
Blue Lock: Talent System

[Blue Lock Fanfic] A story of an old man who was given a second chance and experienced the joy of juggling balls. A/N: Btw, this fanfic is somewhat slow-paced and focuses more on slice of life. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they rightfully belong to their respective creators. ===============================

Justice_Of_Love · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

[18] Mock Battle (1)

"Class dismissed"

The teacher spoke, signaling the end of the class as both students and the teacher started packing their things, including Izumo.

Thankfully, nobody recognized him when he introduced himself earlier.

Perhaps he had overestimated his popularity which both saddened and gladdened him.

Still, at least he would have some peace and quiet in the following days.

After a while, Izumo got out followed by Takashi, still as enthusiastic as ever.

"Let's go eat"

"No can do. I need to go to the soccer club"

"Oh! You're joining soccer?"


Izumo nodded, heading toward the back of the building where the soccer club practices while still being followed by Takashi from behind.

"Maybe, I should join as well"

Takashi muttered, pondering whether to join as well with his newly made friend but decided not to in the end since he knew he didn't have the physical requirement for it.

And not long after, the both of them arrive in front of a grass field with players either warming up or just sitting on the bench, waiting for something or someone.

"I'll go on ahead"

Izumo reminded Takashi and the young man nodded in understanding as he enthusiastically waved his hand goodbye.

And as Izumo reached inside the club room, he was met with nobody.

'I'm the last one, huh...'

It seems Izumo arrived a bit too late as the others must have already arrived ages ago.

Perhaps, the reason they hadn't even started yet was because they were waiting for him.

'This is embarrassing'

Izumo thought, feeling a bit guilty, and hoped that it wasn't the case.

It couldn't really be helped, his teacher was a blabbermouth, storytelling about his great past or whatever which wasted a lot of time.

Without a second thought, Izumo hurriedly opened a random locker, shoved his stuff inside, and closed it afterward.

Turning around, he saw a numbered T-shirt lying on a chair and took it as he shortly wore it.

Though he didn't know whose T-shirt this was, since it was left behind, he assumed it was for him.

And as he arrived back again on the field, an unfamiliar player came up to him.



"Me too!"

The young man beamed as they chatted for a while before he led Izumo to a group of nine players.

"Are they...?"

"First-years as well"

Izumo nodded as the two strolled towards them which the group noticed.

"Akai! You're back"

Another player waved his hand and smiled, greeting the young man who led Izumo to the group.

"Who's this?"

"This is Kizashi"

Akai introduced Izumo to the group of first-years as they all greeted him and introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you, everyone"

Izumo smiled and greeted everyone back while silently examining each and every one of their expressions.

'Nobody seems to recognize me'

Izumo thought and felt somewhat depressed.

He could understand if non-soccer players didn't recognize him but for actual players instead to not know of him...

It saddened him greatly.

"By the way, why haven't we started yet?"

Izumo suddenly asked, making the group quiet with nobody saying a word as they too didn't know the reason.

"I think... we're waiting for the new coach?"

"New coach? Where did you hear that?"

"I heard it from the seniors earlier"

The group started conversing with each other as Izumo merely watched in silence, feeling relief on the inside that it wasn't him who they were waiting for.

Still, Izumo's impression of this unknown coach dropped a bit.

A coach was after all the heart of the team, someone who manages and trains the player but for this man to be late...

It made Izumo ponder whether the man was just like any incompetent coach there is.

He hoped that wasn't the case at least...

It would be quite detrimental to his goal of defeating the Tokyo Conquest if there was baggage on his back.

And just as everyone was preoccupied with their things, the new coach had quietly arrived on the field.

"The coach's here!"


"Everyone line up!"

A senior player yelled, making everyone flinch and jerk as they hurriedly lined up in front of the man, supposedly their new coach for this season.

'He... looks like a drunkard'

Izumo couldn't but help comment, seeing the haggard appearance he had.

Not only that, his clothes were, to say the least looks...


The man looked every bit like a beggar, someone who was just picked out from the streets.

Furthermore, the man was carrying a cane since it looked like his left leg was limping, possibly from an injury.

And as everyone observed him, only one thought appeared in their minds.

'This team's hopeless'

Everyone seems to have the same thought, including the senior players as they wondered why the school would hire such a man.

But only Izumo was thinking otherwise.

'His eyes...'

Izumo had noticed that the man had sharp eyes, it's as if he was looking at a predator.

Not only that, but that man was silently scanning everyone from head to toe, seemingly determining which were the useless ones.

And his temperament and aura were unlike the appearance he was showing.

'A wolf in sheep's clothing'

Izumo thought, feeling that this idiom would perfectly fit with the man in front of him.

And while Izumo was pondering inside his mind, both he and the man coincidently crossed eyes.


The man muttered under his breath as his eyes glowed in a strange light and a terrifying pressure emitted out of him, targetting Izumo.


Izumo who bore the pressure alone, felt heavy and his knees almost gave out with how sudden it came at him.

But he gritted his teeth and endured the pressure as he straightened his back and raised his head, staring directly into the man's eyes.

This seems to elicit a reaction from the new coach as a small smile appeared on his face before the pressure he was emitting vanished all of a sudden.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Akai suddenly asked, seeing Izumo shaking and breathing erratically.

"I'm fine"

Izumo responded and let out a reassuring smile, expressing that there was nothing wrong.

But deep down, he felt cautious and vigilance against this new coach.

"I know everyone's curious, especially the first-years but Mr. Kousuke here will be your new coach from now"


"So please treat him well"

A teacher unknown to Izumo appeared and spoke to everyone, introducing the man to the soccer club.

"Now that, that's over, why don't everyone introduce themselves to Mister-"

"No need"


"Pointless introduction will merely lead to pointless waste of time"

Kousuke rudely interrupted as the man walked forward and stood in front of the players with his right hand behind his back and his left, clutching the cane.

"Let's be real here, everybody... no, most of you think I'm a waste of money"


"So, why don't we get this over with and show how much I'm overqualified for this job, shall we?"

Kousuke arrogantly smirked at everyone, eliciting disbelief and annoyance on their faces.

"I propose a mock battle"


"The freshies versus the old timers"


"And I shall coach the freshies, how does that sound, everyone?"


Justice_Of_Lovecreators' thoughts