My dad was either dead or unconscious as I could see him hanging on its shoulder. On reaching the river that separated the forest from the mountains of yoiga. It jumped over the nearly 200-meter-wide turbulent river. It was disturbingly agile for a thing that size. I jumped into the river; it was quite cold. I swam trying to fight against the currents. I was overcome by the waves and started sinking. Losing oxygen, now I was about to lose consciousness, I sensed a surge of power flowing through my veins; my body experienced a renewed energy I've never felt before, my senses at a heightened state. I could read every miniscule flow of the waves in the river as well as its weakest links. Taking in a deep breath, I cramped every muscle fiber in my body and shot straight out of the water; parting the river in two with a trail of golden light from my dilated pupils. Unable to control my speed, I crashed on the banks of the river. But surprisingly, I was unhurt. Standing up I felt weak, the once sudden gush of energy got drained up so easily but I wasn't going to give up. Staggering I climbed up the path etched on the mountain till I reached the apex seeing my father laying on the ground. But this time around it wasn't a monster but a man with long black hair and black garments, he appeared to be oriental.